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Conspiracy on the black comunity?

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posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 05:52 PM
Actually the culture shift can be blamed on LBJ for his attempt to socially engineer the black community and condition them to believe they are victim's. And so with the victim mentality they still carry around today, it can be said that the blacks living in this country have lost their sense, have lost the powerful minds that their ancestors once carried. Thanks to lbj and his social programs, he's #ed the black community royally...

See what happens when liberals want to play the nanny and take care of everybody?

posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 07:28 PM
I think Black people have endured being second class citizens in America. Perhaps they might find comfort in that Europeans find White American people just the same.Europeans think Americans are low class, thats a though provoking idea.,

posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 08:21 PM
There is a conspiricy against the black community, and it's being perpetrated by the black community.

If a black child is smart and trying to succeed he's called an oreo (Black on the outside, white on the inside) and pity the poor child that actually tries to break free of the stereotype. The peer pressure is something feirce against those that are trying to do something with their lives.

For a long time the entertainment industry did the black community a great dis service. It promoted blacks as pimps, car thieves and hustlers. The children grew up thinking this was the best they had to aspire to. They wanted to be Huggy Bear on Starsky and Hutch.

Then the rappers came along and convinced them its cool to be a gangster and killing was the way to move up in the hood.

These things were ingrained into the minds of entire generations. Now when a child tries to overcome those images and stereotypes they are looked down upon.

Its starting to change though.

You don't really see black people in the role of the bad guy anymore in movies. The mission impossible movies has the computer genius being a black guy. In the CSI stories the black guy is the crime lab genius. In virtually any show coming out the black guy is portrayed as the computer nerd who writes and hacks code.

A black actor couldn't buy a bad guy role in hollywood these days. I think thats a good thing. We lost the last and the present generation. Perhaps we can save the next one. Or at least provide them with the tools and role models to save themselves.


[edit on 18-7-2005 by mrwupy]

posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Bulldog 52
I think Black people have endured being second class citizens in America. Perhaps they might find comfort in that Europeans find White American people just the same.Europeans think Americans are low class, thats a though provoking idea.,

What's thought provoking about that statement is that you seem to forget that your fellow white american's are from white europe... and you think american's are ignorant?!


posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 02:19 AM
I'll say I work everyday with and African from Nigeria. He has been in this country for almost 8 years, he recently got his citizenship. When he left Africa almost 2 decades ago he moved to France, Britain, and Germany before America. And out of the 5 countries he's lived and worked in, America is the worse and hardest to live in. As well as the least freedom. This man is black as the night. He grew up with Hakeem Olajuwon as a boy in Nigeria, best friends for a good portion of their childhood(same town, same high school). Funny thing is Hakeem was a steller performer at soccer (futbol) and played it regularly and played basket ball occasionally, yet becomes US NBA star!

The Nigerian I work with who still carries his native dialect is still very unperceptive of certain American ways of life. He works at a very very slow pace. I still tell him slang, like he wanted to buy a car and I asked if it had balls. He was totally in the abyss of mind. I finally told him it is a car with power, speed, etc... Also, leading towards my main point is that we were sitting on break, and he sees a American black man sitting on break and sees his pants pulled down. The guy I work with actually goes over to him and yells at him in front of everyone, and tells him to stand up and pull up his pants. The American black guy balks and is totally shocked. He pulls his pants up. Then the Nigerian black walks away saying what is wrong with this black man? We live in an area where there is maybe 5% Blacks.

Then the Nigerian I work with talks to me about how his family back home and him hates that American black folks say they are African American, and they have African flags up, and African this/that, because to those living in Africa now really hate that about Americans. It is a disgrace to Africa he'll tell you.

Of course odds are thru the family tree they most likely come from that region, but that don't mean any of there values are of the same. These values can fade quickly. As I am a German and some Native American, doesn't mean I am going to fly a Nazi flag because my Grandpa came here during WW2 from Germany, or go to Native American Pow Wow's because I have Northern Illinois Blackfoot in my past blood, and have a bunch of feathers hanging from my rear view mirror.

This guy will look at the BET channel and say why do they say "get your shot, get your shot..." and show guns, hot broads, and money. I just tell him The TV is a killer, and told him just think 12 & 16 year olds ar watching this and wanting to follow whats going along with this video. I truly upsets this guy.

His family back in Africa used to look to America as those who help others, but in the last few years America is being percieved by other countries not as an angel providing will, hope, food, reconstruction what have you, but rather as bullys.

He and I see us murdering Iraqi's, not leading or correcting them, or for that matter protecting us from terroism.

And I was in one of the greatest fields of mind control, being in the US Marines. I actully opposed a lot while being in the Corps. Seen and heard a lot of classified and secret info and what not, I turned my back on the military, government. Got out honorably I more or less turned to this field, of William Cooper, David Icke, Coast to Coast,, above top secret, and things like that. This Nigerian I speak of really thinks that I am a 'Great American' and tells his family back home about me and totally believes the same way we do here at ATS.

I am a free radical, but I do not segregate people in my mind tho I do see it happening around me, and I do pick up on what happens around me.


posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 02:21 AM
Also I think America is just a big cattle field. Regardless of what race you are.

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 02:44 AM
"Discrimination" is a tool, used by thoes in power to limit competition.
Unfortunately this form of rasism is America's largest world wide export.

look at the comments make by politicians in other countries:
Fox in Mexico, Japan...

Many Black sterotypes still exist and are believed by many...

Blacks/ athletes/entertainers...Yeah

Blacks/ scientists....What!!

People don't often say "'n-word'" openly nowadays... but they'll sure say

Hey i guess some people just need somebody (besides themselves) to hate...

[edit on 19-7-2005 by cosmokatt7]


posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 04:28 AM
You're right, in college I was going for engineering, there were no blacks in my side of the college. Actually they all were in sports. Funny tho that they never showed up in English and Math 1 & 2 but yet they still passed! Those sport guys are busy!

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 05:11 AM
The only thing the world owes anyone is a shot at their dreams. You do not achive this with the ACLU, SCLC, NAACP, or any other program(s) that any race of people can hide behind or use to defend themselves, when they think the world is getting a little tough on them. I once spoke with this old man who was black and just passing the time we spoke about the whole issue of racisim and one of his replys was funny as hell. He stated that all these young 'folks (all races but especially the blacks) have this idea that our Govt. owes them something. They think it is a birthrigh to get foodstamps, etc... He told me that in raising his own children he instilled in them at an very young age, that if you work hard enoungh you can realize that you are the only one in charge of your life and dreams. If this generation of young black people think that it is too hard for them to get ahead or what they want, they need to re-visit the early days of our country's genisis. Slavery was a black eye for the U.S. and Honest Abe realized this and took action for this practice to cease. Our nation underwent a terrible civil war over this issue in which killed nearly 250k. Fast forward to the 60's when MLK took his challange to our nations capital and by an overwhelming majority of all races ensured rights to all. It has not been pretty and I will not sugarecoat anything but IF ANY RACE OF PEOPLE WANT A BETTER WAY OF LIFE THEY MUST WORK FOR IT. Life is not a free ride and you are the only one who can make your own future come true with hard work.


posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 11:17 PM
good knowledge, and perspective!

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 11:43 PM
TrueLies, LBJ's "Great Society" was no accident; he and the rest of "them" knew exactly what they were doing.
The black population would be denigrated, their strong family bonds broken, their men's courage destroyed and their women's dignity removed.

Meanwhile, the rest of the country would despise them for being burdens on society. See how such activity would keep the country divided and keep the focus off of the ones who are taking control?

Come on, the NWO bunch aren't empty-headed, bleeding heart liberals, but are the ones who use the rank and file, Joe-6pack bleeding heart liberal to set up their scenarios for them!

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
TrueLies, LBJ's "Great Society" was no accident; he and the rest of "them" knew exactly what they were doing.
The black population would be denigrated, their strong family bonds broken, their men's courage destroyed and their women's dignity removed.

why in heaven's name would he do something so sickening?
surely it can't just be to keep the country divided? woman got to vote around the same time blacks were treated fairly.. why wouldn't he do something as sinister to the female species then too?

posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 03:24 AM
I think corperate america is explioting hispanics and blacks by brainwashing them with propoganda,conditioning them to accept being a underacheiver by glorifying failure,merchandising them for sports fast food jewelry,cars, clothes.etc, a constant flow off low wage workers that can be fired at a whim and paid cheaply and hire 20 or so to keep cost down along with mass layoffs when slow periods come, making it impossible to live in a house by ones self without working a two 40(minimum) hour jobs constantly for a month.

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