posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 11:39 PM
When this thing first started I mentioned what I would do if war is no other option(Always thought the Iraq thing was a lie, however) and this friend
of mine said it reminded him of the story of some Christian or British (or Both? LOL) who was assigned the task of dealing with some outlaw Muslim
group that was attacking people or something. Anyway, he managed to capture some of them and he first made them dig their graves, then tied them to
poles or stakes or some such thing. Brought in a bunch of pigs, slaughtered them and then bathed the Muslims in the pigs blood. They then shot all but
one, dumping each one into the grave and then pouring the pigs innered over them.
Let the last one go to tell of what happens when they do whatever it was that they were doing.
Not nice, but apparently they didn't cause trouble for quite a few decades after that.
Not that I think this thing in Iraq is anything more than a farce, but just always liked that story from the time I heard it.