You didn't actually want to ask me about writing a book, so you directed me here? Good job, Steve.
Whatever. Sure. Okay.
A few comments, they relate back to everywhere (the last 4 or so pages).
First of all, 'home' is a noun/adjective that we use way too much. Home isn't a place, it's a frame of mind. How to you get to this frame of mind?
Energy balance/light balance.
I already feel as if I'm part of a universal software update that enables my development almost involuntarily. So what am I missing?
I love the idea of universal memory/energy, and I'm liking the software analogy. Everything else would depend on time and relativity, so what you
would be 'missing' would be things that relate back to something you have no experienced on some level, or are only accessible from certain points
of time.
What else? Oh, the relationship thing. All relationships exist, just in different formations. For instance, I have a relationship with a man living on
a farm in China. I may not be aware of him, or know anything about him, but the relationship is there. I have relationships with family and friends, I
have relationships with Steve and AAC, I have relationships with the government people. So technically all relationships are already surfaced. This
probably had nothing to do with what anyone was asking, but it's cool anyway.
The pyramid thing reminds me so so so much of the chakras. It makes me giggle inside.
About rituals/places that demonstrate some sort of leveling or hierarchy of energy/light, we could write a series of books on just ONE of them. I hate
not being able to cover every bit of information out there, but it's all we can do.
We should all go read some Eliade or something.
We should also get some religious text quotes on here.
Here, knock yourselves out.
Were you aware that light/energy goes through refraction in water, just like normal light does? It's kinda awesome.
Brotherhood Of The Light. /Thelema... or, you decide. Yeah do you know how many branches of the Brotherhood there are? Honestly, could you guess? I
had this conversation with Steve like almost two years ago, I didn't actually expect to do it again in his presence. I'm curious as to why no one
picked up on that. Really, being inside the Brotherhood, or even having a glance (hah) into it like I did, it's not a good thing. It's mass Order.
ORDER of the Light. It's really not a fun thing, I promise. Well, it also depends on the section. When Crowley is involved, then... try to branch
wayyy away from that. And accept females. And then I will love you forever.
[edit on 2/17/2007 by ravenshadow13]