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after much research i must confess i no longer believe

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posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by lost_shaman

Originally posted by midgetstar
but like i said before... there is no appparent reason for aliens of any type to come to this heck hole of a planet on the outer tendrils of our galaxy. there are trillions of other, more hospitable, larger, etc. planets for them to investigate. they would not come to a solar system with and oddly small star... and chose to land on the 3rd planet from said star

What persuades you to believe that the Earth is a "Heck hole", its really a beautiful wondrous planet , as land based mammals , we only see 1/4 of our world.

Its not the size of the star that counts it’s the planets around it that matter.

As far as choosing where to look , you need to keep in mind that we have been advertising our presence on this planet 24 hours a day for the last 150 years or so!

Also we are just learning that we can look deep into space and learn so many things about planets by the way in which they reflect light , and how large they are by the wobble they induce on their stars.

Imagine what we will be able to tell about planets far from us in say 100 years from now!

[edit on 9-6-2005 by lost_shaman]

i see what ur talking about... but if these aliens were really so much more advanced than us... why traval to a planet that is millions of lightyears away and litterally back in their caveman days. would they not go to a more advanced planet... say one only a couple thousand years behind so if they are hostile and plan to take it over, they already have the planet prepared? i should think so... anyway why put forth the effort to travel this far to this particular planet, that probably IS a heckhole because we are hundreds of thousands of years behind and we are already experiencing troubles with due to our frustration and carelessness, just to sit and study people for about 400 years. with their improved technology, would it not take them only a couple seconds to study us, wold they not befriend us afterwards, or tear us down to use Earth 4 themselves? there is no reason to come to this particualr planet. like i said, we are also on the fringe of the galaxy, surrounded by millions of better planes JUST IN THIS PENINSULA.

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by midgetstar
i see what ur talking about... but if these aliens were really so much more advanced than us... why traval to a planet that is millions of lightyears away and litterally back in their caveman days. would they not go to a more advanced planet... say one only a couple thousand years behind so if they are hostile and plan to take it over, they already have the planet prepared? i should think so... anyway why put forth the effort to travel this far to this particular planet, that probably IS a heckhole because we are hundreds of thousands of years behind and we are already experiencing troubles with due to our frustration and carelessness, just to sit and study people for about 400 years. with their improved technology, would it not take them only a couple seconds to study us, wold they not befriend us afterwards, or tear us down to use Earth 4 themselves? there is no reason to come to this particualr planet. like i said, we are also on the fringe of the galaxy, surrounded by millions of better planes JUST IN THIS PENINSULA.

well, youre definitely entitled to YOUR opinion on why earth and its inhabitants are uninteresting and not worth the bother....but think outside the box and consider that these beings have different opinions and motives for being here.

First, i've already addressed the "travelling" aspect -- if theyre bending spacetime, or travelling inter-dimensionally, then getting here is a non-issue.

Second, as far as going to a more advanced civilization, it might be percisely that we are not as advanced as them, that they want to be here....not to mention, it could be that they're not here to study our lack of technology, but our very souls....something to consider Our souls/spirits may be more "advanced" than their technology.

Third, as far as them only needing a few seconds to study us....again, that depends on what they are studying. atmosphereic conditions, weather patterns, soil samples -- maybe. but the intracies of the human soul, the impact of emotions on the human psyche....those things would take a bit longer IMHO.

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by midgetstar

i see what ur talking about... but if these aliens were really so much more advanced than us... why traval to a planet that is millions of lightyears away and litterally back in their caveman days. would they not go to a more advanced planet... say one only a couple thousand years behind so if they are hostile and plan to take it over, they already have the planet prepared? i should think so... anyway why put forth the effort to travel this far to this particular planet, that probably IS a heckhole because we are hundreds of thousands of years behind and we are already experiencing troubles with due to our frustration and carelessness, just to sit and study people for about 400 years. with their improved technology, would it not take them only a couple seconds to study us, wold they not befriend us afterwards, or tear us down to use Earth 4 themselves? there is no reason to come to this particualr planet. like i said, we are also on the fringe of the galaxy, surrounded by millions of better planes JUST IN THIS PENINSULA.

That would be true I guess if that was your perspective.

If your perspective is more like a wise life loving race , that is curious , like us, you might really want to watch a place like Earth evolve! I know that if our Scientists discovered an Earthlike Planet with primitive intelligence evolving on it I'd be very , very exited to study it , and for a lot longer than a few seconds!

We really can only speculate about the nature of an E.T. perspective of Earth.

So you can not use one perspective as evidence that we wouldn't be visited.

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Phood
Haha, oops

Thought it was a real one(was my favourite one this far), think I saw it at UFO Casebook.
Thanks for correcting it

[edit on 9-6-2005 by Phood]

Phood, there are other legit pre-1947 UFO pictures around.

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by el cid

Originally posted by midgetstar
i see what ur talking about... but if these aliens were really so much more advanced than us... why traval to a planet that is millions of lightyears away and litterally back in their caveman days. would they not go to a more advanced planet... say one only a couple thousand years behind so if they are hostile and plan to take it over, they already have the planet prepared? i should think so... anyway why put forth the effort to travel this far to this particular planet, that probably IS a heckhole because we are hundreds of thousands of years behind and we are already experiencing troubles with due to our frustration and carelessness, just to sit and study people for about 400 years. with their improved technology, would it not take them only a couple seconds to study us, wold they not befriend us afterwards, or tear us down to use Earth 4 themselves? there is no reason to come to this particualr planet. like i said, we are also on the fringe of the galaxy, surrounded by millions of better planes JUST IN THIS PENINSULA.

well, youre definitely entitled to YOUR opinion on why earth and its inhabitants are uninteresting and not worth the bother....but think outside the box and consider that these beings have different opinions and motives for being here.

First, i've already addressed the "travelling" aspect -- if theyre bending spacetime, or travelling inter-dimensionally, then getting here is a non-issue.

Second, as far as going to a more advanced civilization, it might be percisely that we are not as advanced as them, that they want to be here....not to mention, it could be that they're not here to study our lack of technology, but our very souls....something to consider Our souls/spirits may be more "advanced" than their technology.

Third, as far as them only needing a few seconds to study us....again, that depends on what they are studying. atmosphereic conditions, weather patterns, soil samples -- maybe. but the intracies of the human soul, the impact of emotions on the human psyche....those things would take a bit longer IMHO.

Ok how exactly are they bending time and space?

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by Phood

Originally posted by Byrd

Originally posted by Phood
EDIT: Added picture taken in 1927 Oregon. Pretty convincing and the phenomena was not widley known back then.

[edit on 9-6-2005 by Phood]

If that one hasn't been debunked yet, it certainly needs to be. It's a photoshopped montage by someone who knows dead nothing about photography.

Cameras in 1927 were not very good at taking pictures of quickly moving things, but they did have a slow enough shutter speed that details were very crisp. In this case, the hillside in the distance is not in enough detail to be a convincing photo from that era.

Furthermore, the color is wrong. Some limp-brain with no knowledge of photography (luckily for us) "knew" that old photos were sepia-toned. What Limp-Brain didn't know is that the sepia process was replaced in the early 1900's by the silver process that gives crisp black and whites.

For proof, take a look at these famous photos from the depression:

And from Houston from the 1920's

And finally, go get an old photo album from family members who like to keep photos of long deceased relatives. You'll see that photos from the 1900's and onward were not sepia-toned.

Luckily, the hoaxers are too stupid to do any real research and this makes them pretty easy to catch.

Haha, oops

Thought it was a real one(was my favourite one this far), think I saw it at UFO Casebook.
Thanks for correcting it

[edit on 9-6-2005 by Phood]

Ok! Lets brake the tension and understand that this... Is a tophat.

Tension? Tension!? Were! were!!?!!

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by Kleversdad

Originally posted by el cid

Originally posted by midgetstar
i see what ur talking about... but if these aliens were really so much more advanced than us... why traval to a planet that is millions of lightyears away and litterally back in their caveman days. would they not go to a more advanced planet... say one only a couple thousand years behind so if they are hostile and plan to take it over, they already have the planet prepared? i should think so... anyway why put forth the effort to travel this far to this particular planet, that probably IS a heckhole because we are hundreds of thousands of years behind and we are already experiencing troubles with due to our frustration and carelessness, just to sit and study people for about 400 years. with their improved technology, would it not take them only a couple seconds to study us, wold they not befriend us afterwards, or tear us down to use Earth 4 themselves? there is no reason to come to this particualr planet. like i said, we are also on the fringe of the galaxy, surrounded by millions of better planes JUST IN THIS PENINSULA.

well, youre definitely entitled to YOUR opinion on why earth and its inhabitants are uninteresting and not worth the bother....but think outside the box and consider that these beings have different opinions and motives for being here.

First, i've already addressed the "travelling" aspect -- if theyre bending spacetime, or travelling inter-dimensionally, then getting here is a non-issue.

Second, as far as going to a more advanced civilization, it might be percisely that we are not as advanced as them, that they want to be here....not to mention, it could be that they're not here to study our lack of technology, but our very souls....something to consider Our souls/spirits may be more "advanced" than their technology.

Third, as far as them only needing a few seconds to study us....again, that depends on what they are studying. atmosphereic conditions, weather patterns, soil samples -- maybe. but the intracies of the human soul, the impact of emotions on the human psyche....those things would take a bit longer IMHO.

Ok how exactly are they bending time and space?

I normally stay out of the UFO's sections, but I felt that there was some pretty dumb stuff being mentioned. The mere fact that you would put the word exactly shows that you are not thinking this through. If we knew how to do this why wouldn't humans use the knowledge? But I have always believed that God and Aliens are sort of like an X in a math problem you can make it anything since nothing is actually known about either subject. So for example I could say that the Aliens are soooo far advanced that they have the ability to teleport.... I can't explain why other than the fact that they are so advanced they would surely be able to do it. So this arguement will go nowhere

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 11:38 PM
Your right,

X= Oppinon= Holding Placement (For an oppinon)= ect

So its all really a sphyre of X

And yet nothing is really there

But a lot of people think that if they dont have any hard evidence then its not real.

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by The Surrealist
Your right,

X= Oppinon= Holding Placement (For an oppinon)= ect

So its all really a sphyre of X

And yet nothing is really there

But a lot of people think that if they dont have any hard evidence then its not real.

I am glad that someone understands the logic behind what I was trying to say about Aliens.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 07:47 AM
so ur saying that x(a variable) could replace the aliens, there is no reason for the debates, which was obviouse in the first place and we're only debating opinion here. so i don't see what sway "x" holds in this discussion. everybody in this debate should know that we're only debating opinion, or they should leave. personally, i think that you had just stated the obviouse

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 08:16 AM
Jesus is the son of God. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess.

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