"Do you think that the mag pole flip has anything to do with the observances in your post? "
The sun has increased in brightness 14% over the last two years from what I've been able to find on the internet.
The suns poles flipped last january. I think Saturn and Neptune did the same. I'd have to check on those again to be sure.
The earths mag pole flip I have been thinking would be caused by the golden nebula we are moving through. Also called THE PHOTON-BELT which corasponds
to 2012 and the mayan calender. Also revelations.
Here is an interesting read...
By Noel Huntley, Ph.D.
By means of satellite instrumentation, astronomers in1961 discovered what
appeared to be an unusual nebula. We normally understand the nebula
as a vast cloud-like mass of gas or dust. However, this one appeared to have
anomalous properties and was named the Golden Nebula. The public's attention
not drawn to this unusual revelation until much later, presumably when it
realised that this nebula's location was coincident with the projected orbit
our solar system. Around the early 1980s a radio announcement in the U.S.
made (heard by the author) that our solar system was, in fact, going to
with an 'electromagnetic cloud' in the not too distant future. However this
incredibly important statement of astronomical and historical significance
expressed in the usual casual and indifferent manner as though of little
consequence just as was about that time the announcement that the FDIC (bank
depositor's insurance) was penniless! Follow-up data was then suppressed and
anothergovernment cover-up was contrived for the typical purpose of
where possible natural events to camouflage contrived chaos.
What is this electromagnetic cloud, this golden nebula, sometimes referred
to as
the radiant nebula by ETs? Its more universal designation is 'photon belt',
any encounter with this belt is recognised by extraterrestrials as of great
Let us outline the mechanics of this anticipated encounter of our solar
with the photon belt. The whole universe is held together by means of
within vortices of centripetal energy--with their associated electromagnetic
fields--like whirlpools on water, within larger whirlpools (this is the
machinery behind Einstein's spacetime topology of general relativity). These
spiralling energies give rise to natural spacetime orbits: satellites around
planets, planets around stars, solar systems around other more major vortex
centers, and so on. Our planet Earth orbits the Sun once a year but our
system as a whole also traverses an orbit in this section of the galaxy with
period of about 24,000 years. There are many other solar (star) systems in
cyclic motion (just as there are numerous planets orbiting the Sun). The
Pleiades, about 400 light years from us is part of this system and in fact
solar system orbits the central sun of the Pleiades, Alcione; the photon
encircles the Pleiades system.
Thus our solar system, and therefore planet Earth, takes some 24,000 years
come back to its same point in this particular orbit. Picture several star
systems in a massive orbit, but now envisage a torroid or doughnut-shaped
cutting across these orbiting star systems. This is the photon belt. This
our solar system goes through the belt twice each cycle of 24,000 years
is, every half cycle). The thickness of the photon cloud is such that it
about 2000 years for our solar system to pass through, and therefore about
10,000 years between each encounter with this belt (2 x 10,000 plus 2 x 2000
24,000 years).
When will this occur? Scientists around the globe in 1992 predicted that the
encounter would occur within months to a year; with significant
However, Pleiadian extraterrestrials indicated that it would not occur until
just after 2010 and that it was difficult to predict since the belt was
oscillating randomly. There are in fact huge discrepancies in channelled
material regarding the date of this revelatory occurrence, ranging from 1996
'definitely before the end of this century' to 2003 and finally, and more
likely, about 2011-2012.
What does the photon belt consist of? What will be its effects on the life
our planet, positive or negative? Also what is its purpose, if any? The
announcement used the term "electromagnetic" to describe the
phenomenon--this is
the same as photon, which is a particle of light or electromagnetic
The photon belt is an immense region of space which is radiating intense
electromagnetic radiation throughout the visible spectrum and beyond, into
high-frequency invisible light; even including some x-ray spectra. Reference
already been made through the media to huge increases in intensity of
'dangerous' radiation entering through the holes in the ozone layer in
regions of our planet. Nevertheless it appears that for mankind on this
the photon belt encounter will be essentially a spiritual experience--but
really depends on man. If we are sufficiently evolved at the time, great
advancements will occur in our consciousness as we attune to the
photon rays. If we are negative, that is, possess too many lower vibrations,
result of selfish actions, we are not expected to survive the radiation. In
other words, there will be a natural spiritual selection.
This interaction with the photon belt has been referred to in channelling as
Christus. Moreover, the event is supposed to be the true nature of the
or rapture, well known in the prophecies of Christianity.
Other spectacular effects, some of a temporary nature, are expected as our
system moves into the belt. Earth is circling the Sun, thus it is
ahead of the Sun and behind in its linear translation towards the belt.
Consequently, either the Sun or our planet may enter first. It is impossible
predict which, since, as stated, the photon belt is expanding and
randomly. If the Sun reaches the photon cloud before Earth then darkness
ensue for about three to five days. It will be expected to be pitch dark
probable cancellation of electrical power sources. If Earth goes in first
the darkness is avoided.
However, either way, as our planet enters, which will be at a relatively
velocity, we will experience an immediate electric shock, lasting about one
tenth of a second, but not dangerous. Of greater concern are the effects of
intense photon activity on the radiation belt around Earth and the sudden
compression of the atmosphere and expansion, which is expected to be such
the radiation belt could ignite. If it does, within minutes the sky will be
up with intense light, more powerful than from a welder's torch. If eyes are
protected it will cause blindness. This intense light is expected to last
days. Another spectacular feature will be the effect of the intense photon
activity on matter. High excitation of atoms will occur, causing
fluorescence of
all objects, and as a result there will be no normal night time for 2000
In 1992, many people were purchasing dark goggles; what was this all about?
After the original announcement on the radio of the oncoming electromagnetic
cloud collision, further information was withheld by the government, then
disinformation took over. As mentioned, scientists in different parts of the
world were predicting the moment of full encounter with the belt in around
1992--there were discrepancies but all were within months or about a year of