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Summoning UFOs - tips and warnings

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posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Azathoth
Psychic you forgot the movie "What the Bleep do we know" it contains alot of interesting info.


Great movie.. I own the DVD.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 04:15 PM
Zanzibar, I can understand what you mean. It's kind of hard to think that we just poofed from some superheated space dust and thus we were born. Call it god, Aliens, or call it Bertha we had a start somewhere. What is a great question to ask yourself is what makes decide to move and walk. What drives you? Is it the persuit of knowledge or just don't have anything else to do? To me Religion is life. Everyday we are praising either our accomplishments or just the fact that you didn't get hit by a bus. Who it goes to? Let them figure it out. But hey i think i might try to summon a few UFO's. I have big feet and its hard to get shoes. I hope i can contact the aliens that know how to makes shoes. I'll give them 5 cents an hour


[edit on 7-6-2005 by Azathoth]

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 05:23 PM
Hey ho here's my point everyone seem's to have missed!

Prophet Yahew said he uses Hebrew to summon UFO's....I have watched some of his video's and he summons them with English launguage prayer!

I have seen a UFC 60 feet above my head and i didn't summon anything! The experience scared the crap out of me so i am not going to volenter to give it a try.

Has anyone read the ......change the world decleration and said YES Or No TO THEM MAKING AN APPEARANCE?! See below

It's a bit of a long winded message, some of it i found hard to understand but I wish we get help from outside Good!

Something weired is going down as UFO's are been discovered around nuclear fascilities be it millitery or otherwise. Also a UFO saved Earth from a huge arageddon impact last year although it did not reach the world wide media!

Anyway let us no about your summorings and good luck!

mod edit-- fixed link

[edit on 7-6-2005 by asala]

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 05:36 PM
Earth Angel,

I couldn't get into the website, try to check if you mispelled anything.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 06:06 PM
Hey Sound2, don't give me that, please! I've seen ufo's, I have been for some years a ufo addicted, and have also seen a ufo, and man, it was a tipical movie ufo, flying-saucer type with lots of lights, etc. I can describe you my sighting if you like, by u2u if you want.
It was very strange, i dont remeber very well the sighting,it was kinda erased(?) but it was too perfect to be coincidence.
I'm not telling I was abducted but it was strange.
I also have these strange kinda scars, 5 little point scars in a straight line, i dunno what it is, but whatever.
I also have had strange dreams, with ufo's invading the planet and explosions and destruction.

I was a believer, I wanted to go live with aliens, maybe they took vantage of it, I dunno.
So don't tell that crap, sorry the word.

I understand it better than you imagine, but don't you find those points I refered unusual?

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 06:28 PM
Ok, a lot of people on here are making claims as though they are stating "facts". Now, i am not saying the things on here are true or not true, as i do not know becasue i have not seen any of the claims people are making here.
Thing is if any of you are actually summoning orbs, ufo's or whatever it might be, then should not other people be seeing all this and would they not be reporting it to the authorities, media, etc.?
Also for those of you that actually say you are trying this, then make sure you have someone videoing or what's the point? Anyone can claim anything.
And for those of you that are on here saying you have "special powers" and writing up courses for everyone, should you not be on the news already as you claim to have special powers that actually work, so you must be doing this quite regularly, right?
All these claims are always posted on these threads as "facts" but no one ever has solid proof of any of it???
Again, i am not saying any of your claims are not true, but where is the proof? I am also not talking about those of you who have claimed to see things, i relise you may not be able to prove that. i am talking about those with the claimed special powers and those that say all this "summoning" works...
I believe that a lot of things are possible as i have had quite a few unexplained things go on in my life, but they happened to me i don't think i made them happen.
i have prayed to God though for certain things to happen in my life and a lot of those things happened and i feel blessed for that.
Which leads me to this and what other people have said here, there are dark/evil forces in this world and if in anything in life, if your heart is not right and you don't really know what you are doing, you can be sorry.
Just because something or someone says they are good for you does not mean they are? Even if you manage to make an orb or ufo or whatever appear, then what, so what? How does that help anyone and how does that tell us what it is doing here? And if it does manage to tell us what it is doing here, how do we know for sure we can or can not trust it/them, etc.?

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 08:22 PM
I'm a little into Ufology but not an expert. But from what I can gleen from your words is perhaps more to say: Summoning GOD - tips and warnings.
For myself, I believe in both.. Ufology takes years of research to even come to a wrong conclussion. God, well we can read the Bible.


posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 10:55 AM
OK, so my curiousity got the best of me and I read these tips and warning and while smoking a cigarette outside the liquor store at 74th and Broadway, NYC I stood praying to the most high God Yahweh, he who sent his one and only Son to save us from our sins to send UFOs for me and all to see....all that I saw was about 20 pigeons, 2 Boeings and a helicopter.

Sorry I think this is all bunk.

posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 11:01 AM
dude, you mean it's not working for you? Here let me summon you 20 tacos.

feel better?

posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
OK, so my curiousity got the best of me and I read these tips and warning and while smoking a cigarette outside the liquor store at 74th and Broadway, NYC I stood praying to the most high God Yahweh, he who sent his one and only Son to save us from our sins to send UFOs for me and all to see....all that I saw was about 20 pigeons, 2 Boeings and a helicopter.

Sorry I think this is all bunk.

Great comment, really…

Constructive feedback, two problems –

1) Your ego and expectations
2) Asking for all vs. self

Your ego got in the way (that's not an insult - I'm referring to your expectations).

Also, you asked for all to see. Not everyone in NY wants to see a UFO the moment you do. If all of NY saw a UFO, those ET beings would be greatly affecting our reality. There is an aspect of freewill violations. Just ask for yourself and be open to experiencing contact outside of your own expectations and ask for dreams too. They can help prepare you for contact in your dreams.

I was almost going to suggest that you didn’t ask from the heart. Your words sound sincere but the location and situation doesn’t look sincere. May not be a problem, but your location is something to consider.

I don't know the deal with the Prophet Guy. I can't say he is not real until his "prophecies" are proven false. He has certainly put himself out there with a July 15th deadline. There are supposed to be two "witnesses” who appear in the end times for all to see; a UFO Guy would be an interesting manifestation of that.

The Prophet Guy claims to be the only one who can do this, which is true if he is doing it on camera at will. He also speaks of secrets that only he knows and clearly he has his own agenda. A lot of that sounds “cultish” to me and is my red flag.

I’m not the Prophet Guy and I’m not making the claims he is. I’m just offering tools that can help people at home create contact. His stuff is different from my stuff. My stuff works for me and people I teach. I’m curious what would happen if everyone at ATS played in this experiment.

I’ve been having contact for years and it’s not a secret and anyone with an open mind can do it and I’m happy to share some of my experience and information.

To me, contact has always bee spiritual in nature. They manipulate dimensional planes outside our physical reality which is why there is no “physical proof”. The best we get is a picture or video of a “UFO” when it passes through our physical dimension. 95% of all the paranormal evidence on ghost, angels, UFOs, and aliens comes in the form of eye witness testimony and lucky photos and videos.

If you look at the NOVE videos, you will learn that in the world of quantum physics, Beings in two different dimensions can occupy the same space, but we would never be able to see or contact them. There is a theory that gravity is the only force that can pass between dimensions; it could be a way to communicate with multidimensional beings.

But I’m psychic and I know that gravity isn’t the only energy that can pass through dimensions. Mental energy can pass and pierce through dimensions too. This is what allows a psychic to see a ghost or spirit or angel or alien.

Aliens and UFOs also have the ability to pass through dimensional planes too. When a UFO passes through our reality, it is call a sighting and if we are lucky we get a video or a picture. When the ETs themselves pass through our physical dimension it is either contact or abduction.

posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 01:29 PM
So you bring your mind to a state of actual insanity to bring YOURSELF, not OTHERS and make yourself see things.

Wow, people are doing that all the time in mental hospitals, are the things they see or do any diffrent than what your doing with your time? No. The point is you put a few restrictions on it, stating it as a power. This can make you apear slightly less insane.

In this case reality is subjective and can be whatever you want it to be. The point is, do you belive you have the right to change reality? I mean anybody can, just convince yourself of something, it will be your reality and then you'll be put in a mental hospital. People are in there trying to get out of their reality, it's dangerous.

Proving the existance of aliens? No.

Proving the existance of the effects of the mind? Yeah, but you didn't need to prove that, we already know that. There are mental hospitals for that.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 03:43 PM
Proving the existance of aliens? No.

Proving the existance of the effects of the mind? Yeah, but you didn't need to prove that, we already know that. There are mental hospitals for that.

Have you tried to do this? How do you no it plays with your mind for sure. Take a video camera out and film if you think you saw one and it dosen't show up on the tape then yes a mental problem would be the diagnoises. Until then no-one knows!

If anyone does manage to do this let us no!

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 10:49 PM
I would be interested in this except for the fact that my 3rd chakra seems to be on a permanent vacation. I have tried several different methods to awaken it and nada.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 11:26 AM
Hey! Is this experiment still on? Lol, probably not but it would fun to try out some of the techniques presented in this thread just to see what happens.
Great idea! I'm reading up now to see if any of you got any results.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 04:13 PM
This sounds like Psychokinetics or even Thought Forms. Even then that doesnt work on command like a cook book recipe. This could be very dangerous to the minds of the people involved if it works on some Psychokinetic or Thought Form level. To me it sounds like the process is trying to produce an altered state in the Evokers mind. If the imagery can be seen by others it doesnt automatically mean its physical. If it can be photographed or videotaped its likely to be Psychokinetic or a Thought Form.

Anyone familiar with the Occult will know what Egregores are and thats what this sounds like. Humans have been invoking and evoking things since we had the capacity to imagine. There is a chance that it might be a independent entity. If it is it showed up on its own. It wont be something youll be able to replicate on command either. I do not believe these entities are from another planet or that the balls of light are spacecraft.

Do some research on Jacques Vallee, John Keel, Loren Coleman, J Allen Hynek. I highly suggest Daimonic Reality by Patrick Harpur in regards to this.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 05:23 PM
Good point MikeBoyd!
And supposing there are dark lodges located all over the world who are have been collaborating in producing thoughtforms that are meant to manifest in the physical as UFOs of every shape and size and this includes beings like Greys, Big Foots and so on...

Just a thought but maybe not too out of the realm of possibilities if one really thinks about it.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 05:33 PM
I'm interested in how do you contact them. Is it through actual pray?
I woulld love to try and contact whoever is out there

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 05:38 PM
People will have to realize soon that ETs are benevolent.

The abduction and cow mutilation crap has been conducted by US and British Organization with high-tech laboratories, drugs and psychotropic equipment, helicopters, alien reproduction vehicles, etc...

MILAB is one of the busiest group to do abductions on people. The moment all the abductees realize that, if they ever, things will make a whole lot more sense.

But yet, this whole abduction/UFO conference stuff is GOOD Money, so why would we change our view on this, if we can make a few bucks on the fear aspect of contact...

There is no one to blame here in the population, cause we are all suffering from this shadow-government.

I just wished that people would open their eyes a bit and do their homework.


posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by meurig
I'm interested in how do you contact them. Is it through actual pray?
I woulld love to try and contact whoever is out there

You can contact them via Remote-view. Research has been done and you can find meditation techniques that will get you in the right state.

Do it in a pure hearted way and you will be surprised at the kindness our space brothers can have toward us.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Ksnazdnzon
So you bring your mind to a state of actual insanity to bring YOURSELF, not OTHERS and make yourself see things.

Remote view has been a successful method use by CSETI for 15 years, with 1000s of participants happy of the results.

Remote-view has been used for spying since the 60s or 70s by various government.

Your mind in that state is unbounded and can reach any point in time and space. It is actually a very peaceful and stable state, unlike what you describe.

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