posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 06:34 PM
Ya' know... I've seen unexplaineds in a variety of locations and times...
One of the most memorable was when I was just a baby pilot, building time by teaching others to fly... I was doing night take offs and landings with
a student and while on downwind leg ( the part of the traffic pattern parallel to the runway) I spotted what appeared to navigation lights off to the
west... I estimated that it would take the closing aircraft somewhere around four to six minutes to reach my vicinity and even at that the
approaching craft would be well above my altitude...
Less than a minute later, after rolling wings level on base leg I caught sight of the craft approaching, very rapidly and co-altitude... I took the
aircraft from my student, rolled hard left and pulled the bird toward the ground, a risky maneuver since I was a mere four to five hundred feet above
the dirt...
The object passed over us, pretty much blacking out the background of stars and hauled butt toward the east... I didn't notice any noise but that
may be attributable to the natural noise level of the little bird we were flying...
I was unable to raise RAPCON from my altitude and position but I did place a phone call to the tower facility when I got on the ground...
They had not painted any unusual activity in the local airspace at the time of my encounter but that may well have been do to the low altitude of my
aircraft and the craft that passed over us...
Could I explain it? Nope... I thought it might have been a C-130 from a local military facility but I was unable to prove that...
So, this on went down in my memory as a real unknown, a real exciting unknown...