posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 09:26 PM
Iranian "Special operation forces" (SpecOps) are carefully selected military units manned by highly motivated, highly skilled, high caliber
professional personnel with unique and unusual skills, doing the audacious, usually behind enemy lines. They are extremely well trained for specific
rather than general purpose and undertake unusual tasks that ordinary units might accomplish only with greater difficulty and far less effectiveness ,
such as :
Those involving insurgency, counterinsurgency, resistance, transnational terrorism, counter terrorism, guerilla warfare and conducting raids, sabotage
and intelligence operations .
Are unorthodox, comparatively low-cost, potentially high pay-off, often covert or clandestine methods that support warfare across the entire spectrum
of conflict .
They train for missions that only they conduct. The actual execution of "real world" missions can be either openly acknowledged, clandestine or
covert .