posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 11:18 AM
Saying that, watching it again, she was paricularly unco-operative and I guess he did give her more than enough warning.
He says at the end she swung at the other guy, and going through it again, when he was trying to get i the other door right before he tasered her, she
may have it out at the other one, and she pushed off the first one before he pulled the gun out..
So they may not have erally reacted that badly, on reflection and thinking how I would handle the situation she didn't leave them that much choice.
Also on the actual webpage, it has a better explanation of the situation, and about mid-way you can click on the other different options they would
have had to deal with the situation, and it plays an audio clip of him explaining why they didn't chose each respective option.
[edit on 5-6-2005 by AgentSmith]