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Any *actually* worthwhile NWO related documentaries?

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posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 09:42 PM
Dear goodness, is it me or are a lot of these "NWO/Illuminati/9-11 related"
documentaries disturbingly bad? A lot have the feel of a really bad late 70's evangelist propaganda cable show.

I tried watching one called Illuminazi...oh gosh, it was so bad, the production values and fear mongering feel was more sinister than what it was trying to protray(Only accurate or inciteful thing it mentioned was the PRescot Bush/Union Banking thing) The guy hosting it is yet another reason why the doomsday conspiracy types make the conspiracy culture look bad.

And then the Alex Jones stuff...again, had the feel of some hardcore fear mongering evangelist on a public cable show. " I got a burger at Carls number was 33! It's the end times my friends, the Illuminati is in my cereal!"

Geez freaking louise. So many of these 'documentaries' are so hard to watch, as they have really annoying National Geographic cheesey dramatic music,
ultra bad 70's production values, and make the viewer feel uneasy.

I wish there could be documentaries exposing CIA coverups, actual NWO facts, globalism etc done in a more stylized Fahrenheit 9/11, Fog of War, The Corporation, etc. Heck why arent these made by young people, activists? Ive seen some great ones on the issues that surrounded the WTO riots. Not every person making these thigns are scary middle aged guys who try to cram 'the end times!' and patriotism down our throats right?

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 11:45 AM

A lot of these "Anti-NWO" documents lack the financial backing of something that Michael Moore does, mostly because only the puppets get the money.

If they had a much larger audience, higher sales, etc, then we would get "Better looking" documents. But really content should matter nothing else.

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 01:14 PM
Yeah, some do look pretty bad, blurry, bad editing, etc, but i think these imperfections bring an honesty to them. So i do not really have a problem with it.
If something is produced poorly, but is about something interesting and important, i would probably watch it, but i do admit some are just too tedious to endure.

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by Odium

A lot of these "Anti-NWO" documents lack the financial backing of something that Michael Moore does, mostly because only the puppets get the money.

If they had a much larger audience, higher sales, etc, then we would get "Better looking" documents. But really content should matter nothing else.

By bad production, I mean a lot seem to be going for this schlocky 70's science film look with a heavy emphasis on the pulpit scare tactics. I'd love to see a group of young people armed with digital camcorders attempting to address some of the top conspiracies out there with an open mind. Have that cynical humor, interviews, cinema verite style. You have to make something entertaining and informative. If ya just have some crazy eyed middle aged evangelist talking about Lucifer, the new world order, with footage of Hitler and scary music...its gonna come off as lame.

I saw a documentary called Waco: The Rules of Engaement that was really good and done outside the system, I think it was nominated for an academy award. Unfortunately, when a documentary digs too deep to the truth(like Conspiracy of Silence from 1994) it get spulled and banned.


posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 04:58 PM
It may not be exactly what you were interested in but a heads up to all UK members as right now there is on Sky One a conspiracy programme all about the New World Order.


posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by JAK
It may not be exactly what you were interested in but a heads up to all UK members as right now there is on Sky One a conspiracy programme all about the New World Order.


If only I had Sky.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by 8bitagent
If ya just have some crazy eyed middle aged evangelist talking about Lucifer, the new world order, with footage of Hitler and scary music...its gonna come off as lame.

I couldn't agree more about the cheesy scare tactics, and how they make it real lame, not to mention that it discredits the validity of the information to people who have never even heard of the theories.

I saw one a friend had that wasn't bad, but they spun alot of stuff to be NWO IMO. They did some cool stuff though like bring hidden cameras along and ask military personel training in a TX community what they were doing etc

[edit on 7-6-2005 by warpboost]

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 06:13 PM
Maybe then you could do one yourself? If you give me any good information and something that goes on in Britain I have a damn good media lab that I can easily get a hold of, private sound crew, film crew, special affects, etc.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 06:21 PM
How about looking into the Rothchilds and their huge London estate that isn't even techically part of England IIRC. I can't remeber the name of the place, but you should be able to find it pretty easily. You could also look into the Royal Institute for International Affairs which the Rothchilds setup

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by warpboost
How about looking into the Rothchilds and their huge London estate that isn't even techically part of England IIRC. I can't remeber the name of the place, but you should be able to find it pretty easily. You could also look into the Royal Institute for International Affairs which the Rothchilds setup

Give me the name of the place and the location, I'll give it a look.
If you've seen my posts on Survival I'll be able to get a good look, especially if it is in the middle of no-where.

As for the RIIA, I'll give that a go as well.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 06:44 PM
One place is called Waddesdon Museum which used to be a Rothschild estate.

I thought there was some 600 acre estate in London that wasn't actually part of England or something, but I cant seem to find the name of it so maybe its Waddesdon Museum??

[edit on 7-6-2005 by warpboost]

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by warpboost
One place is called Waddesdon Museum which used to be a Rothschild estate.

I thought there was some 600 acre estate in London that wasn't actually part of England or something, but I cant seem to find the name of it so maybe its Waddesdon Museum??

[edit on 7-6-2005 by warpboost]

That is just 15minutes drive from me at that, Aylesbury is about 10minutes. :| I never even knew of the place. I'll try and investigate, camera, etc.
Just for you. If you find any more information on places they "own" then let me know. It would be interesting to find out.

posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 02:37 AM
Ok, I understand Alex Jones a little more. I saw his videos on the Bill Hicks comedy site Sacred Cow. Alex Jones does have a sense of humor. I liked when he went to Enron with skateboarders.

I'd love to see a Fahrenheit/Bowlign for Columbine like documentary that tackles the top (in my opinion) conspiracy related things and weave a story around that. Be it to add light or debunk.

I'd love an edgy, well produced documentary int he flavor of Bowling for Columbine...interviews with the regulars: Noam Chomski, Michale Moore,
John Decamp, etc...but also interviews with people truly on the inside, or with something new to say.

The topics? Oh yes...again, an open minded truth finding mission on:

Unravelling the Franklin coverup
Unravelling the coverup of the TWA 800 downing
The CIA and the crack epidemic
Exposing globalization, like slave labor for mall products, privatization,e tc
hidden truths of 9/11(even if it turns up nothing)
More on the Bush/PNAC agenda as well as Britain's political agenda
American companies involvement with Nazi Germany
exposing the truth of the Federal Reserve
The truth on wealthy familes(rothchilds), and stuff like Bilderberg Group
Coca Cola and Columbian rights abuses
exposing greedy corporations and their abuse of power and wealth
truly invading Phillip Morris
Denver International Airport
black hellicopters/chemtrails/etc
the truth on JFK, historical revealings of Lincoln and Di
Freemasons(to show that yes, theres been some bad apples and bad things but that the modern Masons are pretty good people)
The Bavarian Illuminati, and if there really is any modern influence
the truth behind AIDS, if there is well as other diseases

I'd like to see well respected people, politicians, etc interviewed, not just the usual guys like Alex Jones, David Icke, Leonard Horrowitz, Jim Marrs, Jordan Maxwell, etc.

Itd be nice to have this documentary that sought the either prove or disprove these. I think itd show a lot of these things are lies or half truths, or might actually be true. Have it be entertaining so that even the most brain dead person could get something from it.

posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 04:48 AM
Watch something call "secret rulers of the world", it was made by channel four in the UK, its brilliant

posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 10:56 AM

I liked when he went to Enron with skateboarders.

When did he do that? I gotta see that! Please dude!

posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by aelphaeis_mangarae

I liked when he went to Enron with skateboarders.

When did he do that? I gotta see that! Please dude!

Right here:

posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 08:46 PM
Recent BBC show The Power Of Nightmares showed the neo-cons and Al Quida in their true light - interesting comparisons.

Can only find news links but know it's on Shareaza, probably other P2P's

"The film US TV networks dare not show" -

Over here there's quite a lot of good stuff on the Neo-cons, NWO, etc. The last rattle of our just-free media

[edit on 8-6-2005 by CTID56092]

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by 8bitagent
Ok, I understand Alex Jones a little more. I saw his videos on the Bill Hicks comedy site Sacred Cow. Alex Jones does have a sense of humor. I liked when he went to Enron with skateboarders.

I'd love to see a Fahrenheit/Bowlign for Columbine like documentary that tackles the top (in my opinion) conspiracy related things and weave a story around that. Be it to add light or debunk.

I'd love an edgy, well produced documentary int he flavor of Bowling for Columbine...interviews with the regulars: Noam Chomski, Michale Moore,
John Decamp, etc...but also interviews with people truly on the inside, or with something new to say.

The topics? Oh yes...again, an open minded truth finding mission on:

Unravelling the Franklin coverup
Unravelling the coverup of the TWA 800 downing
The CIA and the crack epidemic
Exposing globalization, like slave labor for mall products, privatization,e tc
hidden truths of 9/11(even if it turns up nothing)
More on the Bush/PNAC agenda as well as Britain's political agenda
American companies involvement with Nazi Germany
exposing the truth of the Federal Reserve
The truth on wealthy familes(rothchilds), and stuff like Bilderberg Group
Coca Cola and Columbian rights abuses
exposing greedy corporations and their abuse of power and wealth
truly invading Phillip Morris
Denver International Airport
black hellicopters/chemtrails/etc
the truth on JFK, historical revealings of Lincoln and Di
Freemasons(to show that yes, theres been some bad apples and bad things but that the modern Masons are pretty good people)
The Bavarian Illuminati, and if there really is any modern influence
the truth behind AIDS, if there is well as other diseases

I'd like to see well respected people, politicians, etc interviewed, not just the usual guys like Alex Jones, David Icke, Leonard Horrowitz, Jim Marrs, Jordan Maxwell, etc.

Itd be nice to have this documentary that sought the either prove or disprove these. I think itd show a lot of these things are lies or half truths, or might actually be true. Have it be entertaining so that even the most brain dead person could get something from it.

No offense but it sounds like you're asking for a Government is corrupt reality show on CBS after Survivor. I think you're not going to get mainstream coverage because most celebs are working for the machine not against it. BUT it was kinda cool on PBS last year Christmas Day I saw "Sam" from Quantum Leap exposing America's corrupt money system and the 14 banker familes.

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 09:56 AM
JFK II A Must Watch!

talks about a connection between George HW Bush and the JFK Assassination. Very good documentary check it out.

[edit on 12-6-2005 by NoJustice]


posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by CTID56092
Recent BBC show The Power Of Nightmares showed the neo-cons and Al Quida in their true light - interesting comparisons...

Here's a thread that may be of interest regarding this programme:

[edit on 12/6/05 by JAK]

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