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Do we produce some kind of EM field?

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posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 12:44 PM
I have thought about this and I wanted to know what you guys think. Here is my idea. I believe that human produce some kind of EM field, and when that field is broken we know that someone or something is there. For example, some people can feel when someone is watching them. That feeling might come from someone breaking their field. This is just an idea I came up with, and I wanted to know what you thought about it.

[Edited on 8-8-2003 by jetsetter]

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 12:52 PM
I think this is similar to the idea of an aura. Our aura is simply the visualization of our EM field. Some people have a more substantial aura than others. I would not throw out the idea that some people's awareness is in accordance with their EM field/aura. Interesting idea, I don't know what research is out there on this subject matter, I am by no means an expert of aura research, but I will take a look into it.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 01:22 PM
Yes we do.

Electricity is magnetism and vice versa.

We are made of atoms and molecules containg electrons amongst other particles.

Our brain works on electricity, therefore we produce electromagnetism which creates an electromagnetic field.

Electricity borders on 4th dimensional frequencies, therefore the first layer of our aura is the electrical field.

This is the layer that we can all see quite easily around all objects, even dense objects like rocks. Even though they are inanimate objects their atoms still vibrate to some degree creating an 'aura'.

Take care.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by jetsetter
I have thought about this and I wanted to know what you guys think. Here is my idea. I believe that human produce some kind of EM field, and when that field is broken we know that someone or something is there. For example, some people can feel when someone is watching them. That feeling might come from someone breaking their field. This is just an idea I came up with, and I wanted to know what you thought about it.

[Edited on 8-8-2003 by jetsetter]

Well I dont know if this is related but I could always sense when a good friend of mine was in the room without even seeing him.

posted on Aug, 10 2003 @ 10:22 AM
yes we do have a EM field. When your field is broken you can have some strange experiences which can invole seeing and feeling things for example seeing something which is not there.

posted on Aug, 10 2003 @ 02:41 PM
Seems quite certain that we do! I think this as scientists have proven that we are a bio-electrical organism, so whats the problem in having an external em field?
also many scientists beleive that the beleif of a spirit or ghost being in the same room as you may be the earths em field disrupting ours.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 05:52 AM
All matter emits elecromagntic radiation in the form of a field. All matter emits gravitational radiation in the form of a field. The other two opperate at the atomic level. All four fields gain thier energy from the same source.

All fields regardless of strength eminate from a body at the ratio of an inverse square. Simply stated thier are no outer limits to a field. Your aura is a lot bigger than you think.

Energy is niether created nor distroyed it simply moves.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 06:35 AM
Hi, enoch = FreeMason.

This is just a test for the Mods.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 09:58 AM
Occult that which is hidden that which is secret. I hide nothing. Knowledge is power and I give freely. For thoes with there tests you ask am I a sheperd. I have passed through the gate. I did not jump the fence.

My master meditates he believes they are not ready. I refuse to believe this is the case. They are to be offered the next level the choise is theirs alone. I am simply preparing the way.

You should know me by now thier are thoes of you who recognise the white light. It is becoming stronger. Unfortunatly there are thoes who do not. To them I say I can only take you to the door only you may open.

I care not for you tests how can you own that which does not exsist. This is the collective consiousness. You are talking to yourself. It is balance that you seek.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 10:42 AM
All electrical devices create am EM field,the human brain supposedly operates on electricity,the human brain is a time machine also,it records,reacts to stimuli from within the body and outside it,and the consciousness can look into the possibilities of what may happen in the future.

bla bla.

I have always had a problem around electrical devices like TVs and stereos,when I get into certain areas around them they will register static,interference.

Kinda funny,one night I was looking at the tube,and the only way it would come in was if I raised my right arm to a certain position,someone came to my door and saw that ,and wondered if I was uNBaLaNCeD,good thing it was my brother.

I don't watch the tube any more,but my puter fks up a lot.


posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 11:00 AM
This is true balanced one quite correct. When you place your hand on the anttena of your TV the reseption will improve. This is because we have Iron in our hemeagloben. The nervous system also can only be corectly discribed as a EM field. As beings of matter we are constantly emmiting radiation. This is called radioactive decay. We do not disapear because we are ubsorbing an equal amount of radiation from our environment.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by enoch
This is true balanced one quite correct. When you place your hand on the anttena of your TV the reseption will improve. This is because we have Iron in our hemeagloben. The nervous system also can only be corectly discribed as a EM field. As beings of matter we are constantly emmiting radiation. This is called radioactive decay. We do not disapear because we are ubsorbing an equal amount of radiation from our environment.

Could you please point out the isotopes in human bodies that decay, and would make us disapear without being infused with a replacement?

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 11:50 AM

Our brain works on electricity, therefore we produce electromagnetism which creates an electromagnetic field.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

I already have a post similar to this one:


Mental Electromagnetic Field

I haven't had much time to think this through... but here's some speculation for ya'.

(Sorry if I have any technical inacuracies... I'd like to be corrected on them so I can further my knowledge... so feel free to tear this appart).

Here goes:

Facts as I know them (correct me if I'm wrong)

Your brain operates by sending electrical signals between nerve cells.

Electricity produces electromagnetc fields.

Electromagnetic fields can induce electricity.

Speculations and questions:

Could the electromagnetic field be picked up and decoded effectively allowing someone to 'read your mind'?

Since your brain operates on electrical impulses... could the electromagnetic field produced by someone else's brain induce electrical impulses in YOUR brain? (telepathy?)

I'd like some feedback on this... I just kinda' thought of this while I was sitting around a few nights ago and don't quite know all the info I need to decide if I'm right or wrong.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 12:29 PM
I assume that we probably due since we are kind of a big battery. But the reason I'm posting on this thread was to share a really odd thing that happened to my nephew.

My nephew was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor in 1989 before he died they did radiation treatments. After his first treatment, him and his mom got in the car to go home and he reached over to turn up the volume on the radio (which had an LED for the station readout). As his hand passed in front of the LED it went nuts and started flashing bizarro characters and was very dynamic. He notices this and pulls his hand away and tells his mom. So he puts his hand back in front of the radio to show her, and it does it again!

I had never considered, before that incident, that radiation could emit back out of the body that strongly.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 03:48 PM
I had never considered, before that incident, that radiation could emit back out of the body that strongly. Posted by Valhall

I am not an expert on radiation treatment, but I did have a friend who was undergoing radiation treatment for bone cancer. She also bred and raise Wiemeranners, and was advised by her doctor to give up the pursuit while under treatment, as she could injure her puppies from the residual radiation. (She was also advised to sleep in a seperate bed and not be intimate with her husband for the same reason)

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 04:27 PM
While that isn't really EM radiation (I don't think... wait... is it?)... it's still scary... I didn't know that radiation treatment could do that either. I also didn't know radiation of that type could affect electronics... that's quite odd.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 04:58 PM
Not exactly related, but thought it was interesting in terms of the radiation link...

Ordinary wasps and hornets are bad enough, but it turns out that wasps are building radioactive nests in a nuclear power plant in Hanford, Washington. And regular hornets are dive bombing people's ears, attracted by the perfume behind them.
John Stang writes in the Washington State TriCity Herald about Todd Nelson, who is trying to remove radioactive mud daubers from Bechtel�s abandoned H Reactor complex. Workers tearing down the plutonium-production reactor's contaminated buildings found a radioactive mud dauber's nest in a nook in a wall on the south side of the complex. Since then, many contaminated nests have been discovered in the nooks and crannies of the H Reactor complex. "There's more than dozens," Nelson says. "We haven't been provoking them� There are no reported stings. No reported buzzing or dive- bombing."

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by enoch
Occult that which is hidden that which is secret. I hide nothing. Knowledge is power and I give freely. For thoes with there tests you ask am I a sheperd. I have passed through the gate. I did not jump the fence.

My master meditates he believes they are not ready. I refuse to believe this is the case. They are to be offered the next level the choise is theirs alone. I am simply preparing the way.

You should know me by now thier are thoes of you who recognise the white light. It is becoming stronger. Unfortunatly there are thoes who do not. To them I say I can only take you to the door only you may open.

I care not for you tests how can you own that which does not exsist. This is the collective consiousness. You are talking to yourself. It is balance that you seek.

That was a classic FreeMason!

One of my favorite works is White Light FRom The Mouth Of Infinity, by Swans.

You are indeed on an intelligent path in yourself, if not politically, but your worthiness has in no way been proven. Quite the opposite. Think cautiously about whether this is truly an environment for you, and the effects your presence has on the reputation of those you regard fraternally.

As you are no doubt aware, being disowned and exiled is unpleasant. But it can also be just.

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