posted on Aug, 13 2003 @ 10:07 PM
I have had a couple of other near death experiences.
One time,I was jumping out of a plane,I had a really bad hangover and was feeling mighty low,I did my 4 thousand count and the chute didn't open
yet,I thought about it too long and had no time to deploy my reserve,so I grabbed the risers and started shaking the heck out of the chute,and it
opened about 50 ft off the ground,I was the first guy to get to the ground of all the guys on the plane.Really soft landing.
Another time,I had been humping around,flying around on planes and choppers for about 96 hours without any sleep,when I finally had a chance to get
some shuteye,I went to this outcropping where it stuck out into the sea,(supposedly this was the safest place in the area because it had been cleared
the day before),zonked right out,I was pooped,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Got rudely awakened by my head bouncing off of rocks as I was being dragged across the ground by my feet.
It turns out that there was a sniper walking rounds right up the hill at my head,and some quick thinking guy grabbed me by the feet and dragged me out
of harms way,never even found out who the guy was....
Do these qualify as near death experiences?.