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"Prayer" to aliens can create real contact???

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posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 10:11 AM
I know a murderer who killed for money, and tried to pray to the aliens for help, but it turned the other way around... I wonder why?

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 06:55 PM
From what i gather some people think aliens are zeta's with an evil goal to steal fetuses and are slaves to breeding programmes etc. Others think aliens are demonic. All sounds very negative to me.

When i communicate with my friend in love light and truth bringing unconditional love, other's want to warn me that my friend is really a zeta in disguise or satan himself.

I understand what Earth Sister is saying that people end up confused and begin to doubt.

My friends race is mentioned in the bible protecting Jesus on his chariot. If this race is good enough for Jesus they are good enough for me. To me they bring senserity but still people will tell me I am being blinded by their evil disguise and motives.

Instinct is the best judge there is, your soul's gut feeling, if it feels comfortable deep deep inside then it's right. If something harbours doubts and i am not talking about what others say, i am talking deep within oneself then back away and protect yourself!

I feel a lot has to be said about sleep parallises where people THINK they are having a ufo abduction experiance by being held down and unable to move etc. People can claim that they have scares or bits stuck in them as i saw on one documentory and it was a peice of glass! But no! this man claims it is a chip of some sort tracking his every move. Anyone with a brain could clearly see he had a bit of glass stuck in him from a previous accident!

I also belive that SOME alien abductions are millitery related also as I read one persons account of being drugged but the drug didn't work efficiently. He was in the back of a landrover but the milletery guys wanted him to belive he was inside a ufo and they where zeta type aliens doing stuff to him on a table, yes the classic human disection etc. His vision would alter from seeing aliens but then they turned into millitery guy's. I don't know what the drug is...some kind of trip with mental mind control! You cannot trust your own governments and it is sickening.

I have experienced a type of sleep paralysis where an Alien with cat type eyes a lizzardy appearance was stairing right into my eyes lying ontop of me. I no this was definatly a dream and nothing more. I was not afraid as i was aware i was dreaming at the time. This happened after spending too much time on Alien/ufo forums, it was on my mind and subconciously i dreamt i saw an alien.

I have had a ufo hovering 60ft over my head which again i put down to milletery craft driven either by robots or computer as humans could not tolerate such ludicrus speeds it exited at!

Again alien beings being my last option trying to be rational. I do believ in aliens and there are like humans good as well as bad id imagine i don't no that as fact.

The only true experiance i have...true to myself...i can't prove it to anyone else is my friend of a spirit nature. If i see physical aliens i sure hope i have my camera. But then even if i did , people would question my pictures and say they where fake anyway. It was created by artists, it is camera trickery. I bet I or anyone else who took a camera couldn't win anyway!

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 01:16 AM
Has anyone had any joy with this.?

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 03:58 PM
Okay something mad happened to me night before last! Yes I had been drinking i will admit, i don't get to go out often now having a baby to take care of.

I got home started to drift off to sleep when suddenly in a split second i became wide awake as if I wasn't in control of myself
I rolled over to get comfy when i saw a spirit child standing on the computer desk. She was around the same age as my baby. I said hello but she didn't acknowledge me and faded away. I felt like I had to look out of my window. It was open just wide enough for my cat to get through and through the gap i saw a low flying plane! Thought no more of it until it stopped at the white wooden frame of the window but obviously it was in the distance not litterely at my window. Anyway it moved slowly backwards and stopped as if in the middle of the gap in the window.

Now I was aware something even more paranormal was going on than just the child from spirit. The plane turned into light and zig zagged all over the place (within the gap of the window only) It was delibrate that I was to witness this!

I got out of bed pulled back the curtain for a closer look but I could no longer see it. Got back into bed and it appeared as light again in a cigar shape.

I got out of bed again and this time I got a closer look outside the window. It had turned into a circle of light now! I tried to focus on it but it was blured (yes I can hear you joke, you were pissed love what do you expect) It was like looking through an out of focus telescope. The light darted around as if someone was holding a tourch. Trust me it was no tourch light!

Now knowing I was pissed i had to wake my sober husband up as he had been babysitting. I told him to tell me if he could see it or I am going round the twist
Sure enough my hubby saw it too! OMG

I mentally asked what did they want but got nothing. I tried to get to sleep every time I opened one eye it was still there
After finnaly getting to sleep a light passing over me woke me up
It was still there at 5am in the morning

My friend has been experiencing something similer for a few months and she felt it was a sign from the angels to do with the bible prophesises and the coming of christ, relating to seeing lights in the sky. I had sensed that the saviour has returned to us, and couldn't understand why I kept feeling it. Maybe I was getting an answer after all but I hadn't realised it at the time as I was expecting something physical to happen. It was a though they where making me feel as a means of communication if that makes sence.

I often think some people are religious nut cases, not all of them obviously but a small hand full and they just sound insane. I have just turned into one myself and i am not an extremely religious person trust me. I am against churches and organisations infact, I like to be conditioned by no-one and have freedom to think beyond the box. It seems i am well beyond that box now

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 04:34 PM
Of course you did...of course

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 05:45 PM
piss edd lol where abouts was this sighting then? i take it u live in England? what region?

[edit on 21-10-2005 by thexplorer]

posted on Nov, 3 2005 @ 03:54 PM
No I am not from England I am from Wales and I am Welsh in origion but yes i am from the UK if thats what you mean LOL Wales is a small country with its own launguage and nationality in its own right. Far more interesting than Englands fish and chip heritage. Wales is the only country in Britain that it not included in its flag so don't worry ignorance is bliss but hey!

I did report it to NUFOC but it has not been filed yet. I have had my camera ready most night and i haven't seen it again but this kid wrote a thread with his prophecy asking people if we thought he could be the saviour of the world. Freaky co-incidance or is he the ONE? The spaceship made me feel that the saviour is here, then this kids thread. Sequenisity! weired weired weired! I am actually not convinced he is the ONE

Neo is the only ONE damm it LOL

This kids thread is called "My Prophecy" Its just a freakoid coincidance I hope

Catch you later from WALES not ENGLAND remember LOL

posted on Nov, 3 2005 @ 05:17 PM
I also once summoned "aliens". In 94 I was in my second year of college and had 3 beers. I had read in an ufo book that aliens are telepathic so me and a mate were lying on the grass behind the halls of residence. He fell asleep and decided I would project a beam, like tramlines out of forehead witht he word "aliens" written inbetween. The projection had a lavender blue colour to it. I focused the end of the tramlines to a point on the furthest star I could see with the naked eye and then spread the message around the whole sky by illuminating it everywhere.

As I can remember I had been doing this for about 20 secs and oh my God, the next thing I see is this tennis ball size circular light (lavender colour as well) shoot straight down form the sky to a field out of sight. It pulsated to the size of a football twice on the way down. I thought"WOW!" and left it at that.

I happen to believe I met the occupant a couple of days later registering for the uni halfway through term. I knew he wasnt from around here because I could see through his holographic disguise. He had huge Irises, purple, about three times the size of ours. He project small brown / green eyes on top of that.

He was certainly shocked to see me, that's for sure. I took him by surprise. He kept standing back and wanting to shake my hand. I thkn he was more shocked than I was.

Needless to say I just smiled for a while in a wierd sort of trance state, and left the room. It was only a lot later that I thought what on Earth was I doing.

Maybe I wasn't ready to meet them. I didn't expect a reply from the sky that night, that is for sure.

posted on Nov, 3 2005 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister
Humans think like humans and believe a lot of wild silly things because they are popular.

There are no real demons. There is no force out to get us or make us do wrong things. Demons are figments of imagination like the boogeyman.

Fear is real and the unknowns are real, but what we make up about them is not real.

Sounds so true, ES.

posted on Nov, 3 2005 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by labasta
I also once summoned "aliens". In 94 I was in my second year of college and had 3 beers. I had read in an ufo book that aliens are telepathic so me and a mate were lying on the grass behind the halls of residence. He fell asleep and decided I would project a beam, like tramlines out of forehead witht he word "aliens" written inbetween. The projection had a lavender blue colour to it. I focused the end of the tramlines to a point on the furthest star I could see with the naked eye and then spread the message around the whole sky by illuminating it everywhere. ....

Thats a good story there, thanks for sharing.

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 06:12 AM
no worries.

It's my interpretation. Who knows?

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 07:06 AM
I would call it telepathy, not prayer...

I suppose putting your arms together and talkin to someone in your head might be classed as prayer, but I'd only say its prayer when Gods on the recieveing end...

I believe it can happen, telepathy is real, wether you agree or not !:-p

Apparantly there is more "space" in matter than actual matter, so maybe someone 10 lighyears away is actually standing right next to us..and maybe its this matter that we see that seperates us? That means that it would be possible to talk to anyone, anywhere...

If you dont understand, read again :-p

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 10:54 AM
I agree with the many posts that aliens are nothing more than demons which you create in a sense. I mean if you believe in something given enough fear and energy it will happen. This works for good and bad. Learn it live it embrace it..oh and I suggest going for the good side fierys w/ pixie dust is much cooler than ugly aliens no?

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 12:30 PM
Ok, we're gonna settle this now. Someone try it and if it works tell them to reveal themselves. If it doesn't work we can go back to discussing sane ideas.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Atomix
Ok, we're gonna settle this now. Someone try it and if it works tell them to reveal themselves. If it doesn't work we can go back to discussing sane ideas.

I did use it and I believe it worked while in the Army back in the 90's.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 03:50 PM
As we Irish like to say:

"Sure you did Laddy!"

But you have no proof but your word. There is no scientific proof that this is possible. The man has been proven a fake. Stop living in your fairytale world of unicorns and candy bracelets. In the thousands of years of Human Civillisation we would have discovered this earlier. There are monks who meditate all day, they might have done it, but they didn't because it cant be done. Honestly this is one of the stupidest threads Ive ever read.

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 05:02 PM

Try it.

What do you have to lose?

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 05:06 PM
The question of course is: If they came, would you be ready?

I wasn't.

Remember, this would be the most profound thing you could ever do in your life if they came. Just honestly think about it for a moment. They might know more about you than you do yourself. How mature are you?

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 05:36 PM
I've tried it a dozen times, and damnit no UFO. Maybe it works only on certain people.

posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 10:19 AM
Wow! amazing thread guys! Do you think this telepathic interaction would be more powerful if it took place with large numbers of people? If so, would it be a good idea to get a group of people together to try and call them? Or is it as powerful with one as with many?


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