Okay something mad happened to me night before last! Yes I had been drinking i will admit, i don't get to go out often now having a baby to take
care of.
I got home started to drift off to sleep when suddenly in a split second i became wide awake as if I wasn't in control of myself
I rolled over
to get comfy when i saw a spirit child standing on the computer desk. She was around the same age as my baby. I said hello but she didn't
acknowledge me and faded away. I felt like I had to look out of my window. It was open just wide enough for my cat to get through and through the
gap i saw a low flying plane! Thought no more of it until it stopped at the white wooden frame of the window but obviously it was in the distance not
litterely at my window. Anyway it moved slowly backwards and stopped as if in the middle of the gap in the window.
Now I was aware something even more paranormal was going on than just the child from spirit. The plane turned into light and zig zagged all over the
place (within the gap of the window only) It was delibrate that I was to witness this!
I got out of bed pulled back the curtain for a closer look but I could no longer see it. Got back into bed and it appeared as light again in a cigar
I got out of bed again and this time I got a closer look outside the window. It had turned into a circle of light now! I tried to focus on it but it
was blured (yes I can hear you joke, you were pissed love what do you expect) It was like looking through an out of focus telescope. The light
darted around as if someone was holding a tourch. Trust me it was no tourch light!
Now knowing I was pissed i had to wake my sober husband up as he had been babysitting. I told him to tell me if he could see it or I am going round
the twist
Sure enough my hubby saw it too! OMG
I mentally asked what did they want but got nothing. I tried to get to sleep every time I opened one eye it was still there
After finnaly
getting to sleep a light passing over me woke me up
It was still there at 5am in the morning
My friend has been experiencing something similer for a few months and she felt it was a sign from the angels to do with the bible prophesises and the
coming of christ, relating to seeing lights in the sky. I had sensed that the saviour has returned to us, and couldn't understand why I kept feeling
it. Maybe I was getting an answer after all but I hadn't realised it at the time as I was expecting something physical to happen. It was a though
they where making me feel as a means of communication if that makes sence.
I often think some people are religious nut cases, not all of them obviously but a small hand full and they just sound insane. I have just turned
into one myself and i am not an extremely religious person trust me. I am against churches and organisations infact, I like to be conditioned by
no-one and have freedom to think beyond the box. It seems i am well beyond that box now