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"Prayer" to aliens can create real contact???

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posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 02:32 PM

I laughed at the empty threat you made toward me in another thread the other day and I am just as amused by your pathetic attempts to intimidate me in this thread.

Your threats represent the hot air ravings of a fraud who promotes alien propagandist ideology and who attempts to deceive people into thinking that she is in contact with benign physical aliens -- when in fact she and her husband, Jack, are just channelers of alien spirits.

Why don't you have your mythical alien committee stop me from exposing your fraudulent activities?

Oops...sorry...I forgot...they can't do that...right? The Prime Directive of Non-Interference prevents them from appearing to anyone who does not adhere to and promote their propagandist ideology.
I always appreciate a good laugh.

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 02:37 PM
I'd rather pray for an end to world hunger, or maybe just a ferrari, yeah to hell with world hunger summon me up a few ferraris err pray me up

this'll do fine

now gets to praying!

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 03:42 PM
Now that's a nice spin to this thread.

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
Kidnapping many innocents for medical experimentation, a long-term breeding program, dissection, to steal their unborn fetus, brainwashing, etc., ARE NOT Acts of Compassion performed by those aligned with God or The Light

Amen to that !

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by MiTo

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
Kidnapping many innocents for medical experimentation, a long-term breeding program, dissection, to steal their unborn fetus, brainwashing, etc., ARE NOT Acts of Compassion performed by those aligned with God or The Light

Amen to that !

Thanks MiTo.

I know that the spiritual types in this forum, however under-represented, are out there.

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 04:09 PM
Paul, I believe your right but i also believe that when these people are praying something is contacting them. What the hell it is remains to be seen. Like you said what kind of beneficial race/ god would maime, tourture, ridicule, and harass their "own" creations?


posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 04:19 PM
I have never spilt my proverbial beans on exactly *why* I got into this field as a sub of my professional career. And, why my distain for hoaxers is what it is.

I have had "experiences" since I was as early as 5 years old. I cant recall if it was before then or not...that just when I first recall it. I have NEVER subscribed to hypnosis, nor do I need any help in recalling. More often then not, these "experiences" were during waking hours.

I choose not to discuss them here, because it's truthfully so damned detailed and long..and I just dont have time to go experience to experience detailing them enough to be fully understood.

My involvement in this whole UFO / alien thing has stemmed from me wanting to know what was going on with me, what I'd seen, and what my family and friends saw with me on several occasions throughout my life.

I firmly, firmly believe the enigma itself or something else laid a path before me, and I walked it. I walked it 24/7, for over 13 years. I interviewed hundreds of people, across all social lines, and races. I developed the first, and to my knowledge, only Experiencer support group on AOL with the backing of it's paranormal section "Parascope". I went on skywatches everywhere, and attended UFO conferences, and lectured at some of them. I applied my career choosen field to it as well, doing photo and video analysis. I literally was consumed with knowing "anything", I could about the phenomena.

I became exceedingly frustrated, always seeing the dangling carrot, but not being able to get to it. It was if someone was always just out of reach.

My personal "experiences", went on, and became far more frequent as I discovered more about this whole thing, and how it applies and "works" to me. The experiences became much for "in your face", as did the sightings of very odd things in the sky.

I recall one instance one day in 1997 in the local park with my son, my wife and me flying kites we'd bought at the beach. These kites were delta wings and basically ya get them up and they stay can lay on your back and watch. So that what I did. As I laid there lookin up at the clear blue sky, I said very quietly "I havent seen you guys in awhile." It had been 3 weeks since I'd seen or heard anything odd.

Not more then 30 seconds, and I see a large silver ball (sound familiar?) in the sky. Not moving. Completely still. About as big as a dime at the outstreched arm. It was large. Funny thing...when I scream back to my wife some 30 yards behind me, she cant see it. She walks up to me, and then she sees it...said it "just appeared"...I assured her it was there all along. She takes one step left or right from me, and it's gone from her view...but I can still see it. As I said "lets walk down Mom's and get a vanishes in thin air.

Whats that say to me? That it was meant for *me* to see. My line of sight. It hung there for 10 minutes, yet when I mention a camera, it goes. I firmly believe it heard me.

This led me down another line of thinking. That the enigma is FAR more personally based then anything. And it's based on perception.

I personally believe that the "aliens" have no more ability to come to you, or for you to see them...then you give them. One think tank paper I read years ago said " these beings seem to have no more ability to enter our reality then we give them, the only defense would be all out deniability."

There is far more going on with ufos and aliens then ETs, or any other label you attach to it. I believe it is much deeper. I do not believe that there is a "hybrid" program, nor stolen fetuses, nor sperm samples taken, anal probes, and the scars that come with them...take your pick. I believe that is all a ruse. People say they have experienced these things, and I beleive them...but, thats based on a screen memory these "aliens" impose. No one can seem to deny (who have had actual experiences) that these beings can alter perception. So why should we believe any of the common accounts listed above as the reality of the event?

No ladies and gents, as far as I'm concerned, theres alot more going on...all that stuff is nothing more then smoke and mirrors.

Ok then, what you ask, are "they" doing? Welp, if you look at alot of the people who've legitimately had this kinda thing happen, you find a both their traits as people, and the person's beliefs after such an event(s).

Make no mistake, there are alot of people claiming the experience, who are either delusional in accordance with a mental issue, or lying for personal gain, be it monetary or for "attention". There were alot of people out there who gained all knowledge of "experiences" from hypnosis, which has been clinically proven by several Doctors to be VERY open to suggestion and fantasy prone contamination. In other words, some "hypnotherapists" have been very suggestive in questioning, coupled with the open media contaminating the public with "abductions". You'd be surprised how many of these therapists are being sued for such "therapy".

But of course there are the core amount of people who are having such experiences, legitimately. Most often these people dont need regression therapy to recall anything. And more oten then not, what they dont recall, they choose not to by any means. I have stuff I cant recall...and trust me I dont wanna know.

But I'm getting off track.

What I came down to was an opportunity to speak at a conference that was held in Washington DC. "UFO Heavyweights" would be in attendance. As I wrestled with alot of issues regarding the engima, I decided to trash it all, and review every case, again, and take another approach: rather then nuts and bolts experiences and sightings, I'd look at the effect on the individual. UFO reports are about people...what people see, or experience. We dont have a UFO to study...only people.

What I came down to was a set of constants:

-when people realized "alien" involvement, they became consumed with the study, nothing else mattered.

-a large contingency of them lost all spirituality (belief in any God) but in turn "aliens" took on the "creator" role.

-a very large percentage who were married, with a non-experiencer spouse, divorced that spouse. (no matter the age of the marriage)

-another large portion lived in near a constant state of fear.

-alot adopted into the "New Age" religions, and/or became stringent supporters of "space brothers" mentality, despite horrifying experiences.

-had severe impacts on normal life, sleep disturbed, going out at night, etc.

Interesting no? I thought so. Where there was no correlation in sightings or experiences (some loose connections) there was definite correlation here. These are very broad descriptions, but get the point across...because I got alot more to go....


Some religion folks have called it "spiritual warfare". I call it (the entire UFO/alien question) a symptom. A symptom of something MUCH deeper, and more complex then what we possibly have words to describe. The "aliens" and UFOs, are what we perceive...because we cannot "see" it any other way. It seems to be non-linear in time, as has possibly inserted itself into our history as to make it seem as if it's always been here. Maybe, maybe not.

The overall turn from *any* God, no matter what kind, is highly interesting. That and other points point to some thing, trying to circumvent any spirituality.

"Demons"...I said under my breath. But, how the hell (pardon the pun) was I gonna say that word to a room FULL of researchers and experiencers??

I'm not a religious guy, and I dont know how this is gonna come across, but it's the best way I know to say it. Things added up to me that whatever "it" is, it was trying to destroy spirituality in us, and consume normal life. Obsess us with the question...when there is no answer. It is by human definition, "demonic"...but lets not get too religious here...take it as a negative energy, a destructive force, a dangling jewel you'll never get to hold.

As Trinity said "it's the question that drives us".

But to what.

My problem remained. I had to give a lecture about this thing, and my life and interaction with it. How could I hold back from saying what I'd seemed to find out? Or did I just say it, and literally commit UFO researcher suicide? You guys know how they slay anyone who puts forth the religious angle. It may not be a religious thing, but it's all we have to describe it as....or with.

That night I'd had some friends over, and because our bedroom was a mess, we locked the door. My friends knew all about my experiences, so I told them what I'd come out with after looking at all the info I'd collected or for that matter read about. I managed to convey it (probably better then here) so they understood the "D" word. We stayed up talking about it for 7 3am they told me good luck, and left.

The next morning with a week til the lecture, my wife and I got dressed and were getting ready to leave. My wife said "did someone else come over last night?" "Not that I know of" I said, but I had a wierd feeling that someone came over after our company left...I just couldnt figure why I had that feeling.

I forgot my cell, so I went back in the bedroom to get it off the dresser. When I looked in the mirror of the dresser, there was a symbol about 20 inches high scraped into it. I can post pic if anyone cares...but it was shaped like a hourglass, with a arrow going down thru it, and an arch above it all. I was friggin blown away fascinated. I took the mirror off and called Dr. Mario Pazzaglini, who'd I'd seen lecture on "alien writing" a few weeks before. He asked that I fax a drawing of the symbol to him.

"It's angelic writing" he said. "I've never seen it arranged like this, and this hasnt been a written language in eons....where did You see this again?"

"My mirror" I said. I then asked him what it meant.

"It's not translatable like you would human language, I have to go off telling you how it would be's a challenge" , he said.

"A challenge about what?" I asked.


My f*cking feet went like ice.

I got off the phone, and looked at the mirror.
As I looked at it, I said "you bet your ass I do."

I went that next weekend to DC and delivered the lecture. I said what end I came to. I took the bullet, and waited for the worst. I got tears, and applause.

Not what I expected. After the talk I was innundated. Questions, positive comments, more questions. Dick Hall, who for those who dont know, is the GodFather of UFO research, and a man I respect, came up to me and said "I wanted to congratulate you on your talk". I know that probably wouldnt mean anything to most people, but it did to me. I expected to be treated like a leper. Out of all those people...only 2 walked out of my lecture.

I wasn't asked back to the conference.

Oh well.

Anyhoo...ya wanna see UFO's? Go look for em. You'll find them...or will they find you.
I still dont have all the answers and I know I never will. But I know how I felt when I got into this some 20 years ago, and where I was led...and the more I look at it, I was led by something, to come to this rather odd answer for myself. Who wrote that on my mirror? Wasnt anyone here I can say that. That symbol has been seen nowhere else to my knowledge. I havent looked at it in over 5 years.

After the lecture, my life went upside down. Experiences continued, til one night I decided to get pissed.

Anyone legitimately having experiences will understand what I mean when I say that experiences have a "start" point....a little thing that might not seem like much, but tells you theyre coming. You know it. You can feel it, and it's palpable. The air is different. So there I waited alone in the living room. When I saw them, one was already in front of me.

I only got out 5 words.

"I know what you are."

Never, in all my years, have I seen these "aliens" or whatever you wanna call them show any emotion in their face. I've felt it, but not seen it. But when I said those words, thing thing showed it's "teeth" if you can call them teeth, and squinted like I kicked him in the gnads.

Then they were gone. I have not seen them since. Nor felt them, nor had that "feeling", except for once...and it quickly left. I have seen craft since...but no ill repercussions.

I have come to learn that if you show interest in them, they will return the favor...only they take it a step further. They will dangle another carrot, or give you another dog and pony show. It's endless if you let it be. I often wonder if these UFO hotspots are there, just because people show up JUST to see craft.

So, I'm telling you as a 38 year old man, as honestly and open as I can, that being so deeply invloved as to go out looking for UFOs much less "calling" them, can destoy you life. I can only imagine what it can mean for your "soul" if there is such a thing...and I believe there is.

I've told you where it's led me to *my* truth. *My* stance, and that stance could change, but I doubt it. It took me years to get there, and a hell of alot of money and work. You can take it for what it's worth.

I just want you "callers" out there to know what I see, however lightly I might have skimmed over it here...there's tons more, and this is only a light skimming I give you here to make the point.

Just know what might be waiting. And even if you see it, my advice would be to tell it to "talk to the hand".

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 04:34 PM
Good read jritzmann,

Now I wonder if my recent altercation with one could of had the same effect as you saying those five words to them? Whatever their plot or whatever they are, demons, aliens, extradimensional beings, or ghosts they need to understand one thing.

We aren't going to take this laying down


posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by Azathoth
Paul, I believe your right but i also believe that when these people are praying something is contacting them. What the hell it is remains to be seen.



I agree that something is responding to the praying.

There were a couple of situations whereby I came close to being abducted.

During one of those episodes, the intensely bright paralysis floodlight entered my home via a second story window and I was not taken because I managed to avoid direct contact and subsequent paralysis. If the physical aliens in question could read my mind or had telepathic ability, then they would have known my whereabouts and would have been successful in their kidnapping attempt. A logical conclusion derived from this is that the physical aliens do not have telepathic or mind reading ability.

The above incident, my own intuition, and my extensive experience as a spiritual medium, have led me to also conclude that the personalities that are responding to prayer for extraterrestrial contact, are in fact alien spirits.

Originally posted by Azathoth
Like you said what kind of beneficial race/ god would maime, tourture, ridicule, and harass their "own" creations?

Quite true. Only those on a self-serving path to exploit innocents would treat lesser advanced humanoid races in an abusive way.

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by Azathoth

We aren't going to take this laying down.

That's the Spirit!

Pun intended.

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 05:02 PM

Good post.

I think I speak for a number of people in here that they would be interested in seeing that symbol posted in the forum sometime.

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by jritzmann

Not more then 30 seconds, and I see a large silver ball (sound familiar?) in the sky. Not moving. Completely still. About as big as a dime at the outstreched arm. It was large. Funny thing...when I scream back to my wife some 30 yards behind me, she cant see it. She walks up to me, and then she sees it...said it "just appeared"...I assured her it was there all along. She takes one step left or right from me, and it's gone from her view...but I can still see it. As I said "lets walk down Mom's and get a vanishes in thin air.

Whats that say to me? That it was meant for *me* to see. My line of sight. It hung there for 10 minutes, yet when I mention a camera, it goes. I firmly believe it heard me.

As you probably already know, what you are describing is a probe. These can be spherical, cylindrical and saucer-shaped.

Secondly, it appears that Zetan cloaking technology enables line of site viewing for targeted individuals. Yes, it was meant for you specifically to see it. They simply flicked the EM field cloaking switch once they heard you mention your camera.

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 05:38 PM
I will try tonight, and see if I can get them to come low.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 01:03 AM
Tonight i was drinking a glass of milk on my deck around before dawn. I was rambling to my self in my head, when i started talking to my self about ufos revealing them selves. I looked up into the sky at a massive star which i thaught was like venus or somthing at fist. It started dancing around though. Everytime i focused on it alot or kinda spoke at it really loudly in my head, it would ligh up and move very far in circles. It was very high up in the sky and moving back and forth very fast so many miles at a time. I realized nothing ive ever heard of does that beside alien craft.

Basically everytime i have gone outside at night and randomly started deeply talking to my self about many people like you all, have straight up ambitious feelings for life, i have seen somthing amazing. Ive seen craft in my area after asking for it.

It gets me feeling some kinda link.I have now seen so many ufos that when ever i get to caught up in society, a ufo appears. They have done alot for me. Once i was driving to the liquer store when my friend told me to look up. There was a small flat craft with very brightly skt blue lights flashing all over it. It shimmered with colour everytime it wobbled from side to side a flash would emitt out of no where. I changed my mind and didnt buy any liquer after that for a long time. It got me thinking what would they think of crap like alchahol.

You are all wonderful, keep at it.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 01:20 AM
jritzmann, i jsut read your post now. You gave me the creeps, i see your point. It seems that my curiosity has build after a life time of twisted paralysis memorys and cold hands on my face. I have always had this deep understanding of how these beings come and go. For example at the moment above my house up in the skyis a bright orb pulsating and zipping around.I always will deeply feel dread towards this topic. The more i think about it, the more i realize i could make alot more happen than just sightings.

Once you get a good taste of these things, nothing els in society feels tough. Their way of contact is paralysis then black out if their that considerate. Dont call for them , that facination feels almost like bait to me now.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 01:31 AM
How did demons get thrown out with the devil, I will never know.

There is a reason the devil is portrayed as horned and hooved.

It is because he IS the scapegoat! Does this mean we blame ourselves when we have given into temptation, or that we should start to? No.

But it does give us the ability to avoid temptation where we know it to exist. And the belief in 'aliens' is one of those tempting areas.

The Old Hag never abducted any one, and she was dreaded for good reason.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 03:48 AM
Jritzmann Excellent post and story….

I have not chimed in on this whole PY UFO summoning thing, but I have read the posts and watched the videos. While I do not believe in Aliens or UFO’s, I do believe what jritzmann says here about Angels and Fallen Angles. According to the Bible there are things called Thrones which by all accounts fit the description of a UFO. And what is a throne really but a seat of power? As I am sure most of you know there is a very descriptive passage in Ezekiel describing one of these. Not only that but supposedly in his later years the government debunker (I forget his name) that coined the “Swamp Gas” theory in Michigan, stated a similar line of belief.

The first thing that hit me about the PY video is that it very much seems more linked with Cabala then anything from the Christian Bible.

Originally posted by akilles
How did demons get thrown out with the devil, I will never know.

A third of the host of heaven joined in the rebellion of Satan against God. Satan is know in the bible as the “Prince of Power in the Air”.

Originally posted by akilles
There is a reason the devil is portrayed as horned and hooved.

This started in the middle ages, and there is no fact to it. I would have to look this up but I believe that part of the description is based on the description that Dante gave in the Inferno, then various wood cuttings of that time continued to embellish on it. The horns might very well have to do with the description of the Beasts in Daniel and Revelations. As far as him being made to look like a goat, try looking up the “Goat of Mendes”.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 09:18 AM
Ya know we have to look at the bible as a set of events (real or not) that are a "history" of sorts that are made up of interaction with a "God" that made it all happen. A power we cannot possibly conceive...the bible is just a way for us to understand anything dealing with that kind of concept.

Lets look at it that way for a second.

Now one guy at the lecture that day said to me, "I really hate that people try to equate aliens with deomns, it's so middle ages...and I think it's ignorant."

My answer was "Well if everything you say about aliens is true (that they have been here for all time with us, that they study us, that they are light years in advance of us) dont you think their appoach would be NOT to have ANY connection or lines drawn to them linking them with anything as threatening as to be called "demonic"?"

Think about it. It's kinda one sided to say they know everything about us, then to say they dont know a belief held by alot of the people.

My opinion? They cant hide what they are. They can however distract you with the chase.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 09:49 AM
Hmmm. It really boils down to one's definition of a demon. I define a demon as an evil spirit who has left the flesh and who has combined with a Group Entity to continue abusing innocents. I've had many astral battles with GE's. What ultimately stops them is their retrogression away from The Light and into oblivion.

Regarding the ancient space-aliens (that many refer to as the Anunnaki) and the present-day ones (that many refer to as the Zetans), they are not demons in the sense of having supernatural powers like fictitious vampires, but they are definitely demonic in the sense of being corrupt, self-serving, and evil in focus.

[edit on 7-6-2005 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 12:04 PM
umm...if anyone changes their mind and decides to read my earlier post, u2u me with suggestions.

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