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ATS Conspiracy - Yes That's Right!

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posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 02:02 PM
After spending 4 days reading that (at the time of finish) 55 page post in its entirety. I know one thing. im still tossed up about it. And the majority of that thread was massive redundancy from posters that read 2 or 3 of the first pages and then posted to the end of the thread the same drivel over and over that was shot down time and again. But being a troubleshooter i have a tendency to not focus on the middle...we have to stop getting stuck on was it or wasnt it a plane.
Starting Point and End Result. WHY did it happen, and WHAT was the end result. There were alot of administrative failures that fateful day. Once those have been addressed properly and honestly then we may (or may not) know the middle portion.

But as always thats just my opinion.

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 11:05 PM

1-Prove it. Until I see some sources I will believe everything you post is a mere opinion. You have shown no sources whatsoever, so I can only assume what you say is true. You have been debunked several times by moderators but have failed to "counter-debunk," leaving me to assume that they are correct.

As of September 2004, the Burea Of Transportation altered there records, if any of you went to and checked there database before then you would of seen both Flight 11 and 77 were not scheduled to fly that day.
However they have doctored there records to show otherwise now, your just going to have to take my word for it.
Ask the guys on the forum there, we all saw it..

I do believe there is still a place where they still haven't doctored the records, I will be doing an investigation...i saw it once...i can't find where it is

As you can see if you search google many sites indeed reported this, very few bothered to save a back up (stupid idiots) either did i at the time, because i saw the records at school, about a day or so before they doctored them.
Heres an article @ Indymedia

You can call me a liar, but you would have no credible reason to, i have never lied before, and believe me i have better things to do then lie to people i dont even know in person.

I am not lying I am being 100 % honest, I encourage you to search out for saved copies of these records and/or records from other places, they have done a very sloppy job on 9/11, there should still be intact records somewhere.
PLEASE help me research this.

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 11:15 PM
This is what gets me though aelphaeis, people died. Here is a list of the passengers onboard Flight 77:

It's just, what happened to these people if it wasn't an airplane? There are a myriad of possibilities, including these aren't real people, that the plane was diverted elsewhere and they died. What surprised me were the "high-profile"-type people listed on the roster, I would have thought it was just a bunch of Joe Blow's on the plane.

I think it's obvious that the official story is not accurate, but I think it's safe to say that real people died somehow.

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 06:44 AM
"What happened to those people"

Well in all of the Pentagon photo's you will notice there are no bodies, when they send the dogs in to try and find something, they find nothing.

Eric Hufschmid who is the author of 9/11 Painful Questions, says the bodies were transported from a morgue, and then to another morgue for examination, meaning what could of happened is that, the bodies were taken somewhere, blown up, shipped to a morgue, and another morgue, therefore the morgue which did the autopsies on the bodies wouldn't know where the bodies came from.

I also have to make a point, 80 tons of airport turns into 5 tons (If that) of wreckage, yet they are able to identify each and every person?
DNA becomes useless at about 180 C i think, or something like that.

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 07:34 AM
Someone earlier posted that it took them 4 days to read the article and 50+ pages of redundant replies to said article. And this article just covered the pentagon crash?

The disinformants have won. There is literally too much material mixed with facts and fictions to come to a 100% verifyable conclusion. This was the plan after all. How many of you have spent countless hours pouring over all the information you could find about the 9/11 consipiracy? How many countless hours did all this research take to build all these websites trying to prove or debunk this or that point concerning this tragedy? And let's say there are a few people smart enough and persistent enough to discover the truth. Will enough people actually believe it to do something about it?

If you ask me, I think terrorists did hijack planes and crash them into the two towers and the pentagon, but they had help...and lots of it. And I don't mean from Bin Laden. The fact that everyone is wasting so much time trying to prove all these ideas about missiles and fuel pods, etc., just proves to me that the diversionary tactics developed by the real perpetrators of this tragedy are working. TPTB have all the time in the world, while we on the other hand are quickly running out.



posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 07:46 AM

meaning what could of happened is that, the bodies were taken somewhere, blown up, shipped to a morgue, and another morgue, therefore the morgue which did the autopsies on the bodies wouldn't know where the bodies came from.

Well, now you put it like that I will have to abandon my previous scepticism. The plane (which you have been implying didn't even fly that day because of the flight schedules) was actually diverted and then the passengers killed, "blown up" at a morgue, shipped to another morgue and so on.... Then after the military had launched a cruise missile (which all the many eyewitnesses mistook for a plane) at their own headquarters, they got bits of the plane and scattered them around where the cruise missile had stuck. Although for some reason they didn't use all of the plane, perhaps they just couldn't be bothered.

Thank you, thank you so much. Due to your detailed research and incisive analysis the scales have fallen from my eyes and I now really see what happened on that fateful day. Keep up the fantastic work.


posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 07:07 PM
Yeah, FatherLukeDuke, it's all a surmise what actually happened to passengers and planes
We don't know the truth, other than probably none of the four events that occurred is the way it's been told - other than that the official story is a LIE

Mod edit to remove Big Quote violation: there is NO need to quote the entire post of someone that has just posted before you.

[edit on 17-7-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Jun, 15 2005 @ 01:58 PM

I think that this board may be controlled by the government, in order to make us conspiracy theorists run around in circles and to make us avoid actually talking about REAL issues that have signifigance.

Oh damn...they're onto us!

Implement plan ZULU TANGO NINER immediately!

You should have been here for our April Fool's joke....

Sure would be odd for British Intelligence to have so many Americans as staff though... If your claim is true, I want a paycheck dammit! Why should I be posting from work? When I could be sittin' back livin' the high life.....

[edit on 15-6-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Jun, 15 2005 @ 02:18 PM
Dont know about you guys,
But i get a good pay check from MI5

posted on Jun, 15 2005 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by aelphaeis_mangarae

A friend of mine claims that some of his posts from that thread have been deleted, IF this is true, that means you are trying to cover up the truth..

Am I the only one who finds it funny that the friend hasn't come forward to identify himself. And did anyone notice any missing or deleted posts from the thread -- or mods did you delete any posts from the thread.

I know if someone I knew said something like that about me and it generated all of this conversation I would have come forward to say it was my post and why the heck did it get deleted -- wouldn't most of you do the same thing?? I know I don't hide behind anyone in real life so I sure as heck won't do it online

posted on Jun, 15 2005 @ 04:06 PM
"What happened to those people"

Well in all of the Pentagon photo's you will notice there are no bodies, when they send the dogs in to try and find something, they find nothing.

Eric Hufschmid who is the author of 9/11 Painful Questions, says the bodies were transported from a morgue, and then to another morgue for examination, meaning what could of happened is that, the bodies were taken somewhere, blown up, shipped to a morgue, and another morgue, therefore the morgue which did the autopsies on the bodies wouldn't know where the bodies came from."

The question isn't where are the bodies, the question is if a misslile hit the pentagon, where did the passengers and crew go ?


the folks that sent the missile also killed all the passengers ????

posted on Jun, 15 2005 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by aelphaeis_mangarae
1. Only one engine was found at the Pentagon.
2. The engine is about 2 to 3 feet across.
3. The engine of a Boeing 757 is 9 feet across.

did not read

posted on Jun, 15 2005 @ 04:30 PM
aelphaeis_mangarae don't let ATS get to you now. If I had a nickel for every time I seen something on here that was so ridiculous its beyond logic I would be a millionair. Not to call every one on here crazy its just that some of the stuff on here doesn't make sense to me even when I look at it open mind. With that being said remember these theories they are not fact just a theories and thats all it will ever be. Take it with a grain of salt.

..and if ATS wishes to censor you they have every right too this is a privately owned and operated website they can do pretty much anything they want with it.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 11:58 AM
And I have no problem with accepting that some of these things really took place. Sure, some are fabrications, obviously. In my life, I have witnessed numerous logic defying things, some of these miraculous occurences I experienced personally. So, for me, I cannot call these people liars, nor do I think they are delusional. No more than me, anyway. Miracles happen in my life, so I am actually comforted to read about others who have had similar things happen. It gets tiring after a while being called nuts, so it is very good to read about people whose own past events have led them to accept that I am not a liar or insane person.
But conspiracies exist everywhere there is a power structure, even here, and thats okay by me.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 12:03 PM
Hmmmm..lets count the days if your thread lasts for say a week then your wrong about an ATS/Gov connection.
If it lasts till shortly after tomorrow then post "disappearing post" and we can deal with your thought above more seriously.


posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 02:26 PM
i enjoyed the arguments, it makes us human, but i need to get back to the oregon witch trials of confusion.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 05:08 PM
"1. Only one engine was found at the Pentagon.
2. The engine is about 2 to 3 feet across.
3. The engine of a Boeing 757 is 9 feet across. " took this information for real. If you say that government is controlling ATS, why dont you say that government gave the information above.

Maybe a 9 feet engine was found. Maybe that was hided, and other information passed.

I just mean that if you make a theory about government controlling this place, it would be logical to say that government created the information that you based on.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok

I think that this board may be controlled by the government, in order to make us conspiracy theorists run around in circles and to make us avoid actually talking about REAL issues that have signifigance.

Oh damn...they're onto us!

Implement plan ZULU TANGO NINER immediately!

You should have been here for our April Fool's joke....

Sure would be odd for British Intelligence to have so many Americans as staff though... If your claim is true, I want a paycheck dammit! Why should I be posting from work? When I could be sittin' back livin' the high life.....

[edit on 15-6-2005 by Gazrok]

Seeing as today I've been accused 2 or 3 times of being a dis-info agent, I guess I can pull a few strings there to get you your well deserved cash..

Keep up the good work my friend, rest assured MI5 special branch is very happy with your work.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by aelphaeis_mangarae
Your all very sad, the thing on the frontpage is nothing but Propaganda

Thats kind of an opinionated comment; dont you think? I mean , I could say your stuff is propaganda.

Think next time before posting a thread like this. As you said, "I probably shouln't be posting this"....well, you were right the first time.

Take care.


[edit on 7-17-2005 by theshadowknows]

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by TheRanchMan
Gimme a B-U-L-L!




Put it all together and what does it spell?


someone admonish this troll please? this kind of insulting 'C-R-A-P' is not supposed to fly at ATS.

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