Interesting but we obviously need to see the original article. Lets keep this real as in the scientific facts.
Just to add a few comments. I think this could be as said the popular scaremongering blind faith, however even though the odds for something like this
to happen (an NEO impact) are as said large, These events do happen though! Have happened and will happen again.
Most current research lends more and more credibility to the theory that in the early solar system a object nearly the size of the earth impacted the
earth, created our moon from the massive ejection of rock and dust and lava that was caught and coalessed by earths gravity into the moon. Now im not
saying there are likely chances of such a body crossing our paths again of that size, however as I will show later there is a very remote statistical
chance that such a body could be close and we wouldnt observe it till very late. Anyhow off thread in folklore the American indians saw it as the
'blue star' appearing in the sky suddendly that would come in the end times.
We are far from knowing all the NEO's that could have a cataclasmic effect. In addition small NEO's are very very dangerous too obviosly depending
on where they fall.
The actual reality of the current progress in NEO's
In terms of the discovery efforts for NEOs, NASA's current goal is to discover at least 90% of all NEOs whose diameters are larger than 1 kilometer
within 10 years
These are the ones to worry about as they can be Extinction Level Events if one did hit the Earth. And as seen from the horses mouth in just under a
decade guys where 'hoping' to know 90% of these objects That still leaves about 100 (acording to nasa estimates of 1000 total NEOs 1km +) out there
maybe heading for us maybe not! so in 2008/2009 (project started in 1998) as said our knowledge of the true make up of the solar system will be still
be imcomplete.
But hey what about all the little ones? city/country busters? well guys the NEO's survey plan is to obviously spend most of the resources and time
searching for the NEO's of 1km+ plus first, and then in later years look for the smaller ones.
So to surmise the above we are far from having a reliable indcator at the present of any such impacts due or possible. We can see just a slice of the
Much respect to amatuers who have almost single handedly created astronomy and brought most of its important discoveries. For the massive work that
went into catalogueing and maping the sky however it would be unresonable to expect them to do something that Nasa cant do with all its funding and
equiptment. Everyones misses these peices of rock flying round out there at massive speeds:
However, of growing concern are smaller NEOs. One example is 2002 MN, which was discovered by LINEAR on June 17. The asteroid, estimated to be between
50 and 120 meters across, passed within 120,000 kilometers of the Earth on June 14 - three days before its discovery. Had it struck the Earth it would
have had enough destructive power to wipe out a large city.
There is a danger and threat though statistically the chances are small. I however hold no delusion that it will happen its just when. If such a time
was around now in the cosmic dance I would not be 100% confidant that we would know before it hit or that if a large one that the population would be
told until discovered by and amateur.
The Pole as said does both switch polarity and also wander. Infact it has just left canadian territory and is in International Waters. At the moment
the pole has been observed and recorded as speeding up its movement, something not recorded before, though as the data has only been collected for a
couple of hundred years we dont know if its just natural. And it is has been affected by the Tsunami NO psydo science here DENY IGNORANCE AND FALSE
Curiously, the speed with which the pole moves could be related to dramatic events like the massive earthquake that caused last December's
devastating tsunami. That quake was big enough to alter the shape of Earth and jar the planet into a slightly different axis of rotation. It also had
enough power to jolt the molten iron that powers the magnetic field, and could be partly responsible for magnetic "jerks" that are propelling the
magnetic North Pole, Newitt said.
A Canadian scientist who recently returned from a trip to measure the Pole's current location says it has now left Canadian territory and crossed
into international waters.
The pole, which, unlike the geographic North Pole, is in constant movement, has been within modern Canadian borders since at least the 1600s -- the
time of Shakespeare and Sir Isaac Newton.In 1904 it was measured just off the northern tip of Nunavut's King William Island by Norwegian explorer
Roald Amundsen, and since then has moved in a north to northwesterly direction at a stately 10 kilometres per year.
But in 2001, scientists discovered that it was picking up the pace, suddenly charging ahead -- and toward the edge of Canadian territory -- at more
than 40 kilometres per year.This year, bad weather prevented Newitt from reaching the actual location of the pole, and he hasn't completed the
analysis of his observations. But he got close enough to make two measurements, and says it appears the pole is farther away than expected, and moving
even faster than before.
Now back to the moon. The moon is actually moving away from the earth in a measurement of inches a year, at one time the moon would have been so close
that it would have been much bigger in the night sky and would have looked brighter too. Now gravity is very well misunderstood, modern science has
found gravity to be be hardest force to understand explain properly as in its effects on the small scale, of things. This misunderstanding and also
the lack of understanding of a second force Magnetism and search for a theory to explain gravity at the small scale sparked of the theoretical
research that led to modern quantum mechanics.
Now as the moon is moving slowly away from us and it has a gravitational effect on the molten core of the earth which in turn has been shown to be the
source or power house of the magnetism of the earth, therefore the moon moving away from us will eventually probably lead to changes in the poles. In
addition the reason the earth is stable in its orbit, the reason we have had until mans inetrvention regular cyclic weather is because of the moon
without its influence and due to the actual orbit of the earth we would be wiggling about on our axis and it could be 120f in the shade in your home
today then -100f in the night and continual wild weather variations all the time all over the earth as it wildly spun around the Sun.
My whole point that the biggest event to happen to the earth with the mother of all NEO's in the distant past created the conditions and environment
for life as we know it today to include our seasons. So if something is hurtling towards us may be bad , but hey might be good for some bugs or green
slime in the distant future!
The poles have switched in the past. However my above point was just to highlight that in this whole matter ie, NEO's and their gravitational
effects, and the behaviour naturally or induced of the magnetism of the earth is pretty speculative so really Knowledge and Science at this point is
pretty much just opening the door to understanding these forces properly and their interactions with each other.
When the poles next shift there could be disastrous results. Depending on what actually happens at those times, ie is it sudden or slowly happen and
how long till the magnetic force of the earth recovers? There is some evidence that at these times in the past the magnetic field around the earth
reduces to around 10% of its previous state during the switch. However it is not known if that lasts for 1 yr or 26,000 years. Now anything over a
year would be massively catastrophic to all life on earth. The Solar wind and much radiation from the sun would not be protected as it currently is by
the magnetospere with some serious Sunblock needed! There are also some tentative links to infertility and solar radiation/flares so if we had no
protection from these hazards for like 26,000 years could really spoil our party!
On the last point I wanted to make, there is a very if statistically small possibility that a object be it asteroid or a comet even planet sized could
approach us from the other side of the sun from us swing round it and hit the 3 rock from it on the way past! or even just sweap close by. If Big
enough it could effect our gravity or axis even if it did not hit. This is unlikely but possible and we wouldnt know about it till the last minute if
we were lucky. there is now way for us with our current science to measure such an object if soo placed as masked by the Sun.
Some possibilities in the newsletter you got. I have been watching the vatican closely myself on their whole astronomy thing recently and there does
seem to be something afoot but without any proof just me jumping to conclusions. This is highly Unlikely but possible. Please can somebody find/post
the original Newsletter. Im not going to worry about it anymore than getting struck by lightening thsi afetrnoon!