posted on Aug, 9 2003 @ 09:54 AM
Since the Government makes money on both sides the money never really goes anywhere. But they do take more taxes from us to fund a War that has
lasted about 80 years, and has costed more each and every year they continue.
Get this though, all the bud smokers will love the genius behind this! My girlfriend worked in a pharmacy and was telling me that drugs are in
certain classes. Class 1-4, 1 is for illegal and drugs with no medical value, 4 is like Tylenol Codine wimpy stuff. Well Maryjane in it's natural,
sweet, wonderful normal state is a 1. But the pharmacies take and concentrate the THC to a super intense level for their pills of marinol which are
class 3. Marinal is so powerful those who actually take it are basically imobilized from it's effect.
Perfect example of organized crime. They take a drug at class 1 in it's natural state, concentrate it resulting in it being class 3 somehow and now
safe, slap a price tag on it and tell you how much they care about your health and treatment as they rob you.
In case that wasn't enough have any of you ever considered that Weed is so dangerous, according to the B.S. experts, that whenever it's found it's
killed for our safety, yet I'll bet more than half of you have bushes or plants around your house right now that could possibly kill you if
So put that in your pipe and smoke it!!
[Edited on 9-8-2003 by mOjOm]