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A Fellow African Americans View Toward Prophet Yahweh (Ramon Watkins)

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posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 04:37 AM
I have been a member here on ATS for quite a while now, and never have I been faced with such a shocking case. I have been facinated with UFO's sense early childhood, and I have also been facinated with the NWO conspiracy. I am from Los Angeles and on a random check up, I noticed this
Prophet Yahweh Story, and what shocked me more when I saw the video's was that he was black. I went threw about 6 videos before I was freaked out and stopped to see what everyone was saying about this. I watched the usual skeptisism and believers share their views, but this case is unlike any other in time. Prophet Yahweh Combines, The New World Order (Governement Collapse), with UFO's and religion, not only are all 3 of these seperated on a daily basis, yet you are viewed as a blasphemous or false prophet to combine Religion, Government, and Extraterristrials. Yet this man regardless of his color proclaims a date for the worlds chaotic stirr, he also summons these UFO's for us to view and presents proof. Not only does he do this, he invites the media, and all the public to view his summonings. Well gathering this togther from my years of experience, to let this simply fade in the bunch of other witniess and storys would be a great mistake to our strides to uncover the truth about our everyday living.
Prophet Yahweh (Ramon Watkins) obviously has no real reason to decept the world, as he also has a family to prove his sanity too. I will be 19 July 5th, I was born into generation X, I have full knowledge and understanding of the events that may, OR may not occur in my near future. I keep a reasonable volume of skeptisism and, belief. But what I wont do is IGNORE warnings from a man who has nothing to gain by warning my generation of events that he mentally invisions. As the baby boomers begain to age into their senior citizenship, Generation X begans to take place to carry to weight of the world to their back. Some discreditors fail to realize is that this man isnt young, even if he did charge to show the videos, there's not alot to gain from this, He really believes what he's telling us, he's really capturing UFO's in the sky for proof. Before we throw this in the HOAX Pile why dont we see what everybody has to gain threw this "prophet" rather than what he has to gain. And I didnt forget his comment on the catholic church, yet I have to say threw personal opinion, it is a little strange that hundreds of catholic preachers are have allged to have molested children, though I do not support the views of the prophet because I do not share his believes in religion I do see alot of events to follow this..

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 04:50 AM
Excellent post, im interested now, what was his warning? Dont take this the wrong way but iwas also surprised that he was black. What ar his warnings? I too have never seen a scam quite like this.

[edit on 2-6-2005 by XphilesPhan]

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 05:42 AM
Equal Opportunity Skeptic

Prophet Yahweh's race or ethnicity are meaningless to me. What matters is what he has to offer.

He seems like a nice enough guy, and by all accounts, he's very personable and easy to get along with.

However, having perused his website, I smell a hustle going on here.

All con artists are easy to get along with. Rude and obnoxious con artists tend to go hungry.

I promote skepticism, not cynicism, and like to keep an open mind, so I'm not saying PY is a fraud or a con artist.

He may be 100% legitimate, for all I know. I honestly don't know one way or the other. For now, I choose to be skeptical and see what develops. No hurries, no worries.

If UFOs are going to come, well, they're going to come. I don't have any say in that, and am honest enough to say so.

I don't care about the color of PY's skin, or yours, for that matter.

But at, I think color does matter, and the color that matters is the color of your money.

My 2 lebnars, your parsecs may vary.



UFO Videos Are No Longer Available For Viewing At This Site

Do Not Attempt To Pay To Enter Video Area


posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 05:46 AM
I agree with you Majic, PY's race is irrelevant to his claims.

I would not trust anyone who calls himself that, which is blaspemous in itself, and tries to get money just to access his site.

I say there's a 99.99% he's a charlatan and 0.01% chance he's channeling some evil power to do this stuff.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 07:36 AM

Prophet Yahweh (Ramon Watkins) obviously has no real reason to decept the world

I'd say hyping up your act to the tune of getting more and more memberships at $8 a pop for a 45 day period is certainly a "real reason"...

This has all of the classic earmarks of a con, and an even more blatant one than UFO cons of the past (i.e. Adamski, Meier, etc.).

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by XX_Mouse_XX
But what I wont do is IGNORE warnings from a man who has nothing to gain by warning my generation of events that he mentally invisions. As the baby boomers begain to age into their senior citizenship, Generation X begans to take place to carry to weight of the world to their back. Some discreditors fail to realize is that this man isnt young, even if he did charge to show the videos, there's not alot to gain from this, He really believes what he's telling us, he's really capturing UFO's in the sky for proof.

I've been fairly silent on the whole issue, but I think if this was meant to a be a warning it would have been available to a much wider audience. Generation X has nothing to do with this and yes he does have something to gain from the whole situation - money. Doesn't matter if he's 99 anyone is capable of pulling an elaborate hoax to produce thier "big bang" before fizzing out. We'll have to wait and see though.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 08:27 AM
I try to retain a healthy skepticism on things like this. Like most, I was very impressed by the ABC-TV13 video. The fact that it all ties back to a subscription-based website doesn't suprise me but raises suspicion. Many people have suggested that we need to concentrate on debunking the videos. I agree. That is the key. There are some other issues, however.

He said he has made a 'covenent of poverty'. That would suggest that he is a 'not-for-profit' organization. If so, he is required by law to file financial disclosure reports with both the State of Nevada and the Federal Gov't. Can someone in Las Vegas contact the Secretary of State office and get these? If he has not registered as a non-profit he's either in huge tax trouble or a liar (to God no less).

Also, although he claims to be able to summon these objects and that he can communicate with the alien entities in order to do so, he also says that their intententions are anything but peaceful. This confuses me... are they our 'space brothers' as he says or is this 'Independence Day / War of the Worlds'? And if they are hostile why would they cooperate?

ABC-TV13 backs out of an agreed-upon live broadcast --- allegedly because everything is being 'blown out of proportion'. This doesn't make sense. This seems to run contrary to the normal behavior and interests of a news organization. The first reactions to this was that 'The Gov't' pressured them to back-off. That would seem a day late and a dollar short. Could it be that ABC-TV13 got word that this is a scam/PR stunt and pulled-out to prevent their being embarassed? It has been suggested by others here on ATS that the timing of all this is suspiciously coincidental with the release of the new 'War of the Worlds' movie. PY's saying that their intentions are anything but friendly also plays into this.

If this guy is a fraud we need to make sure we bankrupt him to dissuade anyone else from attempting a similar scam. And if it turns out to be for real... well, we'll know that soon enough.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 09:42 AM
yes, we all know how enligtened some of you on this board are

I was not saying any thing in a negative way about this man's race. so please dont turn this into a racism thing. I was merely pointing out the fact that most people who believe in ufos that i have seen on television etc are white, with the exception of barney hill form the betty-barney hill abduction
case, which IMO is one of the most likely abductions. I was not the only one apparently who was surprised by this guy being black.

[edit on 2-6-2005 by XphilesPhan]

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 09:59 AM
I posted this in another thread, thought I'd repost it here...

check this document out, it's seems to be a Yahweh Bible study guide detailing Yahweh intentions + gives you a better understanding of where PY is coming from and what he expects to achieve with this,

crazy stuff prepare to be shocked!!

In the name of Yahweh - Study Guide
file is some wierd swf format that opens in IE or Firefox.

an excerpt..

YAHWEH is going to make know His demands to the world, through the prophets He sent to the earth.

The main demand they will make will be that the modern day White so-called Jews, the Arab so-called Palestinians, and all other nationalities in the land of Israel, be immediately evacuated into neighboring countries.

Another demand will be that all homes, buildings, and structures in Israel are to be left intact so our people can inherit a fully developed country.

After the land of Israel has been evacuated and made uninhabited, all nations will be required to quickly provide free transportation back to the land of Israel for all Black people, of slave descent.

Also, all gentiles who are locked up in all prisons, on earth, must be released to go back and be our slaves.

alt link

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 10:08 AM
well then, that is very rascist of "prophet yahweh"

first off, he's not the first person to skim through the kjv bible and claim they are israellites.

I dont think the jews or palestinians are leaving israel, and definately not leaving it in one piece so "prophet yahweh" and his followers can inhabit it

To suggest that they are to enslave another group of people simply states that he doesn't understand what the rest of black people's message "slavery in any form is wrong".

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 10:23 AM

Many people have suggested that we need to concentrate on debunking the videos. I agree. That is the key.

He controls the conditions of the "summonings".
He can't do it when it's rainy or windy.
The airspace he's in is some of the most restricted nearby airspace. If unidentified objects were sighted of any "craft" sized objects, there'd be numerous reports and military action.

Considering the above...they debunk themselves....

ABC-TV13 backs out of an agreed-upon live broadcast --- allegedly because everything is being 'blown out of proportion'. This doesn't make sense. This seems to run contrary to the normal behavior and interests of a news organization. The first reactions to this was that 'The Gov't' pressured them to back-off.

Not really. It's far more likely that they were afraid of their news department developing a rep akin to that of "India Daily"....
News reps are bread and butter, not something you want to risk for such a stunt.

YAHWEH is going to make know His demands to the world, through the prophets He sent to the earth.

The main demand they will make will be that the modern day White so-called Jews, the Arab so-called Palestinians, and all other nationalities in the land of Israel, be immediately evacuated into neighboring countries.

Another demand will be that all homes, buildings, and structures in Israel are to be left intact so our people can inherit a fully developed country.

After the land of Israel has been evacuated and made uninhabited, all nations will be required to quickly provide free transportation back to the land of Israel for all Black people, of slave descent.

Also, all gentiles who are locked up in all prisons, on earth, must be released to go back and be our slaves.

At least this helps with his motives... He's obviously a delusional megolomaniac with a messiah complex. At least this will help when he's brought up on fraud he can instead enter a psychiatric facility...

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 10:48 AM
Prophet Of The “True Israelites”?

Originally posted by quadricle
In the name of Yahweh - Study Guide
file is some wierd swf format that opens in IE or Firefox.

It's a Macromedia “FlashPaper”, which doesn't offer a “save” option, so I printed out all 12 pages, because this is a keeper.

This is definitely required reading, especially if you're black.

Why? Because according to Prophet Yahweh, if you are black and descended from slaves (i.e., African-American), then you are a “True Israelite”.

Why didn't you know this already? Because the “Whiteman” [sic] stole your Jewish heritage.

That's right, “The Man” took it away from you, and apparently did such a good job that parents weren't even capable of passing that information down from one generation to the next.

The fact that Prophet Yahweh refers constantly to the “Whiteman's Bible” as the source of his authority doesn't seem to bother him any.

Among many other historical and timeline oddities, he asserts that the Romans invaded Israel in 70 AD. and that's when the Black Israelites fled to Africa to “keep from being captured by the Whiteman”.

By that account, there were presumably no Romans in Israel until about 70 years after Jesus was born -- and, paradoxically, about forty years after he was crucified.

This of course begs the question of who crucified Jesus if the Romans weren't there. And if the Romans weren't the ones, then the very same book he uses (he quotes both Old and New Testaments) for his authority is itself a lie.

In other words, by his own account -- if this is indeed his, Prophet Yahweh is a false prophet. Either he is wrong, in which case he's not a biblical prophet, or the Bible is wrong, and his authority as a prophet derived from a book of lies.

Either way, he's bogus by his own account.

I'm reading this stuff out of a document on his own website.

Is that the “sabotage” he was talking about?

Could this have been planted to discredit him?

While I don't wish to sound presumptuous, I have to tell you that, having known some people who have done time -- black and white -- this stuff sounds like he made it up while he was in prison.

It has a very familiar ring to it.

The more I find out about PY, the more convinced I become that he is not a man who should be taken at face value.

[edit on 6/2/2005 by Majic]

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 10:53 AM
Gazrok: best points by far.. and thanks for the compliment earlier btw.. i didn't know btw.. that he can't do the summonings when its rainy or windy that automaticly means that he's using smog and mirrors.

The fact that he is talking the crap that he is talking just prooves to me at this point that he is insane and a con man.. I also did not know about the hatefull crap in his study group.. its laughable..

YAHWEH is going to make know His demands to the world, through the prophets He sent to the earth.

Yeah so I've heard... still waiting on the latest one you promissed 2000 years ago.

The main demand they will make will be that the modern day White so-called Jews, the Arab so-called Palestinians, and all other nationalities in the land of Israel, be immediately evacuated into neighboring countries. Another demand will be that all homes, buildings, and structures in Israel are to be left intact so our people can inherit a fully developed country.

Yes, and I'm sure that they will just lay down and let you do this too and that it will all go over very well with the people already fighting over that land. Btw.. you do know that if you put every black person on the planet in that little space that most of you will be pushed in to the sea right? That place.. although it gets a lot of attention, is not that big. And fully developed? Lol.. you are kidding right? Whatever happened to just going back to africa? You know what man? They need all the help they can get over there right now.. if you want to impress people and be a leader.. go help out your fellow EARTH BROTHERS over in Africa right now who are dying EN MASSE of AIDS?


After the land of Israel has been evacuated and made uninhabited, all nations will be required to quickly provide free transportation back to the land of Israel for all Black people, of slave descent.

Also, all gentiles who are locked up in all prisons, on earth, must be released to go back and be our slaves.

Well damn, now I just can't wait to give you my $8 for membership so that I can help out my future enslavement.

A sick sick man.. I had no idea. I really hope he goes to jail for this.

But really.. I don't understand why the Mossad hasn't killed this a-hole yet for calling for the expulsion of the inhabitants of Israel. He is making a lot of enemies right now, ya know? A lot of enemies for a guy with no money.

His " 'covenent of poverty' " is probablly involentary. He is on a fixed income.

Mouse, this guy is a con artist, man. And you are not a member of Generation X you are a member of Generation Y. Okay? Look it up if you don't believe me.


PS: I really can't believe that the UFO community didn't tear this guy apart from day one. I think its a problem with "wanting to believe" and really also wanting TO BE FAIR.. I think its a sad thing that this guy was able to tap in to something HE DID NOT KNOW EXISTED because of his hatefull heart and that he didn't know that some people would just want to trust him, to give him the benifit of the doubt and let him go with it... something he had probablly never experienced before in his life...

.. and this is the ONLY issue about his color that should be raised I think. All he has done probablly is make it HARDER for any black people in the field (the few that exist in it) to be taken seriously next time (they should also be the ones going after this jerk). People are not apt to trust blacks that run around talkng about enslaving the white race and kicking the jews out of Israel. And now.. he's just ruined it for any other future militant black racists...

... you guys gave him your trust because you are kind hearted. I don't think at any time any of your were waiting for the invasion. Out of the kindness of your heart (mouse) you wanted to give him a chance.. and he took that chance and charged you $8 that you will never even get to see him preform the hoaxes now (on the fake news broadcasts).

The reason ABC dropped it, was because they read the hate material on his website and realised they were being set up for some serious reader mail (lol - specially in Vegas.. how is this guy still alive?).

Anyways guys.. like the sig says..

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 01:12 PM
I wanted to let a healthy amonth of people reply to my post before continuing. Now Lets Continue....

It is true, I viewed the website before even attempting to grab hold of a video, knowing that regardless I want to know his intentions before I even look at this "solid" piece of evidence. The website is infact suspecious enough to make a non skeptic turn use a magnifiying glass. But what is funny it seems more or less like rather than looking to debunk his evidence, we are more debunking his character, Looking for first signs of flaw to redicule him as a human being. To disbelieve this guy is one thing, I still have my skeptisism, but to accuse him as a fraud is a serious accusation without proof, and now 100,000 people actually paid too see these videos from Las Vegas to Los Angeles knowing eventually they will hit the world and its prohit sells will crumble.

We are focusing on how much of a con artist he because the sells of the video's, yet we are all smart enough to know you cant sell a video on the net 3 days before its free on any website and client.

If this guy is a fraud and he's lying, I think the truth would be more shocking than the con, there's something about this story that more than raises questions. He is starting to scare people in high chairs, he's scarying people in their houses, he's scarying the skeptics, he's scarying me, but one thing about this guy, no sugar coating on top, he's giving you his all. He has now given his life to the public in hopes to show us something that he dosent completely understand, If we can vote bush in twice, we can at least take into concideration that he is making sense, even if it is a lie from his mouth

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 01:48 PM
The Message Is The Medium

Originally posted by XX_Mouse_XX
If we can vote bush in twice, we can at least take into concideration that he is making sense, even if it is a lie from his mouth

How does his “Black Jew Hebrew Israelite Study Guide - Part 1” (his title, not mine) make sense?

There's no nice way to put this. The guy is talking major trash.

Kicking the Jews and Arabs of of Israel, then “free transporting” all American Blacks to take the place over?


Seriously, I can't just let that go by without comment. That is the definition of “whack”.

If he really has gotten 100,000 people to pony up $8 a piece, that's a pretty sweet deal. $800,000? Not shabby.

Do I question his motives? You're damn right I do.

Too much of what he says doesn't add up.

If you're worried about us sullying his character, he's going to have to show some, first.

I strongly recommend reading what he wants you to read if you haven't already. Then I encourage you to tell me whether you think it makes sense or not.

Do you agree with his account of “Black Israelite” history? If so, why? If not, what are we to make of his other claims -- which are founded on these claims?

Personally, I really don't care one way or the other about the guy, legit or not.

I just don't want to see my fellow ATSers get jacked -- including you.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 02:19 PM

To disbelieve this guy is one thing, I still have my skeptisism, but to accuse him as a fraud is a serious accusation without proof, and now 100,000 people actually paid too see these videos from Las Vegas to Los Angeles knowing eventually they will hit the world and its prohit sells will crumble.

Character is important for a UFO witness to be able to be held up as "good evidence". As for proof of fraud, Yahweh himself seems to have provided this. He charged people $8 a month for an exclusive access to vids he now says he can't host due to not being able to pay the bills (when a number of UFO sites, including ATS, would be more than happy to host them for free). Doesn't that sound like fraud to you?

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
with the exception of barney hill form the betty-barney hill abduction
case, which IMO is one of the most likely abductions.

[edit on 2-6-2005 by XphilesPhan]

Or was betty and barney more likely one of the first big examples of mind control being used?, for Public Consumption.

[edit on 2-6-2005 by ThePunisher]

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 10:34 PM
After closely viewing his In the name of Yahweh - Study Guide and closely reading his references to the bible I was able to come to see things clearer. When I first joined this site I found majic to be sort of a mentor to this site, and he knows how much I enjoy speaking with him when I get the chance. Prophet Yahweh (Ramon Watkins) obveously didnt just come up with the idea of summoning these UFO's, he admits to have done this for years "in secret" and threw the request to YAHWEH he is able to choose the location for YAHWEHS "Angels, or UFO's". He also has written text proclaiming the African American race to be the first ISREALITES, this may immediatly fuel for skpetisism. Prophet Yahweh (Ramon Watkins) is not the first African American to claim blacks as true ISRAELITES nor will he ever be the last.

How does his “Black Jew Hebrew Israelite Study Guide - Part 1” (his title, not mine) make sense? There's no nice way to put this. The guy is talking major trash.

To quickly redeem these believes trash can be offensive to some African Americans. Being that he is not the first to preach this, I have seen very legitimate evidence to support the claims but, we are not going to argue the true origin of African Americans, we are to connect this to Prophet Yahweh (Ramon Watkins) character as we continue to validate his credibility. As far as chasing ISRAELITES out of ISRAEL he never made that claim, however he does note that not even half of this race would even return "When YAHWEH delivers the Israelites, all of us are not going back home to our promise land.
In Isaiah 10:20-22, it's clear that even though black people, of slave decent are as the sand of the sea in numbers, only a remnant or small amount of us shall return to Israel", and this claim is only paralell to the promise of the Promise Land in the bible, which cant be to much trash. I carefully read each one of his claims and references to the bible, and its only a common case of his own translation of how he sees the bible, and long with millions of others. In the case of him charging people to view his video's, his claim is that they are going to a non-profit organization and unless anyone here works for the IRS and can pull up his tax records, we'll have to take his word on it. For those who have paid to view these video's did you recieve a receipt, a link to a organization, or even did the people who paid to see the videos, paid to see the video's I dont see how anyone was jipped or conned. Even though there free now, a poor investment to pay to see the video's and find dissapoint is the consumers own opinion, there are some people who feel that they weren't jipped and saw what they saw Sense I did not pay to view the video I wont dig to much deeper their.

I am not a defense line for Prophet Yahweh (Ramon Watkins), I dont have the proof to debunk his video's, I know enough prophets of African Decent to know that his teachings are common, and usually do not promote violence nor hate, and for people who call him a Anti-Catholic, I dont know him personally to say, but I know alot of people who questioned the Catholic religion after 1000's of molest cases came out the dark against these Catholic Preachers raised alot of eyebrows over a span of months.

Yet after looking at all the evidence, his past, his beliefs, his mental state, the only thing we can do is wait for him to fullfill his prophecys of low flying UFO's over the next month

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 10:44 AM
Mental Mentor

Originally posted by XX_Mouse_XX
When I first joined this site I found majic to be sort of a mentor to this site, and he knows how much I enjoy speaking with him when I get the chance.

I vividly remember you being there with me for my wild odyssey last summer, and they were interesting times indeed.

Seeing as I still honestly don't know what all that was about, still meditate, still have interesting experiences that may be thought of as delusions, yet which I don't feel compelled to believe or disbelieve, I think I am more “mental” than “mentor”.

But yes, I'm still as preachy as ever, aren't I?

I likewise very much enjoy trading ideas and discussing things with you -- including this interesting case, I might add.

We may see this whole thing from different perspectives, but if I'm right about “the meaning of life”, that's the point of this whole exercise.

Another Man's Treasure

Originally posted by XX_Mouse_XX
To quickly redeem these believes trash can be offensive to some African Americans.

Despite my own strong objections to such doctrines and the offense they cause me, and my heartbreak for people who see fit to reject their heritage in favor of claiming someone else's (yes, a subject for another thread), I suppose I should, for principle's sake, express my strong doubts in less strident terms.

So I'll retract the “talking trash”part and substitute that with, say, “making dubious, self-contradictory claims”.

Africans and African-Americans do not, in my opinion, need to be so ashamed of their heritage as to steal it from someone else's book, but well, people will do what they want. And again, I suppose that's a topic for another thread, and I should say no more on it.

Getting back to PY, I still get a serious case of cognitive dissonance from this guy. Having looked at some of his other projects, I think he's using this stuff as a cover for his scams.

[edit on 6/3/2005 by Majic]

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