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Does China stand as any real military threat to the anglo- american world power?

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posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by CarlosG

America has already lasted more than 2 centuries so I guess we are the exception?

The post you were responding to said that no superpower usually lasts more than 200 years. America has not been a superpower for 200 years.

I don't think that China is a threat to the US, but Eastern Russia might be useful for their huge population.

well, Rome last 1000 years, but don't know how long they last as a super power?

yea lol, but i don't think any chinese want to go to eastern russia, many people there in russia already got no jobs + russia could care less about illegals unlike the US who give illegals so many benfits!

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 08:30 PM
Rome had numerous life threatening threats from all directions outside of its empire.

Rome lasted 1000 years, Great Britain lasted 400 years. With the help of globalization, one superpower won't ever get to the age of Rome, not even GB, most likely just half of GB.

China was isolationist throughout our 5 Millenium of recorded history. Chinese people share the Chinese doctrine of don't meddle in someone else's affairs. We didn't and you can say thats one of the reasons we stayed quite powerful for a long period of time. The fall of CHina in the century of Shame 1849-1949 is mainly blamed on the irresponsible Emporers, the emporer's Grandmothers (Ci Xi) and the invasion of China by western imperialists (e.g Great Britain, Portugal, Germany, Japan and Russia). We didn't meddle in other people affairs but they'd like to add oil on our fire.

In 1520, China had 3200 warships in the Ming Navy, 1700 scouts, 500 majorbattle ships, 1000 supply ships. More than the whole European navy combined! THere was a famous Chinese explorer called Zheng He, his trade ships were MASSIVE, the biggest in the world, 3000 tons and carried 400-600 people on board depending on the goods on board. He traveled through the Indian sea to many countries and even landed on Africa.

China is just a developing nation currently, a developing nation wants no war. We may have a pretty big GDP and the world's third biggest PPP but considering our 1.3 billion population, we aren't all that rich. There are numerous difficult obstacles over the horizon and any one of those could cripple and undo the two decades work we accomplished since the stop of the isolation.

Three gorges dam is one huge SOB. Given the circumstances, it could be destroyed but nah, its not gonna happen, no one's gonna attack China in the near future, I'd say hundreds of bunker busters could do it, one tactical nuke could do it as well, or just a few hundred, maybe over a thousand JDAMs.

Down to the end, China could be a threat to US, the world only has space for one superpower and if you have two, they're just gonna have to fight for it. Isn't everyone outside of yourself a threat?

[edit on 3-6-2005 by COWlan]

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by ulshadow

well, Rome last 1000 years, but don't know how long they last as a super power?

Right know China is dependant on greedy corporations that want to send jobs overseas so they can make more money. Without those people they would pretty much be screwed, that is in the economic sense. I think China's main power is economic rather then military even though their building that up to.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 03:43 PM
COWlan, china want no war ... i don't think they will stop at taiwan, even if taiwan united with china peacefully, once a superpower it keep need war ... did i said that right?

blue cell, true, china is just a labor country for western companies, if they fall china will have a major set back.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 06:11 PM
china is a tiger in glass armour tough and scary but it could shatter if china isnt careful, another cold war could be coming if china is careful.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Char2c35t
china is a tiger in glass armour tough and scary but it could shatter if china isnt careful, another cold war could be coming if china is careful.

hummm, you put it in intersing words here, i like it

i wouldn't said a cold war, it would be a hot war

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 06:59 PM
You bettcha !

Their quiet trouble to trouble makers in their zone..theyll wait forever for any Democracy to make a fool of their beliefs or mistakes..


posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by ulshadow

Originally posted by Char2c35t
china is a tiger in glass armour tough and scary but it could shatter if china isnt careful, another cold war could be coming if china is careful.

hummm, you put it in intersing words here, i like it

i wouldn't said a cold war, it would be a hot war

I said cold war due to the amount of business that the china does with possible enemies cold war do to economics but cut that off and it go hot. I hope it doesnt!

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by Char2c35t
I said cold war due to the amount of business that the china does with possible enemies cold war do to economics but cut that off and it go hot. I hope it doesnt!

I don't it will go hot then, both countries are not stupied enough to play tough, even bush play nice with china ... but china need to learn to play nice with US too, like starting to do something about their trade thing...

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