posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 11:09 AM
I don't know about building muscle, but I've been doing 30 min of aerobics in the morning for the last 2½ weeks. I suppose the theory is that your
body will have to turn to stored energy since you haven't eaten in the last 10 hours. I don't eat a thing before I perform the aerobic activity. I
just make sure I have plenty of water.
I'm only doing this 4 times a week (I have to sleep in sometimes) and it seems to be working quite well. I was wanting to loose about 10-12 pounds,
and I've succeeded in getting rid of almost 6 pounds. I believe 2 pounds a week is a good rate. Along with this I've been doing some weight training
3-4 times a week in the evening. You need to do enough damage to your muscles to convince your body to rebuild them instead of burning them for
I don't know about the increased success in the muscle building from morning exercise, but the fat loss part seems to be working. Everyone remember
that your diet is about 60% of the exercise. Adjust your calories to meet you needs. This is by far the hardest part. Much harder than exercising.
This doesn't mean you have to starve yourself. Just eat smart. Like tonight when I have some pizza, I'll just have 2 slices instead of 5. Well,
maybe 3.
Hmm. Maybe we should post one of those pictures of ouself holding a newspaper for a before and after. I'll leave that to people who look nice on