posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 05:34 PM
Well I guess if anyone theoreticaly got there they would be in 'Nothingnes/Emptiness' and would just chill in Nirvana..
no seriously you would
be in a 'materialistic' as well as mystic nothing! but of interest there is recent research and discussion especially within 'quantum theory'
There is actually something known as 'The Quantum Vacuum' which I figure is as close as we can actually get conceptually to the realities of what
'outside of the universe' would be like, as well mentioned above there would be no matter, light, energy, nothing....
but and im paraphrasing from old notes
"Relativistic quantum field theory makes a very clear distinction between what we would intuitively understand to be an absolute void and what we
experience as the vacuum of space. Of course, even in the deepest reaches of space we will find an atom or molecule here and there, and photons of
energy are flying through at the speed of light continuously, but there is also a quantum potential which exists at every point in the vacuum of our
three-dimensional physical space. Under the proper conditions, matter and energy can literally be made to materialize out of what we used to think of
as nothing!"
So maybe we could percieve something through our senses because everywhere even the voids have something in them!
thanks guys nice topic
Being Mischevious