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More info straight from Yaweh about His new summonings!

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posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 12:19 AM
received today:

ABC Backs Out Of Live Summoning Deal!

Dear Lists,

As you know, a couple of days ago, I sent you a release stating that ABC TV-13, after filming a UFO appearing on my signal, contacted me telling me that they wanted to do "LIVE" coverage of me calling down UFOs and Spaceships.

I was so very happy! Words can not express how I felt.

They even posted the footage of the sighting to their website, located at:

When you get to their home page, you will see where it says:

"Summoning UFOs"

Click it and then click on "UFO Video"

Well, this morning, I got a call from ABC TV-13 saying that they were not going to grant me an opportunity to go live with my summonings!

I asked them why, and they said something about how the whole thing is being blown out of proportion and they needed to be able to focus on local news.

I said, local news! Local news! What better local news is there going on in Las Vegas greater than this?

I listened to them and lost my cool and told the man that he was a journalistic coward!

He said that he was going to continue to stand by his decision.

I told him that his decision was going to prove that he is a journalistic coward!

It seems like the station is coming under great pressure to not cover any more of my summonings.

Regardless, the Las Vegas Review Journal, and the Las Vegas Tribune, the local newspapers, contacted me to meet as soon as possible.

Also, another television crew in Los Angeles said that they would be here in a days notice.

And there are others.

I am going to put ABC TV-13 behind me and focus on the others.

I will not be ignored!

All local Las Vegas media will be forced to give in when they see the power that YAHWEH is going to reveal Himself through me.

Starting tomorrow, you will see my communications with you increase and the new UFO videos I am uploading to the site for you to see.


Prophet Yahweh
Seer of Yahweh

For unsubcribing our newsletter , Please Click on the link below,

(edit to remove caps from title and VIEW NOW! request)

[edit on 3-6-2005 by pantha]

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 02:20 AM
Am I to believe that Yahweh is now posting on ATS?

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by jsmith444
received today: (...)

Distortion, thats what your looking for...

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 03:30 PM

Am I to believe that Yahweh is now posting on ATS?

No, it's an excerpt from his newsletter....
Channel 13 obviously regrets running the fluff piece (didn't even put it on their website), and no doubt is aware that further airings of this guy will seriously hurt it's credibility, and has wisely moved on....

Now, if a giant UFO DOES actually appear over LV for two days, they may regret that, but something tells me they'll be fine, hehe...

My guess is that "Yahweh" will see some fighters from Nellis or something, and then try and claim that the military "scared off" the UFO, and that the summoning was thwarted.

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok

Am I to believe that Yahweh is now posting on ATS?

No, it's an excerpt from his newsletter....
Channel 13 obviously regrets running the fluff piece (didn't even put it on their website), and no doubt is aware that further airings of this guy will seriously hurt it's credibility, and has wisely moved on....

Now, if a giant UFO DOES actually appear over LV for two days, they may regret that, but something tells me they'll be fine, hehe...

My guess is that "Yahweh" will see some fighters from Nellis or something, and then try and claim that the military "scared off" the UFO, and that the summoning was thwarted.

Actually, it the video now on their website.

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 03:34 PM
Double Post

[edit on 1-6-2005 by Surfingelectrode]

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 03:41 PM
Can some mod lock this? or get rid of it? it looks to be a reposting of old information.


posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by Azathoth
Can some mod lock this? or get rid of it? it looks to be a reposting of old information.


It isn't a repost that I know of, although there are about 20 some-odd threads on Yahweh already. jsmith is posting a snippet from a newsletter he/she received. If I'm wrong and this is old news though, could someone post the link to the thread?

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 03:49 PM
Yep its already been posted...quite awhile ago actually

Yahweh thread

Lanotom posted it a while back.


posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 03:50 PM
Gravy training successful thread titles is weak. Oh, and capitalizing "View Now" is only going to bring more nonsensical bickering in to your thread.


posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 03:52 PM
Ah, I stand corrected then Aza. Forgive any doubt on my part.

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 07:37 PM
I didn't want to say it, but I knew this # would happen.
Everytime someone comes up with a big claim, it turns into a no-go.

I don't care if I'm banned for saying this, because I'm so pissed, this dude's a #ing crock of #.

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Selective_ID
I didn't want to say it, but I knew this # would happen.
Everytime someone comes up with a big claim, it turns into a no-go.

I don't care if I'm banned for saying this, because I'm so pissed, this dude's a #ing crock of #.

Ahhhhhh Yea your right, you'll probably be banned........... Don't despair, you should be happy that this story is bull sheet. Do you really want to be visited by an Alien Race that after much deliberation and critical thought, decided on this method as the best way to introduce themselves to Earthlings? In fact, I'm pretty confident that Aliens employing this caliber of reasoning might just have some issues and disfunction that was corrupting more than just their "social skills".

Next time, step back...............discard your need to believe, then ask yourself some logical questions and adjust your expectations accordingly.

For example, in this case some good questions might have been:

If Aliens were to visit us, would they do so with the assistance of some self-absorbed Las Vegas Grand-stander who thought enough of himself that he felt a name change to "The One True God" was in order?
If he can say "Please show yourselves to me", thus summoning them, why doesn't he say "please show yourselves to me and do so at an elevation of about 40 ft above my head so people can see I'm not operating at "a few cards shy of full deck"?
It's likely that by asking questions such as these, your future disappointments will be kept to a minimum.


[edit on 1-6-2005 by Worldblend]

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