posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 11:33 PM
The notion by those who respond to these unsupported claims of past knowledge or events, that somehow in our modern era we know all there is to know
about our world and universe seems as ignorant as the people being responding to. At least those that investigate alternate avenues of evidence such
as stories passed down from generation to generation usually take such evidence objectively. Those that flatly deny any claims of an understanding of
history and the universe other than that which is generally accepted by the "modern scientific community" ought conisider what history and science
is in actuallity. History consists of various types of evidence written, deduced, and, oh yeah, ORAL!! And science by its very nature is dynamic and
ever changing. Unless you are an utter fool, you would not accept that what we know today is what will remain the accepted truth for all of time.
Science is, by definition, hypothesis (an educated GUESS) based on available evidence(which also depends on how you interperet that evidence, which in
turn depends on many factors). Change the available evidence(or interperetation thereof) and you are back to zee drawing board Mr. Martian.
Now I'm not saying that I personally believe any of this, but unless people do some unbiased investigation into some of these wild stories contained
here and elsewhere, there will be no(or significantly diminished) scientific progress. I might also remind everyone that almost every "great"
scientist has had a very strong unerrring belief in god. Which god, who knows. But a superior, higher intelligent being that created or guided the
world in which we live. It is the sheeple type scientists, those that aren't so great, who just follow along with the generally accepted knowledge
of the day(the "scientific community"). A good example of this is darwinian evolution and it's subsequent deduction of atheism. Darwinian
evolution is a great theory, but to believe that all of this incredibly complex world in which we live just happened by accident is about as absurd as
the monkey writing Shakespeare theory. Certainly if there is a higher being that is intelligent enough to create everything, why is it so absurd to
think that he couldn't preplan or guide evolution?? If he could have the knowledge and forsight to create the world and universe and all of the
complex systems required to support all of the various types of life, as well as the types of life themselves, why couldn't he preplan something like
evolution? How ignorant of all of you who so quickly deny these claims to think that we as humans have a monopoly on knowledge. If we are so damn
smart then why is any scientific progress necessary?? Shouldn't we have known everything from the beginning then too??
Absolute idiocy.
So please feed me some more of your sheeple rhetoric in response to this post, as I'm certain you will because that is your nature: to blindly back
up and reaffirm the knowledge that creative, open-minded types have discovered for you. Maybe someday you will grow up to be adults with free
thinking minds of your own.
Good Day.