posted on May, 30 2005 @ 09:37 AM
oh for f*** sakes. arn't we inundated enough by advertiseing? can't watch a movie or tv, listen to a raidio, watch a sporting event or even useing
the internet shoves advertiseing in your face (no offence to ats sponcers, at least they don't pop up anoyingly).without being subjected to
advertiseing. why the hell would i want to see moon sized advertizeing in the sky?
generaly speaking advertiseing has no effect on me other than to piss me off. in fact the only advertizeing that has another effect on me is the first
time i see something new or a new movie possibly after the third or fourth time even they anoy me. i don't make desisions on what to do or buy
because of the bogus claims made. or the anoying tactics that they use. if anything it turns me off of the product. as far as i'm concerned
advertizeing in general is a waste of time and money.
mabe there is a valid reason for space based weapons. to blow advertizeing crap out of the sky.