posted on May, 30 2005 @ 10:02 AM
You People Suck!
Stay with me as there is a point...
This is the biggest and best conspiracy forum in the known universe and most of our members couldn't investigate their way out of a paper bag.
Little old ladies on dial up that post on AOL are sick and tired of being duped by politicians. While researchers and investigators on other
Why do we come here? To whine? To bitch about the media, politics and increasingly the forum itself, or to take the sons of bitches out?
I defend you people elsewhere. They call us tinfoil. You know the places. Dangerous places. The places where you can post for more information on an
obscure politician's background and in 20 minutes have his shoe size, in 20 hours have pictures of him humping a mule and within a day have it picked
up in the Post?
We aren't that place. And why the hell not I ask? Who have we gotten fired? Forced to resign? Arrested? Where are we quoted in mainstream media
that's not a form of ridicule?
We aren't dangerous. And we won't be dangerous until we got off our collective butts, quite whining, and do some damn research!!!