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UFO Reports, Incidents and Sightings

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posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 05:02 PM
G'day guys,

Just a short word from your friendly Forum Moderator.

It's great to see people sharing their experiences regarding sightings, strange happenings etc. I know both the forum mods me and cassini encourage this to the fullest. Perhaps one day you will become famous as the person who bridges the gap between the unkown and the human populas.

WHAT I DO NOT WANT TO SEE... is people bagging out other members that want to share their experiences. They do not have to post here, and nearly all the time these people seem quite genuine.

If I see anyone posting degrading or derogatory messages - depending on the severity of the post - you will be appropriately dealt with.


posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 06:14 PM
We shouldn't be causing this...

We are trying to give this person our attention, not joke around with him and change the subject. For that, the thread had to be restarted. There were some good comments in there but because of some Chit Chat material, it was turned into a show of ADD.

Please everyone, be respectable and mature. If you want to show that you have ADD, take it to Chit Chat.

[Sorry, I have been holding this inside.]

posted on Aug, 27 2003 @ 11:27 AM
I`d like to add that if anyone wishes to send reports of sightings or abductions experiences to me or OzChris for publication on the board we will be happy to do so, if you feel that you want to do so anonymously.

posted on Oct, 20 2003 @ 10:31 PM
DrSaid, you may find this link useful. Lists reportings, locations, times, dates, descriptions, etc. Hope it helps. Very facinating to check out periodicaly.

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 06:36 PM
Good Sight I Found Out Some Ufo's That Have Been Reported In My Area.

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 10:11 PM
Ok, it's been about 3 weeks or so since I saw this and kinda forgot about it until now. This isn't much of a sighting but as far as I'm concerned it was Unidentified and Flying so here it goes.

I was walking the dogs with my g/f at night between 8 and 9 o'clock. It was partly cloudy as there was a storm approaching from the west but 2/3 of the night sky was still clear. We both noticed an above average amount of planes flying around while we were walking. Where I live we don't get much air traffic so even the 5 or so planes we saw during our 30min. walk seemed quite different than usual. There was one, flying thing, that we noticed crossing the sky MUCH FASTER than any other plane that was up there. It was approx. at the same altitude as the others as far as we could tell yet traveling atleast 2 or 3 times as fast anything else. It moved very smooth and quick in a straight line from South to North and vanished into the clouded area of the night sky. The main thing that caught my attention however was the fact that it had NO Blinking Lights. No Colored Lights either as my memory serves. I watched it for a solid 3 to 5 seconds and I know for a fact that there was NO BLINKING.

I checked with my Dad who's a pilot to verify if in fact all aircraft is supposed to not only have lights but blinking ones as well. So does anyone here know of what it may have been? Any aircraft that you know of that would have white lights but none blinking and still be considered legal?

posted on Dec, 11 2003 @ 08:13 PM
ive seen that thing here too in the philippines. sometimes twice a week, sometimes never at all for a month. it flies fast, smooth and quick and the lights never blinks too. strange.

posted on Dec, 11 2003 @ 08:38 PM
iv seen a trigler ufo

im not the one that reported it

O by the way, i live 10 mins away from SFO so i think i know what a plane looks like

if there wasnt so much fog i might see more ufo's

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 02:13 AM
i am new to ATS, and i have also seen the non-blinking lighted aircraft. i have seen it 3 times all around 10:00 pm eastern time. the one i seen the very first time didnt just fly straight, it flew about a mile in the sky the going southwest then shot back northeast at an incredibly fast speed. i was amazed when i seen that it could manuver the way it did.

this sighting was over southeast kentucky skiesby JONATHESIS

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 03:02 AM

thanks that needed to be said here and not just in your part of ATS.

posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by jonathesis
i am new to ATS, and i have also seen the non-blinking lighted aircraft. i have seen it 3 times all around 10:00 pm eastern time. the one i seen the very first time didnt just fly straight, it flew about a mile in the sky the going southwest then shot back northeast at an incredibly fast speed. i was amazed when i seen that it could manuver the way it did.

this sighting was over southeast kentucky skiesby JONATHESIS

That must have been amazing to see. I've never seen any abnormal aircrafts at night but I did see one during the day. It was in the distance and it was a big black dot. I know it wasn't an air balloon or anything like that because it would move in a perfect straight line and sometimes stop in mid-air. I believe I saw it around 3:00 pm. (In Phoenix , Az.)

posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 04:36 PM
I saw the same thing here in Phoenix, too bad not the Phoenix lights. WELCOME TO ATS friend!

posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 04:38 PM
Oh yah...I wish did see the Phoenix lights too. I really feel like I missed out on a spectacle.

posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 04:42 PM
Yeah.. where the heck were we? In a hole? I don't believe if anyone has concluded what those lights were all about.

posted on Dec, 31 2003 @ 12:54 AM
There are a few who were very close to the lights on some mountain. And were lucky enough to have their video cameras.

posted on Dec, 31 2003 @ 05:59 PM
Yes, I remember seeing the footage that was shot. Was the craft a V-Shape? I think it was. Anybody remember seeing it? It was some years back, in the late 9os I believe.

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 02:25 AM
From what I remember, they were five or six lights arranged in some sort of way in the sky.

posted on Jan, 3 2004 @ 01:46 AM
Oh yes, I suppose we must forget the V-Shape proposal by yours truely. I do remember the lights moving in different formations. But the truth is, if one does not know everything, then one cannot explain everything!


posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 01:47 AM
Well, has anyone else seen an orange or yellow orb shape ufo in the skies? I've seen the yellow on occasion and the orange just this summer. It was weird, this last week I was giving a friend a ride home one night and she asked me if I've ever seen an orange orb in the sky right out of the blue! I just moved from a different state and she just moved from another state than me and ended up in the same state and happened to become friends. Then she asks me about the orange orb which we both experienced here in Alaska around the same time. Weird. The yellows, I've had some things happen concerning these ufos to mostly when I was a kid.

Oh, and that moving light that doesn't blink, I've seen this back when I was 12 and it disappeared too but also did some really impossible for human physical body maneuvers. Abruptly starting at an extreme accelerated speed to a complete stop and then changing an alternate path of about 35 degrees stopping abruptly. It was like it had no need for acceleration or deceleration speeds and just went where it chose to but not in an arc pattern but at strait lines. I told my cousin to look at the light and he stopped looked at the light said neat and then moved on. He didn't absorb the weirdness or the impossibility of such a craft moving in such strange patterns.

posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 02:00 AM
About two or three year ago my brother,sister, brother's g/f, and me saw the same kinds of lights that were seen in Phoenix, AZ here in Las Vegas. There were about five of them and they were all going up, till they disappeared.

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