posted on May, 30 2005 @ 12:38 PM
I agree with the general consensus here for the most part. First "contact" will be with some form of bacterial life, and most likely from either
Mars, Venus, or Europa. Given that we seem to have extremely little interest in exploring Venus, Mars or Europa. Possibly Io; even in our own oceans
we have discovered life that might have a chance surviving there.
I think our first contact with a reasonably advanced ET civ would be through something akin to SETI, and would be much like the "WOW" signal we once
received. I think it would be much more distinguished however, something that the researchers would be able to track and confirm. However, we'd
probably lose the signal for one reason or another (hopefully because it got shut off and not because we humans are that incompetent
) and we'd end
up going on our merry way.
The first publicized physical contact would probably happen one of two ways, depending on whether the government conspiracy is true or not. If it
isn't true, and the gov't hasn't been in contact for the past 50+ years, then it would probably be as Hal stated. An accident in a public venue
where there's no chance of hiding it. Something that's already got a crowd and tons of cameras on the scene would probably be the best situation,
but the odds of a ship crashing on the 50 yard line during halftime at the Super Bowl are much worse in my opinion than there being a glitch in the
lottery and everyone who buys a ticket wins.
If the gov't has been hiding contact from us, then it will come at a time when it is most politically beneficial to the powers that be. Maybe a
large catastrophy is going to happen and these aliens just "happen" to come along to save the day. Of course, after lengthy negotiation by our head
honcho at the time, who then takes credit for saving mankind with his/her diplomatic skills. Or possibly the ET's decide they're tired of watching
us do our thing and want this chunk of rock (or our glorious leaders do something to piss them off.) Then the gov't calls upon us to take arms
against the invaders, with a cover story that makes our government smell like roses.
Of course, even if we have been visited before, that doesn't mean there isn't a "new" race out there who's never really known about us. They may
decide that earth would make a great summer home. They may not care what our leaders want and think they need to get setup with a slot on Letterman.
First contact could happen at any time, with any race, regardless of whether there's greys in Area 51 or Dulce.