posted on May, 29 2005 @ 11:26 PM
Originally posted by jetsetter
The Sniper rifle from Halo is not based on the South African design. With large calibre rifles you can't really get too crazy on the design so most
coming out looking the same.
Well, I would say when u think about it, 7.62mmx51 rounds would be too weak against Elites, Brutes, and Hunters, so they probally did because of the
bigger rounds. Obviously, the weight is ALOT different. It said that it need 2 people to carry the gun parts, when in the game, u can give any old
Marine one, and he uses it easily. O'well, I guess in the future, there would be matterial would allow to solve such wieght problems, but then again,
in 2552, we would be using Plasma and Laser Weapons.
But seriously, we probally would keep bullets around only for LOOONG RANGE SNIPING. You know, maybe 1000+. Y, I don't think having something like a
plasma or laser shot would b either quick enough or would have the range. But, I've said this b4, I'm not a scientist, so I can't prove it.
Plus, on how the gun looks.
Real life version: Bolt-Action and loads mag from the left side.
lol, and yeah, that would suck if it had a smoky trail.