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The Sitchin Theory and I want YOUR opinion.

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posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by TheTruth414All
(This is a report that I wrote on Dr. Zecharia Sitchin and I want to know what you think of his theories. For the two paragraphs I will post a couple images for you look at.)

Frankly, he's a fraud and he's earning so much money at it that he keeps inventing more things so that his followers will buy the product.

Dr. Zecharia Sitchin is a Hebrew biblical scholar with expert knowledge of ancient cultures.

Let's call a spade a spade. He is someone who has STUDIED these things but his degree is not in Hebrew, not in Biblical scholarship, and it darn sure isn't in either anthropology or archaeology.

I'm not sure he's a PhD. Several of those out telling wild theories claim the title of Doctor, but at least one of them bought his degree from an online degree mill.

He is well known for his research

No, he isn't. This is a man who doesn't know a "throne name" from a praenomin... unlike those of us who have actually studied the things. Nor can he actually translate Sumerian, Akkadian, or any other cuneiform languages.

He's going off pre-translated material.

Sitchin believes that in this solar system there are not just 9 planets but a total of 12.

Hardly controversial. The 12th planet is Sedna. It has a stable orbit and never dips into the inner solar system.

He believes this knowledge was passed to the Ancient Sumerians by a group of aliens called the Annunaki. Now the Annunaki were considered to be Gods and were served by the Sumerians.

A surprising turn of events, because if you actually read the Sumerian literature, you see that it's somewhat similar to the Greek mythology and involves a deity forming the earth out of chaos, having a lot of children, then turning against the children and trying to kill them after which a hero-god arises and kills the parent deity (Chronos is killed by Zeus and Tiamat is killed by Marduk.) The body of the parent deity then becomes the Earth.

Of course, that's the information you get if you study the civilization and the various writings and books and inscriptions.

Also Sitchin has derived from ancient Sumerian texts that he believes that the Annunaki genetically engineered humans to be workers for them.

Only if you badly misread the translations.

Nibiru is the 12th planet in our solar system.

He can call it what he likes, but its name is Sedna.

According to Sitchin as he translated Sumerian texts the planet Nibiru or Marduk was caught in the suns gravitational pull and brought into a collision course with the planet Tiamat which had a course between Mars and Jupiter.

Only if you badly misread the texts and are trying for an A in creativity and an F in scholarship.

Read the Enamma Elish for yourself (it's online, all over the place.)

"Nibiru" is a throne name for Marduk and means "Guardian of the crossroads." The ancient rulers had a lot of names and titles (throne names) and the text very clearly talks about this.

When they collided, the end result was the planet Nibiru, Earth itself, and the asteroid belt itself.

There's not enough mass in the asteroid belt to form a planet. Or the remains of a planet.

(etc, etc)

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 11:45 PM
Byrd. That was a beautiful breakdown. I am glad to see you paid attention or rather that I kept your attention. You have definetly provided your opinion. I see you agree with one of his theories about 12 planets infact you quarantee it. I was wondering if you had some kind of picture model to show the 12 planet's projected orbit around our sun. Something different from Sitchin's map perhaps..

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 01:27 AM
Okay, let me try again. Sorry the earlier version sounded curt; I was racing against time and had to cut explainations short.

Originally posted by TheTruth414All
Dr. Zecharia Sitchin is a Hebrew biblical scholar

I'm afraid he isn't... and he's not a real PhD. He has a degree (bachelors) in economic history and was a journalist:

There is no evidence that he is a Biblical scholar (except by his own definition.)

with expert knowledge of ancient cultures. Sitchin concentrates all of his knowledge on the civilization of the Sumerians in ancient Mesopotamia.

He and his followers believe he's an expert. Nobody else does, including scholars of ancient Hebrew and archaeologists who work in the area:

Sitchin believes that in this solar system there are not just 9 planets but a total of 12.

No argument. They've been named, though there is some dispute about whether Pluto and the others qualify as planets.

He believes this knowledge was passed to the Ancient Sumerians by a group of aliens called the Annunaki.

Aliens who apparently landed on Earth and apparently were immediately surrounded by a Field Of Stupidty -- for they forgot everything they knew about their own technology.

Now the Annunaki were considered to be Gods and were served by the Sumerians. Also Sitchin has derived from ancient Sumerian texts that he believes that the Annunaki genetically engineered humans to be workers for them.

Let's talk about what he's actually preaching: They land on Earth (and are immediately sucked into the Field Of Stupidity) causing them to wait until after the age of Giant Mammals, until (maybe) after the rise of homo erectus and suddenly start engineering homo sapiens.


Oh, because they want h. sap to mine gold for them... a precious, precious resource.

Now, the galaxy is full of gold and you gotta wonder why the Incredible Aliens (who have star drives and presumably fusion AND fission tech... heck, we've got those and we don't have star drives) ... can't manage to kit bash together a few atoms to make gold.

WE can do it (with a reactor and the right materials.) We're not even starflight capable.

And there's nothing particularly rare or precious about gold in the universe. It's not as rare as iridium.

Anyway, here's the translation of the Enuma Elish (and everyone except Sitchin (including people who translate it fresh from the tablets themselves) agrees on THIS version:

It's short. It's poetic, and it makes things very clear.

Nibiru is the 12th planet in our solar system.

Sedna is.

According to Sitchin as he translated Sumerian texts the planet Nibiru or Marduk was caught in the suns gravitational pull and brought into a collision course with the planet Tiamat which had a course between Mars and Jupiter.

Do read the translated original up there. The whole thing; not a sentence or fragment. I will bet that you can't find a single reference about Tiamat being a planet or Tiamat being in orbit.

What you will find is that Tiamat is another name for chaos. Not a planet. A state of being.

And Marduk was associated with the planet Jupiter

We know this from Babylonian astrology texts.

In fact, the very mathematical Babylonians and Sumerians kept tables showing where the planets were for astrological purposes. They named only FIVE planets:

Jupiter with Marduk;
Venus with the goddess Ishtar,
Saturn with Ninib,
Mercury with Nebo,
and Mars with Nergal.
The movements of the sun, moon and five planets were regarded as representing the activity of the five gods in question, together with the moon-god Sin and the sun-god Shamash, in preparing the occurrences on earth. If, therefore, one could correctly read and interpret the activity of these powers, one knew what the gods were aiming to bring about.

When they collided, the end result was the planet Nibiru, Earth itself, and the asteroid belt itself. Sitchin used the comet Eros as proof for this theory due to the asteroid being layered he said that it was a fragment of the planet Tiamat. Now the only problem I find with Sitchin theory is if earth is a piece of Tiamat then why is the earth perfectly circular?

If you take the time to do the physics on this nonsense, you'll find that there's a lot more to question.

Now the Sumerians were an ancient and supposedly advanced culture. They used cuneiform or picture writing which Sitchin thinks he has the ability to perfectly translate it.

The only one who thinks this is Sitchin. Other scholars think he's ... very mistaken and completely making things up.

The destruction of this culture is of course proven but its origins have been speculated. Many think that the Sumerian civilization was the first civilization

Not by a long shot. I can think of several North American (AmerInd) sites that are much older than that, including one dated to before 5,000 BC that was recently discovered. It's one of the four largest early Urban civilizations but not the largest (that would be India) and not the oldest (China, I believe, is the earliest):

Now the Annunaki are the aliens who originated on the planet Nibiru.

Not possible, even if Nibiru existed. You said that Sitchin claims Nibiru smashed into Tiamat at the orbital level of the asteroid belt. That's well beyond the "habitable zone" of our solar system. The sun wouldn't give enough light to warm the planet even to the melting point of water. And if you'll recall, Earth lifeforms are made up of lots of water. Earth lifeforms require liquid water.

The temperatures on the supposed Nibiru would be about the melting (or freezing) point of methane.

Now, that's a FAR cry from being "similar to Earth" and similar enough for earth-type lifeforms to evolve on.

They are said to be a race of creatures with many similarities to our current civilization this day and age. They had come to this planet because they needed gold to sustain their planet’s atmosphere.

Here's where things get just incredibly stupid (to be blunt.)

This is a spacefaring race (unlike us.) They have technology better than ours (they can cross space and have been doing this for about 7,000 years.)

This means that they have better fission and fusion technology than we have.

WE can create gold in a fusion reactor by hammering together the right components. There's no huge trick to it; it just takes lots of power right now.

So he's saying that these far traveling aliens zip down to Earth, don't bother scanning it for areas with the highest concentration of gold (they picked on Sumer because they liked the climate, maybe? And it didn't matter how much gold they had or didn't have?) and they settle in and genetically create humans (instead of machines, which they don't have to feed) and send them off to find gold (which at that time was done by wandering around and picking it up off the ground (called "placer gold")) and then using stone and bronze tools to make rough mines?


Instead of using super-duper alien technology to get it out of the ground a thousand times faster and dash back to save their planet?

If your family and friends are dying because of lack of an element, would YOU wander over to a planet, plunk down wherever, and then waste your time engineering humanoids (taking a full 20 years to grow them to adulthood)... and then waiting for them to reproduce in enough quantity to go mine your precious element?

(do you see how stupid his scenario is? It wouldn't even pass muster as a space opera in the 1930's!)

Sitchin claims that according to Sumerian texts the Annunaki are responsible for many things including the constructions of space ports both on mars and on earth.

I suggest you go look up everyone else's translations of his texts where he says they are creating space ports. I think you'll be disgusted at his outrageous reworking of the truth.

Now if you are wondering what the seal depicts well it depicts what Sitchin believes to be the Annunaki in a space suit.

...conveniently ignoring everything that he supposedly knows about the Mesopotamian culture.

Sitchin also believes because of Sumerian texts that the Annunaki were able to power their spacecraft with water.

Again, go look at the REAL texts.

Now if you look at the both of the figures the one on the left is what the Sumerians called an “Eagleman”

No, they didn't. That's Pazuzu the demon of the Southeast Wind.

To the Sumerians and Akkadians he was also king of the demons:

You'd think a noted scholar would recognize the king of the demons of the civilizations he's supposedly expert in.

which according to Sitchin is an astronaut. The middle figures are two space craft and the figure on the right is a “Fishman” which was equipped for “splash downs”

I'm sorry, but that's just stupid beyond belief.

The question is in this time before telescopes had been invented to see beyond the night’s sky, how did the Sumerians know about the other planets?

They didn't. It's been proven time and again by their planetary tables that they knew only 5 planets.

Now on the subject of human creation, Sitchin believes that we were genetically altered to help the Annunaki mine their gold. His proof comes from 223 genes that do not have the required predecessors on the genomic evolutionary tree. Now scientists say that the 223 genes come from bacteria and to disprove this was the fact of females.

This is the competition for "Stupidest Lie Sitchin Pushes On People." It also proves he (and his "aliens") know nothing about genetics.

Don't you think it's suspicious that the aliens who supposedly genetically engineered humans don't know a freaking thing about genetics?

Sitchin once again believes that the Annunaki took 223 of their own genes and with their immense and advanced technology they put these genes in primates and created the first humans.

Define "human."

Homo sapiens (who's been around for 50,000 years or more)? Homo neanderthalis (a cousin and not an ancestor, but still very human)? Homo heidelbergensis? Homo erectus gracile? Homo erectus robustii? Australopithecus (in all his forms)? Paranthropus? The lineage goes back 10 million years and more.

What's human? He's trying to foist off on you some scenario where suddenly (about 6,000 years ago) this bunch of aliens (who can't seem to be able to make gold with their fusion plants and can't seem to san the Earth with their machines to find the densest conglomeration of the mineral and who forgot how to make robots) creates a bunch of human beings.

It works if you ignore things like one of the sites I visit --where the rock art is 10,000 years old or sites like those here in Texas that are reliably dated to 20,000 years old or European sites that date to 30,000 years old and older.

One of the most radical ideas given by Sitchin is the way the Sumerian culture got destroyed. He believes that it was a family dispute between two different groups of the Annunaki.

Directly conflicting with all the evidence... but Sitchin never let evidence get in the way of his money-making lies.

While one side wanted to continue the mission on earth, the other side was going to stop and leave the planet for good. According to Sitchin’s translation an “evil wind” which gave totally horrendous death to people had killed plants and animals too. It is also said that it left the land barren and poison.

Which was conveniently not mentioned by any other civilization in the area at the time (that would be Egypt and the Indus Valley civlizations, to mention two, as well as the Hebrews) and which the incoming Akkadians completely forgot to mention:

The Akkadians (successors to the Sumerians) also forgot to mention that the land they moved into was barren and poison...

Hamurabi also seems to be unaware that his land was barren and poisonous... and the ancient Greeks (who were writing and doing bardic poetry by then) along with the Phonecians seem to have overlooked this:

According to Sitchin’s beliefs the Annunaki used nuclear weapons to destroy the spaceport on earth. We know that nuclear weapons are real but did an alien race thousands of years ago use the same type of weapons to destroy a spaceport here on earth? Once again it is up to you to believe the legend of the “evil wind”.

...that miraculously leaves no nuclear debris or evidence of its being used.

Sitchin believes that the first destruction of mankind was caused by the Annunaki planet Nibiru.

...conveniently ignoring the fact that there were a number of literate civilizations by that time period and NONE of them report being destoyed. They kept on writing their histories, oblivious to Sitchin's announcement that they were actually obliterated and had to start again from one family of Sumerians.

The Annunaki knew about this and decided to keep it a secret but one Annunaki had to save some of the people on earth and instructed a man on earth to build a submersible boat and put his family on it to survive the great “flood”. We all know this story as the tale of Noah and his ark. Sitchin doesn’t believe that it was a flood that covered the world in water but rather a thousand foot tidal wave caused by the passing of the planet Nibiru.

Conveniently ignoring little details like geological evidence or the fact that the water left everything standing. And also, shockingly for a "notable Sumerian scholar" overlooking the fact that languages today aren't descended from Hebrew or Sumerian... which is what would have happened if there'd been a flood and Hebrews or Sumerians survived.

He believes that mankind will receive the same fate the next time the planet passes ours. The discredit I can provide is the fact of how many times the planet Nibiru has passed the Earth. According to Sitchin the planet Nibiru has a 3,600 revolution cycle around the sun. According to my math then the planet Nibiru has passed the earth’s path in the following years: 10,900 BC (The great flood), 7,300 BC, 3,700 BC, 100 BC, and the next time the planet Nibiru will pass the earth’s path is 3,500 AD.

Your logic is correct. High marks for you. It also ignores the fact that people were writing and leaving LOTS of writing around since about 5,000 BC. It's hard to ignore rogue planets and 1,000 foot tidal waves.

Now it is believable that the gravitational pull of the planet Nibiru could possible cause unsettled waters.

Nope. To do that, it would have to travel INSIDE the orbit of the Moon. At that point, gravitational forces would smash it into Earth. No tidal wave; just complete destruction.

Bottom line: complete load of nonsense.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 02:23 AM
There is still of course the possibility of a quite stable companion star, co-orbiting with our sun, probably at a distance of greater than 30 000 AU (One AU is from the Earth to the Sun, thus, the Earth travels about 6 AU a year, at about 20 miles/sec)

And of course, there are comets that have been found with exceptional orbit times, from 5000 years to an estimated 40 000 for one (called Hyakatuke) !

So it must have another source of gravity, it seems to me. And the nearest star they can see is 240 000 AU, so it is reasonable to assume this companion affects only us (not a neighboring system's gravity influence), if minimally at best.

So I have done some thinking, and the best orbit I can come up with is the following. I have not seen this suggested for an orbit before, but I think it works, better than the hypothesizing for a true figure 8 orbit (which seemed improbable).

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by akilles
There is still of course the possibility of a quite stable companion star, co-orbiting with our sun, probably at a distance of greater than 30 000 AU (One AU is from the Earth to the Sun, thus, the Earth travels about 6 AU a year, at about 20 miles/sec)

Well, one light year is about 6,340 AUs ( )

30,000 AUs would put it farther away than the distance of our closest neighbor, the star called Proxima Centauri. 30,000 AUs would put it just about the distance of the huge binary star system, Alpha Centauri a and Alpha Centauri B:

Observations (which you can make for yourself and calculate from old star data) show that we're not being dragged around by this triad of stars. I don't think it's reasonable to say "but wait! There's another one that's a bit farther away and IT is in a mutual orbit with the sun!"

If the closer ones aren't affecting us, then the one that's farther away won't affect us, either.

And of course, there are comets that have been found with exceptional orbit times, from 5000 years to an estimated 40 000 for one (called Hyakatuke)

Nobody denies long period comets.

So it must have another source of gravity, it seems to me. And the nearest star they can see is 240 000 AU, so it is reasonable to assume this companion affects only us (not a neighboring system's gravity influence), if minimally at best.

You're off by a factor of 10.

So I have done some thinking, and the best orbit I can come up with is the following. I have not seen this suggested for an orbit before, but I think it works, better than the hypothesizing for a true figure 8 orbit (which seemed improbable).

The best way to test this is to duplicate the orbit with a ball and a piece of string. Gravity operates in a smooth manner and doesn't yank and jerk suddenly... so... put a (soft) object on the end of a string and get the "planet" whirling around you and try to duplicate the "orbit" of your guess -- WITHOUT moving your arm/body (remember, your hand represents the gravitational midpoint of the system you hypothesize.)

I think you'll find that it's not possible.

(I'd core-dump the math and physics at you, but you can figure it out for your self much quicker and less painfully with the ball-and-string method. Use an elastic string if you want to simulate the major and minor orbital axes of a planet.)

[edit on 2-6-2005 by Byrd]

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 08:33 AM
That diagram (wonderful colors and shapes!) shows an impossibly convoluted orbit. It suggests a new physics. According to elementary celestial mechanics, aren't all pathways of celestial bodies supposed to be conical sections, without exception?

In other words, they are either circles, ellipses, parabolae or hyperbolae, which means that of all possible orbital shapes only the first two are closed curves. The equations show an increasing orbital speed when one goes from circular to hyperbolic motion, and somewhere along the way, when something attains parabolic velocity (third step in the sequence), also called "escape velocity", the thing never comes back, it being the lowest speed at which the orbit ceases to be a closed figure.

The problem is how to fit a figure-of-eight, or a wrought-iron-fence type of trajectory (with what looks like a twin spike) into this simple, classical scheme. How does one come up with such a thing? Have there been new developments allowing this? I'm sorry if my knowledge is outdated.

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 09:22 AM
Our wonderful understanding of science just recently showed how vastly we underestimated the size of Andromeda, now putting it at 3 times the size we previously thought. Once again the universe casually points how how little we really understand about fundamental physics, as they say.

You dwell on the gold aspect a lot, Byrd, and even if we assume you are correct about that it does not alter the possibilities of other parts of what Sitchin says being correct. The gold is not a major point, the major point is Nibiru and the Anunnaki being there and having been here in the past.

As for your timelines, you're well off with what Sitchin says. He doesn't put their arrival here at 7,000 years ago, more in the region of 450,000 years ago.

In the Enuma Elish you posted, there's little to suggest Tiamat is chaos, it is referred to as an entity, depicted as a proper noun. You still haven't gone through giving evidence for your disagreeing with Sitchin's translations, and Sitchin goes through a large amount of texts showing the reasons for his translations varying from the orthodox. Unless you're going to link us to someone showing that his words stemming from X, Y and Z are incorrect; you're going to have to sit down and just say you disagree with his translations but have nothing to prove it.

Being a Biblical scholar doesn't need a degree anymore than being a surfer requires a membership badge or being able to read Spanish needs a piece of paper to verify it. Someone who has made a lifelong study of something has as much right to call themselves an expert on it as those who have done 10 years in a university somewhere. It is up for those who read to discern who the real experts are, and people will disagree, but to blatantly put down as fact that someone is consistently wrong when you are not consistently proving them wrong... where does that leave you? That's a schoolground level of arguement.

Field Of Stupidty -- for they forgot everything they knew about their own technology.

Nice, but it would seem they forgot nothing of the sort. What's your basis for this? That they didn't bestow everything on mankind in an instant, or come here with enough machines to fill a planet and have it sparkling every day at night? *IF* Sitchin is to be believed, they numbered very few.

As regards Sumer being the first civilisation, Sitchin only ever says that they were the first known civilisation. But he says several times that there were civilisations preceeding them, as evidenced by references to pre-deluvial texts and languages.

As for estimations on the basis of their technology, that's pure speculation. Who are we to judge the route a civilisation would take technologically? We have only our own technological rise as a basis to judge that from. We are guessing from a viewpoint of total and utter ignorance, that which are you denying in your avatar.

Regarding your disbelief regarding the 223 genes unique to humans in the invertabrate tree, this was information published in New Scientist. Please explain how this is Sitchin showing his ignorance regarding genetics. Compared to the primates we know and the anthropoid hominids we have discovered, humans have an array of bewildering anatomical and genetic abnormalities. Sitchin's theories fit in just as nicely as any pure evolution viewpoints does, both leave some unaswered points, it's up to each person to decide which answers best in their viewpoint.

As regards the using of nuclear weapons at Soddom and Gomorrah. The only real evidence Sitchin displays is the large apparent blast mark as viewed from space, and I believe he mentions the vast sheets of melted sand that have formed into glass. Further evidence would have to be carried out such as radioactive testing and the like. I believe he mentions, though I am not 100% sure, that the area does have a higher than normal radioactivity reading. But without finding a source for that we have only the space-photo and the glass sheets.

Regarding the flood, he does not state that only Sumerians or Hebrews survived it. Simply that they are the only ones that Enki supposedly helped survive it.

Bottom line: Discredit him by all means, but do it properly please. Provide evidence and leave people to decide, don't just tell them that they are incorrect

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 12:57 PM
I find stichin's theories alot more exciting. Perhaps that is what people want, an exciting and with some of his work convincing creation story. I would like to see some Sadam Hussains vaults in the middle of his deserts. I'm sure they found evidence of spaceports in Iraq and have kept it from the world. Thats the real underlying reason for going to war with Iraq. Scew oil!

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 09:06 PM
Sorry all for not being able to post on my own thread. I see the interest in this has boomed to close to 800 and that makes me quite happy. The discussion in here is totally awesome. Its good to find that some people who think this man is a crackpot can also put in their two cents about some things that he has for truth. I have learned alot especially from Byrd's expert breakdown of my paper. I would recommend that after you read my report read Byrd's breakdown before you all decide to comment. Use both sources of knowledge to give your criteria.

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 10:37 PM
Bryd has spoken before on this subject and I believe he has every right to say what he wants. I on the other hand look at this slightly different


A remote historical event even in Homer's day, the siege of Troy immortalized in the Iliad became increasingly shrouded in the mists of legend over the course of time. By the 19th century, despite several expeditions into Asia Minor, no one had been able to pinpoint the exact location of the fabled city. Then in 1873, fueled by unwavering faith and determination, a grocer's apprentice and incurable dreamer named Heinrich Schliemann uncovered not only the site of Troy but the legendary treasure of King Priam, a priceless cache of gold and silver artifacts, which he conspired to smuggle into his native Germany.
Notice his title “grocer’s apprentice” not exactly the one who you would think to discover this lost city.

Forbidden archeology:
By Michael Cremo, reading this book and how finds that show an earlier time when technology should not be there per our taught history. Aluminum belt buckles found, and other such finds that suggest a past we are unaware and declared by Graham Hancock.

Here I read his 12th planet and noted that he is like the grocers apprentice a self taught individual. Reading the tablets as facts rather than as myth. This point of view on his part is solely his, yet history has shown those who think outside the box can influence the rest of us. If he has done anything it would be to offer a different thought on what is written in rock, clay.

He falls into the same category as UFO's where the government declares there is nothing to it, but secretly follows it. NASA (Harrington)and recently a French scientist have also proposed a 12th planet in our system. People see UFO’s and are people laughed at as lights on but nobody home or the elevator doesn’t go all the way up.

I would rather let time declare the real truth and simply look at all thoughts put on the table. To dismiss him as one out to make millions from his books, is the same things said to those close encounters people write about. He has his thoughts, Byrd has his and I accept his statements but I also find that people not trained or having studied in a field as one who’s desire for truth which lead them to finding remarkable treasures we can all look at.

I’m open minded on his thoughts,


posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 06:09 PM
Well open mindedness is what allows us to "deny ignorance" as I have seen so much on this site. I have not been here for too long but I am glad one of my topics has sparked alot of interest and discussion. I did this to see what others thought of him. I found out about his theory briefly watching a show on the tube and then decided to go into research about his subjects.

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 09:24 PM
I agree with Byrd's points.

I have read a couple of Sitchin's books, and done a little research (online of course), and believe that the only who believes Sitchin is Sitchin. I find it really hard to believe in a planet that swings thru the solar system every 5000 years, and we haven't spotted it yet. Hubble telescope and all.

Of course, my buying his books, only put coin in his pocket.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 02:25 AM
Kind of a twist there right. You find his subjects to be bull and yet you buy his things. Its like buying a good science fiction book. Yes I agree totally dont worry that this guy is so full of crap he makes a sewage system look like fine china. I love the discussion this guy creates. This guy should be set up for everyone to take their frustrations on. Then he should be let out and shot. Personal opinion. Doesnt reflect the opinion of my other personalities.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 08:54 PM
You're right, it read just like a SciFi book. Might make a good Stargate episode even.

Cheap lesson, I only bought either 2 or 3 of his books. So I'm out about $15.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 09:17 PM
Isnt it funny how it costs so little to find a bunch of bull# and yet it costs much more if you seek the whole entire truth of any subject you are on? Its opposite way it should be in my mind.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 10:36 PM
Great piece and obviously well searched.

He's a man who says and stands behind what he says. The only problem I have is the planet that is supposed to come close to Earth every three thousand years is due and yet nothing reported by Hubbell or other visionary or radio-optic telescopes have reported a distant planet headed our way - that I'm aware of.


posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 10:38 PM
Tell us, what is your theory on things relating to Ufologists thought concerning other beings here or on there way?


posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 12:13 AM
I read "The 12th Planet" last summer, and it was a fantastic read. It really made me think. LIke many have said, his ENTIRE theory is quite far-fetched. But people perceive lots of "far fetched" stories to be truth. Look at Christianity. Not bashing the religion or anything, but if you are a Christian there is no way in hell (no pun intended haha) you can come on this thread and say "This is too far fetched and unorthodox and completely insane". Why? Believing in a The story of Jesus' resurrection is pretty insane, IMO. Once again, no offense to christians, i've the utmost respect for you all, i'm just trying to prove a point.

Personally, i believe that an alien race, as a whole, could be our collective GOD. It makes perfect sense to me. But we all find solace in believing, whether it's God as an entity, a race of beings, or, well not believing in a God at all.

I wish more anthropologists/archeaologists would delve further into ancient sumerian life. They were the cradle of civilization, so if there's anywhere i could thing to look for remnants of a distant past, it would be in ancient sumeria.

Another excellent read by Stitchin is GENESIS: REVISITED. It takes a look at how modern scientific breakthroughs are just catching up with ancient knowledge. It, just like THE 12th PLANET, is amazingly convincing and should be read while you are in a cynical, logical state.

So yeah, it's all quite far-fetched. But so were automobiles. So were planes. So was space travel. So were computers. Maybe someday we'll be able to COMPLETELY disprove Stitchin, but until then, we must look at his work with SOME respect and admiration.

posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Kwintz

I wish more anthropologists/archeaologists would delve further into ancient sumerian life.

They have.

Here are some books by actual scholars, and they do not back up Sitchen's madness.

Originally posted by Kwintz
So yeah, it's all quite far-fetched. But so were automobiles. So were planes. So was space travel. So were computers. Maybe someday we'll be able to COMPLETELY disprove Stitchin, but until then, we must look at his work with SOME respect and admiration.


It deserves our contempt for the shameless con game that it is.

He poses testable questions, and none of them are right.

His astronomy is horrendous, a planet with an orbit like his "nibiru" is just not possible.

The examples are endless. Sitchen has been challenged to a debate on C2C, and surprise surprise, he refused.

He's a scam artist, not a scholar.

Go here if you want the truth.

Take the red pill.

posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 11:13 AM
wrong post...

[edit on 8-6-2005 by mpeake]

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