Hello everyone, I just found a video called "Nazi UFOs - How They Fly - The German Tesla Anti-Gravity And Free Energy Program" It is a torrent
download, and I am not sure if I am allowed to post the link directly on here, but if you are interested, it is on www.torrentreactor.com. If, I am
allowed to post the link ,can someone please let me know? Thanks!
I think if the video has no copyright then should be no problem to post the link.
Anyway with the name you gave was enough to find it at isohunt.com.
Im dling now...better be good its almost 600 MB....
(good speed at the start, 100 KB/s)
I started downloading it, but I don't have much luck with torrent speeds... so when one of you two finishes, please post some information on it, as
I'm very much looking forward to hearing about it.
Sorry to be a N00b, when it comes to torrents I dont have a clue. The .torrent file, how do i get that to start downloading? IS there a program I