i've just found a picture of a radiation image of our sun in an eclipse (i think, something like that anyway) anyway, the unusual thing about it, is
it has blacked out sections. here, look:
i'm blue but doesnt bother me that much. i know they do it all the time, i've seen it a lot. but it doesnt make sense why they would need to
block out natural phenomena really does it? but your probably right, thought i was onto something then lol oh well eh, nevermind
Hey, don't take my word for it. Someone's bound to suggest it, search ATS for LASCO or SOHO (if you didn't already know this), should be able to
help you.
Judging by the squareness of the black blocks and the corruption of one of the blocks near a black block, I'd say its just that, image corruption
which doesn't alow them to compose a full image.
maybe its just an omission? but i'd still like to know what was supposed to be under there. maybe its like, ultra-strong radiation or something? oh
well. can't ve all that important, otherwise it wouldnt' have been pu on the net in the first place