I dont think he is the Antichrist.....This may be One of the Signs that are given to us at the end of Days!
Being primarily in the SKIES it is the realm of Satan.the power of the Prince of the aerial realm....who satan so controls....
Many fathers and Saints of early times had similar visions and correctly identified them as being Demons....what better way to control mankind by a
beleif in the false miracles!
There was a case .....Orthododxy and the religion of the future//Fr Seraphim Rose
In his book ''Orthodoxy and the religion of the future'' there are many cases describing the way that demons work false miracles....
quote//After 1914 he lived at the Kiev Caves Lavra, where he discoursed to the young people who visited him concerning the influence of occultism on
contemporary events in Russia.
In the autumn of 1924, one month after he had been visited by a certain Tuholx, the author of the book Black Magic, he was murdered in his cell “by
persons unknown,” with obvious Bolshevik connivance, stabbed by a dagger with a special handle apparently of occult significance.
The incident here described, revealing the nature of one of the mediumistic “gifts” which are common in Eastern religions, took place not long
before 1900, and was recorded about 1922 by Dr. A.P. Pimofievich, lately of Novo-Diveyevo Convent, N.Y. (Russian text in Orthodox Life, 1956, no.
ON A WONDROUS early tropical morning our ship was cleaving the waters of the Indian Ocean, nearing the island of Ceylon.
The lively faces of the passengers, for the most part Englishmen with their families who were travelling to their posts or on business in their
Indian colony, looked avidly in the distance, seeking out with their eyes the enchanted isle, which for practically all of them had been bound up
since childhood with so much that was interesting and mysterious in the tales and descriptions of travellers.
The island was still scarcely visible when already a fine, intoxicating, fragrance from the trees growing on it more and more enveloped the ship with
each passing breeze. Finally a kind of blue cloud lay on the horizon, ever increasing in size as the ship speedily approached.
Under the heading////
''''''A Fakir's "Miracle" and the Prayer of Jesus''''''.