posted on May, 27 2005 @ 12:29 AM
I'm studying engineering, although a different branch (electrical) In my opinion, all forms of engineering are great; I probably would have loved
almost all of them. I think I'd go with taking the Aero. Eng. degree and do the paranormal stuff on the weekends or something as a hobby, like
godzilla suggested.
I don't know what engineering is like at whatever school you plan to attend, but in my program I was able to take several arts courses for credit,
and I took a bunch of history (4 courses in it) since that is one of my interests, but I could just as easily have substituted psychology instead, had
I wanted to. That way, you can at least get the introduction to pyschology down, and hopefully learn enough in a classroom setting that you can
proceed to study on your own effectively, since you will understand the basics already. You could also try sitting in on a couple of introductory
psych courses (the junior ones are usually 100s of people in a massive ampitheater, they will never know you aren't registered!)