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Bible a code? star quardnents

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posted on May, 26 2005 @ 07:41 PM
has anyone ever thought that the bible is cryptic, like all the passages the numbers what if thats all a code or like a star quardnent makes sence or a laungitude or latitude, there similar to gps codes three numbers arnt they tell me what you think

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 08:03 PM
I'm not sure if I think that the Bible is a code, but I think that the majority of the Bible is not referring to or talking about what it is talking about if that makes sense. Like, for example, the widespread idea that when it says God created the Earth in 7 days. 7 days could be symbolic, for example
1 day = 100,000 years. Get it?

Just my 2 cents.

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 08:07 PM
My point was there are tons of weird stuff in the bible i think its cryptic and the numbers for the passages could very well be codes for something i dunno, but i think that the bible is a story about aliens and jesus was one of them how else would someone rise from the dead, like sg1 somekind of healing chamber or something, and there are tons of ufos in the bible so all im saying is that its weird

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Omniscient
I'm not sure if I think that the Bible is a code, but I think that the majority of the Bible is not referring to or talking about what it is talking about if that makes sense. Like, for example, the widespread idea that when it says God created the Earth in 7 days. 7 days could be symbolic, for example
1 day = 100,000 years. Get it?

Just my 2 cents.

Every religion has there own creation MYTH ours is no more special than any other religions.

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 08:21 PM
The Bible was written by men that put together oral traditions of many religious beliefs. There may be secrets hidden in the myths but star locations seem highly unlikely.

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by Boatphone
The Bible was written by men that put together oral traditions of many religious beliefs. There may be secrets hidden in the myths but star locations seem highly unlikely.

Would the Bible even consider ET? From my limited knowledge of the good book and the religions spawned from it, is that it seems voodoo to consider anything outside of 'God's' creational realm, so co -ordinates to another lifeform would not be an option.

I have been wrong many times before.

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by semperfi221
My point was there are tons of weird stuff in the bible i think its cryptic and the numbers for the passages could very well be codes for something i dunno, but i think that the bible is a story about aliens and jesus was one of them how else would someone rise from the dead, like sg1 somekind of healing chamber or something, and there are tons of ufos in the bible so all im saying is that its weird
The numbers for the passages were placed with the scriptures much later than the supposed dates of writing.
They appear because the early scriptures were written and copied by hand in monasteries, by numerous monks. Each copying a different book of the scriptures.
The verse and scripture numbers were a designation that enabled the various monks who did the copying to assemble the text in the proper order, when they were finished.
They appear today, because the printer, during the time of King James, didn't know that they were to be ignored and what they were for.
They have since remained, because they provided reference points for the reader. There was never anything mystical about them

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 10:26 PM
ok im a little rusty on the bible and some of its storys considering the fact that im muslim but i started to think about it and there are some facts or obvious things that prove that there are ufos and aliens in the bible.

i found this site it tells all the storys of the bible and it even has very intersting illistrations i mena picters of legos, dont let the legos fool you this site is very knowlageble and has improved my understanding of the bible.

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by Omniscient
I'm not sure if I think that the Bible is a code, but I think that the majority of the Bible is not referring to or talking about what it is talking about if that makes sense. Like, for example, the widespread idea that when it says God created the Earth in 7 days. 7 days could be symbolic, for example
1 day = 100,000 years. Get it?

Just my 2 cents.

The Bible does say something like that in Genesis. " To God one day is but a thousand years , and a thousand years is but one day " or something like that.

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 02:26 AM
The original hebrew version is thought to be encoded. And one of the methods for discerning codes of what you're looking for is the Equidistant Letter Skip method. Essentially you have a computer query a term for you by stepping through the letter matrix of the bible. Any time it finds the term or phrase it logs the matrix it found it in and how many letters it had to skip before finding it, if it finds it at all. Then you can look at each matrix independently and see what they hold. So if you want to look up stars, the information should be in there.

I've also noted a parallel between the old testament and a calendar system like the hebrew calendar and Mayan calendar system. The Maya say we're in the 4th age of man which is nearing an end in 2012. After that the Mayan calendar resets and starts over for the 5th age of man.
If you count each book of the old testament as an age, then you could say we are living in the AGE of NUMBERS. How appropriate. I have yet to compare it to the hebrew calendar system, and I was unaware of its similarities to the Mayan calendar wheel system.

But right now, I'm concentrating on mapping out the bible on a Ulam Spiral.
An Ulam Spiral is a strange prime number phenomenon. If you map numbers on a spiral starting with 1 in the center and work your way outward, all the prime numbers will align themselves in diagonal patterns.
I want to see if these diagonal patterns will reveal any readable text that could be encoded using this mysterious feature of prime numbers.
For the curious on the Ulam Spiral go here:

This website has an interesting twist on it here

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by semperfi221quardnents

I checked Webster, and I cant find that word anywhere. Do you happen to mean coordinates?

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by Omniscient
7 days could be symbolic, for example
1 day = 100,000 years. Get it?

Someone explained to me once that in Biblical terms, a day meant the length of time it took to do something. Not what we call a day now.
In other words God created the Earth in 7 days means there were 7 major events for his creation. Each process could have taken 100,000 yrs or two weeks. Calling it a day meant it was complete.
And 7 is the number of perfection. So 7 days could also be just symbolic, meaning the creation was perfect.
day=completion/of a step(?)

Fits better with what science tells us than what the Christians say???

I'm not sure I've got it all right though, it's been awhile since I heard it.
Anybody heard something like that before

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 04:03 AM
if the 4th age of man is NUMBERS, what is the 5th age of man???

also i do think the Bible has code in it, some people say there are layers upon layers of code on code like alternate possibilities?? i think we might find more when quantum computers analyse the Bible.

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