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Worship The Devil - Theory

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posted on May, 26 2005 @ 01:20 PM
Just a theory I am throwing out there.

So supposedly the "elite" are delving into the occult and are performing ritual sacrificing, and other "demonic" pasttimes. And I have figured out why.


Ok, now the devil was thrown out of heaven because he desired freewill, and attained it. Where was he thrown? Down to earth, now people can argue this and say he was thrown into hell, but... hell IS earth.

We are gods unwanted children, why else would we have to go through hell just to be approved to come back home? Anyways.


The "ruler" of our domain is the Devil, and he wants us to worship HIM, but we like him have free will. It wasnt god that granted us freewill, it was the devil.

Since he is the ruler of hell, a.k.a. earth, then worshipping him would grant you the power, the success. I mean, do you follow a leader from a different country? Why would you follow god insrtead of the devil, god is foreign to our world.


The elite's of the world made up god as the one every needs to praise to because we all enjoy power and are greedy. And if you have everyone else worshipping a god that will not do anything for you, you will have the power and not have too many to speak.


~~~That is all for now, more will come. I just thought of it all lastnight as I fell alseep.

[edit on 26-5-2005 by Bane Of Your Existence]

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 02:01 PM
If we're following the bible, (which seems to not be the case though,) we had free will from the beginning. God asked Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge and they both CHOSE to eat from it. God did not stop them from eating it, He merely punished them for doing so. Sure if the serpent was supposed to be Satan then he tempted Eve, but he didn't force it down her throat, she made a choice, and then Adam did. Free Will thus existed from the beginning, Satan had nothing to do with it.

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 02:23 PM
You are right about the "Light" that people claim to have received from 'god'

It is the God of the material world, everything that is revealed by light, as it were.

But you are a little off, as far as what the elite made up. They replaced God, they didn't invent one that doesn't do anything for us.. We had one already that allows us so much free will 'it' never interferes (directly). But that is an entirely different topic.

They are giving up some of their 'humanity', its not this something-for-nothing BS they teach in Christianity (just convert at the last minute, its all the same in the end, they say) it is an exchange.

They get their earthly wishes, but perhaps they must provide host for 'something' in their body, not in the physical sense, though...And THAT is why some have to partake in sacrifice, its not for them at all.,
But any way, these things are not well-accepted.

It is the Devil that has been made up. There have always been demons.

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Baphomet79
Free Will thus existed from the beginning, Satan had nothing to do with it.

Is it still free will if you produce a test that yoou know BEFOREHAND that the "experiment" will fail?

In other words God set up a test he knew they would fail (he knows everything right) so is it free will or just an excuse to torture billions of people?

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Bane Of Your Existence
Just a theory I am throwing out there.

So supposedly the "elite" are delving into the occult and are performing ritual sacrificing, and other "demonic" pasttimes. And I have figured out why.


Ok, now the devil was thrown out of heaven because he desired freewill, and attained it. Where was he thrown? Down to earth, now people can argue this and say he was thrown into hell, but... hell IS earth.

He already had freewill which is how he was able to defy God. From KJV Isaiah 14: 12-14:
12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High

I agree on him being thrown to earth, but that is a differnt and lengthy discussion. He is also ruler of hell. No one but God knows for sure where hell is, we can only guess.

We are gods unwanted children, why else would we have to go through hell just to be approved to come back home?

Adam's and Eve's disobediance created the circumstances that we go through today. We were notand are not unwanted. Otherwise God would have destroyed everyone in the flood and would never have sent his Son to give us a way out

The "ruler" of our domain is the Devil, and he wants us to worship HIM, but we like him have free will. It wasnt god that granted us freewill, it was the devil.

Right on the ruler part, wrong on the freewill part. If God had not created us with freewill, it would not have been necessary for Him to tell Adam not to eat of the tree of the knoweldge of good and evil.

Since he is the ruler of hell, a.k.a. earth, then worshipping him would grant you the power, the success. I mean, do you follow a leader from a different country? Why would you follow god insrtead of the devil, god is foreign to our world.

Would you actually trust, let alone worship anyone called the Father of lies? Satan may be the ruler of earth, but God is the ruler of all. And by the way, He plans to come back and take the earth back from Satan.

The elite's of the world made up god as the one every needs to praise to because we all enjoy power and are greedy. And if you have everyone else worshipping a god that will not do anything for you, you will have the power and not have too many to speak.

You just shot your theory in the foot. If we made up God, then we must have made up the devil because he was created by God.

~~~That is all for now, more will come. I just thought of it all last night as I fell alseep.

Keep it coming, you might just hit on some truth there.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by Bane Of Your Existence
The elite's of the world made up god as the one every needs to praise to because we all enjoy power and are greedy. And if you have everyone else worshipping a god that will not do anything for you, you will have the power and not have too many to speak.

Or another way to look at it...

Suppose there is no Christian God. The elite know this and use religion to curb our free will. Without religion people would have a lot more freedom as they wouldn't worry about the ultimate consequences of their actions. The elite may practice occult activities which could be considered unchristian but only because these activities are not seen in traditional religions.

[edit on 28-5-2005 by johnnyutah]

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 08:52 AM
i think this has more to do with secret socities than the New World Order. I could be wrong, but try and get this talking about the new world order.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by Bane Of Your Existence
Just a theory I am throwing out there.

So supposedly the "elite" are delving into the occult and are performing ritual sacrificing, and other "demonic" pasttimes. And I have figured out why.

Great, now I can stop doing research...oh wait, maybe not.

You got one thing right, this word is wahtever we make it. If we begin to follow the ways of the "satan" our world will become a hell of sorts. But If we can follow the path of godliness, than we will move ever closer to the illusion of heaven. What you speak of realtes to eastern philosophy. Albert pike writes about how god and lucifer are inside us, and our ability to make decisions detemines the balance of the two. Too much to go into right now.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 10:56 AM

Ok, now the devil was thrown out of heaven because he desired freewill, and attained it.

He didnt really desire freewill he wanted to be God

Isiah 14:13-14

13For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Bane Of Your Existence

Ok, now the devil was thrown out of heaven because he desired freewill, and attained it.

Thats not biblical tho. Thats a story/legend that was popularized and passed around as folklore, not as part of scripture. Its from Milton.

We are gods unwanted children, why else would we have to go through hell just to be approved to come back home?

This doesn't make sense. The bible clearly states that god made the universe, created a little paradise, the garden of eden, with in it, and then cast man out of the garden and into the dirty nasty world

It wasnt god that granted us freewill, it was the devil.

Why would the devil have this ability???

Since he is the ruler of hell, a.k.a. earth, then worshipping him would grant you the power, the success.
I see what you are getting at, but why would anyone actually beleive it??

Lets say the 'better to rule in hell than serve in heaven' story about the devil is the way it all went down. And lets say that the 'elite' somehow know all this. Why would they back the devil??? The devil has power over a small part of the whole thing, and even then he is second to god. So why would anyone, who knows that god created man and is supreme, bother with the devil, knowuing that they'll have stuff for a while in life, maybe, but will either way be screwed for all eternity after that??? No one would.

And if you have everyone else worshipping a god that will not do anything for you, you will have the power and not have too many to speak.

? So you are saying that the devil is real, but god is not, but then how'd the devil get cast out of heaven then??? Basically you are saying that the elite have realized that there never was a god, that there is no afterlife, and that the world, this dingy little reality, is all there is, and that the supreme power here, or at least the biggest power, is the devil, and that they figure, he's the boss.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 11:58 AM
still think this thread has more to do with secret societies then the NWO, but thats just my thinking. Anywho,

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 02:44 PM
I'm inclined ot agree, but, on the other hand, the NWO is about the Elite, and usually they are presented as satanic, so a discussion of the satanic elite might be acceptable in the NWO forum, as long as its in the context of the NWO, so we will see where it goes over a few more posts.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 02:46 PM
new world order is a movement by an elite called the illuminati. Anything to do with the secret society doesnt get discussed here, we have to remember the new world order isn't a group, its a movement, the Cabal/illuminati is the group

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