Aside from leaving out a couple of facts which might incriminate me and changing a few names, the following is a true account. I am not a con or a
hoaxer. I do care if I am not believed for the simple reason that this could happen to anyone and quite possibly has occurred to someone reading this
now. They may not remember and perhaps this will help.
Although I can't remember much of my life prior to being abducted, I have mentioned facts about the family in question (NCMC779029). In my initial
statement to police, I mentioned the father's name and where he had worked. I also described this place in great detail and mentioned him working for
the police at some time. Later, I mentioned a connection to the mother's name as it was a name I used to call a babysitter I had sometime after the
abduction. When I was asked why I called her that I said it was my mother's name and I liked calling her that. I described certain details of where I
was lead by a mysterious young girl and was told that the dogs had tracked the scent there but, were ignored by police. I have also been told things
by the family which seem very familiar to me. I have also been to the area and recognize this as the place where I had lived and been abducted from.
In my mind I am completely satisfied that this is my family. If so this would start at: June 2, 1971.
I had told someone later on that the man who abducted me was named Clyde Cook(e). Apparently he would go from place to place as a "traveling
preacher" and brainwash people. I believe that he had planned my abduction and had contact with the family. I have done some searches on his name and
believe I have found a match who died in 2004. I'm not sure about this fact but, I remember telling someone that his profile was one out of five used
to create Hannibal Lecter.....this could be possible but, someone could have put that idea in my mind as a possibility to consider. I know that this
guy and the people he dealt with and the people I have had problems with are warped, very determined and cunning. To catch someone like that you have
to be just as warped, determined and cunning as they are to survive with only a few scratches. There are so many people out there who are like drones
to them. If anyone is familiar with the Zodiac killer and have read his letters you'll see a sort of pattern (even though I believe that the person
who wrote the letters wasn't the killer but, a partner) examples: Nov. 9, 1969: "....So I shall change the way the collecting of slaves..." and
this I believe is the important bit: " prove that I am the Zodiac ask the vallejo cop about my electric gun sight which I used to start my
collecting of slaves" (Is this an actual device or just ranting) Dec. 20, 1969 asking for help: "Please help me I cannot reach out for help because
this thing in me won't let me" March 13, 1971: "The more slaves I will collect for my after life" . It seems all these people have
something in common: manipulating people into doing what they want them to do amuses them and they can't stop what they are doing because of
something inside them (could the Zodiac and people like him have been programmed?)....I had been told this once by one of the cult-like people
bothering me. They all seem to have been trained to do something that involves hurting people, little children and puppy dogs. Undermining the safety
of people everywhere and creating mind slaves and duplicating this in such a way that it is similar to the reproduction process. Anyhow:
After-wards, I believe that I had spent some time at a nearby Shaker community before being taken to Portland where I had spent several weeks with
people he had obviously befriended. The first couple of days I can remember very clearly. I had been handcuffed to a radiator and told that my mother
had died and my father could no longer take care of me.
The young girl was taken away and the kidnapper came back and took me off somewhere. I believe that we had picked up Maryanne Wesolowski, missing from
Glens Falls, NY 8/18/71
(This is not the only missing person I have had contact with, I believe there were others)
At some point I was taken to Nantucket and spent two days there. I have been able to describe some places there to Nantucket natives. Eventually I was
put on a boat or ferry and told to get off at a particular stop in CT. which was probably a pick-up point. Well, I had been left on my own and I got
off at another spot. Where I was let off there were lots of people camping out in vans and tents and I had met someone who's parents ("Tom and
Gladys") lived right up the road. After I was adopted I had them take me here and this is the weird adopted mother had a daughter from a
previous marriage and her husband was the "brother" of "Gladys". As I was directing them there my adopted mother was saying it can't be the same
Gladys and it was weird huh? Anyhow, I had spent some time there and it was here with some of the people that were camping out that I managed to find
someone to take care of me and eventually made it to California.
It's hard to say what happened next exactly but, I had been staying with a small group of people and we went to see about staying on the pig farm in
Berkeley. Eventually we were kicked out of there because of some of the guys there messing around with some pigs or sheep or something. It ended up
just me and young woman who's name I can't recall. Anyhow, I had some problems to say the least and I was taken to a professor at Berkeley or quite
possibly Stanford U. (I date this sometime after Dec. 1971) And this is where it gets really fuzzy but, I was sent to see someone at Oak Knoll Naval
hospital in Oakland. I do remember some things like the training and most importantly I can remember going through electro - shock and this is
probably why I have problems with my memory. And this is where I believe I was implanted. I was chosen to do a few things because I was easily
programmable. After this I can remember being in different places around the world and having some connection with L. Ron Hubbard or Scientology. I
know I have been to London, Paris, Egypt and other places I do recall planting an Eschelon device somewhere though and it did not go well. The person
who set this up had been working on it for months and all I had to do was plant this device that was hid in a plastic ball (let it accidentally roll
somewhere) but, I got caught. I can remember meeting with agents and possibly someone high up after this and I was no longer flavor of the month. So,
about summer 1972 I ended up back in the San Fransisco area. There are so many things that are fuzzy here now. I do remember being babysat by
"Pigpen" from gratefull dead fame and meeting Jerry Garcia, I believe I was set up with them to find out info. I actually ran in to someone who was
also babysat by "Pigpen" he looked very familiar and recalled my "codename" because i had used it openly at the time. --I have talked to a couple
of Dead-Head researchers who said they recall my "codename" in relation to the Dead and Jerry was supposed to have worked for the CIA at the time.
but, that's as far as that went. I can mention things that I did at this time but, the thing I remember most was being followed by someone. I had
been staying with someone who was camping out at GG park and some older kids there were hip to what I'd been through I actually tracked a couple of
people down 2 years ago.....wasn't hard because they are still living in the park. Anyhow, some kids took me down to the RR tracks and we waited for
a train when one came they threw me on it. That is when I started my trip back east and eventually back towards the Connecticut area. I think I wanted
to go back to the family I had met previously. I think it was they who had taken me to DHS or an agency and I was set up with a family that would have
adopted me.
This brings me to "family one". I had been taken home by them and might have been adopted by which would have been a good thing. They own a business
and are very well off only problem was the woman couldn't have children. This is what happened here: One day the woman went out to check the mail.
She has MS and would drive to the mailbox. Believe me this is a pretty good walk. Anyhow, she pulls up to the mailbox, opens the door to reach out
because she wasn't close enough and she looses her balance, falls out of the car and gets pinned as the car rolls over her. I got out and said I was
going for help, she yelled for me not to leave her but, I didn't listen. As I walked down the road to find help a van pulls up and I'm grabbed and
pulled into the van. I am abducted again how can this happen twice? This time by someone I'll call "shaky" because this is his nickname, they call
him this because he shakes a lot, probably because of a bad habit. I can tell you exactly where he lives, he is still alive because I haven't
admitted that he took me from "family one" until now (people do suspect) There are some people that believe that "family one" is my real family.
The last time I saw him and the people that were making sure that he didn't go anywhere, he was digging a hole in the basement. I'm not sure what
the hole was for but, I have an idea. Anyhow, "shaky" wanted nothing more than to see my "dinky" and he jabbed me a lot and pinched my stomanch
really hard to show it. I will never forget this as long as I live because these were the worst moments of my life regardless of everything else.
Everything else was a walk in the park. "Shaky" had an idea that he would sell me, this is about the time that I first met my adopted father.
"shaky" had dropped me off at his house to watch me. I didn't say anything for awhile, I didn't know what to do, I was probably frozen with fear
as I had been so in the past several times now.
This is about where "family two" came in to my life. Somebody found where "shaky" had got me from and offered him a lot of money for me ("family
one" apparently didn't want anything to do with this) I would probably be dead now otherwise. One particular member of "family two" believed he
owned me right up until the day he died which was sometime in ' 98 I believe. Anyhow, when "family two" got a hold of me and they found out that
"family one" wasn't my real family and they would not get their money back, they wanted to help me find my real family. I had told them about
California - I'm not sure if I could remember where I came form at this point but, if I could I wasn't telling them so I guess I led them on a wild
goose chase. We had several stops along the way from what I remember the family had business in a lot of different places. Someone in the family had
been studying in Berkeley so they picked her up and we had explored places that I could remember. I ended up staying with her for some time maybe a
few months. Somewhere in between I went back to one of the places where I had been programmed/trained. I briefed them on everything I had been through
over the past year and they wanted to know everything about "family two" and their business. I told them about one of the stops we made and they had
me look at some satelite photos. I remember this very well because we got into an argument about it. This place in question was a farm. I don't
remember why we stopped there but, the photo was different it was missing a silo. I know this because I sat there long enough to memorize everything.
I said the photo was wrong - he said it wasn't so, we went on like this in front of a few other people which was probably making him look bad. So,
one of the people took him to the side and said something to him. They left and came back with a newer photo. Someone originally got a photo out of an
archive or something. I can remember that whole thing and other facts but, I can't remember my past (before I was taken) in detail this is what
really bothers me.
Anyhow, it was around this time that I started using a false birth certificate so I could get in to day care. It was really hard on this woman so
"family two" came for me and took me back to CT. I was dropped off with another member of the family who was a single mother of two kids and this
went on fine for a while. The woman had been seeing someone who was married, his wife found out and this drove the guy nuts. He came over one day
while the other two kids were in school. She had locked me in a closet upstairs thinking I would say something. Well, I heard a lot of fighting and I
think he knocked her out. I remember him saying "I have something for you Sarah" and from what I gather from what happened next I think he had given
her an overdose. After he left, I got out of the closet and found her lying on the floor. I thought she was dead so I ran out of the house and told a
neighbor and ran off. I had been running around town for about two weeks on my own. It was at this point that I got picked up by some weirdo and he
had a few kids together in one house I think it had been abdoned. A couple of us were plotting how to get out when he left and we were locked in the
basement and one of us had some matches. We were going to light a fire (looking back this it would have been a bad idea anyhow but, we were kids) So,
he comes back and catches us with the matches. I think he was trying to come up with an idea to get rid of some of the kids anyhow so he made one of
us light a fire. The fire got really bad and he grabbed my arm and held it in the fire, I still have the scars from this. He grabbed me and left the
other kids locked in the basement. I got away from him a few days later and eventually got picked up by the police, my coat had been stuck to my arm
and when they took me to the hospital they had to rip it off and I can remember screaming my head off. Sometime after that either someone had to pick
me up or they would put me into foster care so, I mentioned the one person I knew who "shaky" had dropped me off with. Eventually with the help of
"family two" I was adopted and they were told not to say anything to me about this. I had gone through hypnotherapy to forget because I was going
crazy at this point anyhow, I was told I had to go through deprogramming before I could start. So, the "grandmother" in "family three" took me to
Jewish Family Services in NY around 1974-1975 because she was familiar with this kind of thing as she was associated somehow with Margarate Singer.
Anyhow, I went through this deprogramming and I was told all of my "alters" had been destroyed except for one which was my sexual alter because I
might have problems if they did, and I'm still not quite sure what this means. So I had been refered to someone by them I'll call him "Doctor M."
This Doctor would come from his office in New Jersey to visit me in CT. and this continued for some time over the years. There was a whole group of
children maybe 10 or 15 who were in the same boat as I was. So he had given them code names (I had already had one) and these were used with post
hypnotic suggestion and we were given a contact number that I spoke of in my first post when I created this thread. As it turns out a lot of kids were
being abused by some group in this area and the Doc. was trying to get info about them through us. Over the years I guess this failed and one of these
"kids" in the group thinks it was an alien experiment that went wrong. So, most of them are worse off then I am now really and this is still going
So, life went on and around age thirteen I had stopped living with this family although I went back and stayed with them at times. I had forgot about
the other families I had stayed with but, now and then the memories have popped up. One time I thought I was going crazy having all these memories
surface at once and I'm sure I had some kind of weird experience around this time but, can't remember so, I went to Silva sometime in 1984, after
doing a little research and if it wasn't for what they did to me I might know where to go now. I joined the Army National Guard sometime after this,
I was 16 and had to wait 2 year to go to boot camp so I was taking a leadership training course. From that time until 1997 things had been somewhat
normal. I had a battle with alcohol, been married and had a few failed relationships. All this time I was suffering from some kind of grief but, not
sure what was causing it at the time. In 1997 I had been married for the second time and was planning on going to England, where my wife was from. I
had told my adopted father that I might not come back to the States. Next thing I knew all these people were coming together and telling me little
bits of this story which I could not believe but, I got to see my adoption records and the police started asking questions. They were trying to get
info about the woman from "family two" who was attacked. I started to remember some of the things I was being told but, there were a lot of gaps and
there still are. I gave info to the police regarding another matter and I made an offer to the people it concerned because I was being hounded by
someone who said he knew who my real mother was and he was taking care of her. Basically, he wanted money for taking care of her and in return he
would tell me where she was. I got the money that was put in to a sub account and I had a cashiers check made out and I handed it over. I wasn't
given any info so I had the check canceled, the money is gone now and nobody will give me any more info regarding my past. It seems they just wanted
to use me. At this point I left for England and a few months later forgot about all this until a few years ago. I had come back to the U.S. and was
trying to get back on my feet when I started having all these memories again, I called my adopted father but, he wouldn't say anything. I told him
where I was and this guy showed up again about a week later. I told him I knew this woman he was talking about was not my mother because by this time
I had met her by chance and when he mentioned her name I told him I met her and she was only about 10 years older than me and he said I guess your
right but, it didn't stop there. This guy is like the person who kidnapped me, he and his group are the ones abusing kids in CT. and possibly
elsewhere I may have an idea how to track him down but, it would take some time and resources I don't have. Anyhow, I started to see him and his
associates hanging around places where I'd go on my way to work like a regular cafe so I got really freaked out, packed a few things and tried
leaving. I got to the bus station in Fort Myers, FL. (this was sometime in Nov. 2003.) but, there were some people waiting for me. Everytime I went in
to buy a ticket they would get up and block my way. I called Greyhound security and told them about this on a message, I asked them to send the tape
if they had one to the F.B.I. as I had been having problems for years. I don't know if they did this I never called back to check. I haven't done a
lot of things. I just want this over I am tired of running. I went to Connecticut for a couple of weeks, things were really weird there and nobody
would talk so I headed to California and started to look for my family again. I got discouraged and went back to the internet on Doe network and NCMEC
and that's when I found NCMC779029. By now I realize this is not the first time I considered this and in fact know that I am this child but, I am
having so many problems proving this. My link again is:
This is all I know for now until I can get hypnosis to help with the blocks. Hopefully I can find out what has happened before it's to late.