posted on May, 26 2005 @ 04:34 PM
Im sorry but Christopher Hill is full of crap.
The differences between China in the 1970's and North Korea currently should be more apparent to a supposed Assistant Secretary of State. The
opportunities for North Korea to modernize and liberalize wont occur when under economic sanctions. Also China realized it had the opportunity to
modernize due to its massive population and manufactoring clout. North Korea has none of these.
"It's a real problem," Hill said, alluding to North Korea's self-imposed isolation.
I suppose they imposed the economic sanctions on themselves as well. The Americans despise any communist state and only trade with China because its
the worlds most populace country.
"small issues," such as the occasional pejorative comments in Washington
Pejorative: A disparaging or belittling word or expression.
I think they have every right to be pissed off at how a supposed modern country refers to sovereign nations. When you are supposedly meant to be
trying to get a nation back to the negotiating table to enforce your own will on them you shouldnt slag them off in the process.
Originally posted by djohnsto77
I think WMDs are more likely to be transferrred to terrorists while the NK regime exists than if it fell.
That wasnt the case when the USSR fell. There are countless weapons missing from their caches since the collapse.
Originally posted by djohnsto77
Upon collapse, the North would quickly reunite with the South and the borders would be secured.
I suppose it was only Kim Il Sung and his family that fought the Korean War. When Kim Jong Il is gone the North will greet the South with open arms
I think your prediction is off. There is an endocrinated populace that only communism can produce and a million man army. I guarantee you a power
struggle in North Korea if this regime fails and most likely another civil war.
Who ever said China would send in troops is spot on. But I also think South Korea would unilaterally cross the border as an apparent
stabilizing/humanitarian gesture.
It will be a major catastrophe.
[edit on 26/5/05 by subz]