posted on May, 29 2005 @ 11:33 PM
let's take a word, any word. knowing that this word has developed over time in a culture that is pro religion. which religion is not important, but
for the sake of this brief study i will demonstrate how your subconscious is actually devouring and analizing every aspect of every experience.
first, what key can we use that may be genetically part of our inherant (in here ant) instincts and acumilated knowledge?
the book, aka the bible.
1)"in the beginning there was the word", translation: words/language
2)"the meek shall inherit the earth" , translation: use lower case letters
3)"a child shall lead them", translation: spell words out phoenetically or foneticale ...... phone + net + i + (c)see + ally
4)"the meek shall be elevated", translation: raise lowercase letters above line
5)"the rightious walk upright" , translation: spin 180 degrees to make upright.
6)"seek and you shall find" , translation: open mind, no closed letters. also spin 1/4 counterclockwise for reasons i will at this time not
from right to left. vowels questionable
realize your eyes transmit what is seen inverted and upside down to the back of your eye .... so is what you are seeing what the eye is seeing, or
what the brain is seeing, and who is truly deciding?
a word you equate with conspiracy:
t = a cross or plus
men = men
n= c or u
n= c or u
r= our
e = c open minded and spun = u
v= neither < or > (neither less than nor greater than), but down or falling
go= go
o= time or half of infinity, of infinity folded over upon itself
possible subliminal messages ..... government
across men see you revert or reverse go
across sea you men me see time falling down the
go down here hear em men plus add across
meant me vogue
make me vogue
game over vernment ...... v+v=w, flipped = m , a and o, hence gove=game
gee over in me see you cross
the combinations are almost endless, most people only equate the simplist possible conotations. How your brain interprits it is dependant (depend
ant) entirely on how much of a victim you consciously believe you are in this world. it is your mood in the 2,000 conscious bits of information per
second that dictates how the 399,999,997,999 subconscious bits of information per second are transcribe, interpritted, and integrated into what is
obviously 200,000,000 times larger than your conscious experience. so where do you suppose your truth is, the truth that makes you ask the questions
you do in the first place?
the questions you ask are asked by you, because your subconscious has made a huge break through and already has the answer for you.
stop trying to incorporate the newest microsoft software into your atari game station. upgrade your brain.
i'm done listening to the angel and devil on both my shoulders, their time is done, they both failed me.
the grass greener on the other side of the fence? are you still on the fence? havn't picked either side of the fence?
i am here and at war with the fence.
like the word taco .... there is a club called the pink taco in the hard rock casino here in vegas. named such for the possible connection with the
female genitalia, without even knowing why they make the connection in the hard wiring of their brains.
taco ...... reversed ...... ocat ...... oh! cat ....... cat to kitten to pussy cat ......
so next time you see a "self storage" sign at the u-haul, please don't permit that sign to tell you to your self to "self store rage". not
healthy, friends.
subliminal messages are what keeps corporate america making money off of you. it is the strongest system of control. it is being used against you on
a daily basis. most of the time the people doing it are unaware of it themselves. they are not to blame. the collectiveness of all of us is the
real culperate here.
easy fix= be nice and loving and let nothing get you in a negitive mood. that way your subconscious will not feel the need to attempt negative
translations subliminally. know no fear and delete the self preservation virus that has debunked your computer, the one between your ears.
funny thing about ants. they are organized from the bottom up, all serving one another. not even the queen could be considered the ruler, always
stuck in the den spitting out babies, but never alone, always cared for and loved. when ants have an agenda, they all have the same agenda. no
individuals, just seperate modes of operating to attain the same goal.
i want you to know the truth about aliens and thier purpose and essentially the biggest questions you've ever asked. but, it is not mine to give to
you, if you don't want to accept it.