posted on May, 27 2005 @ 05:46 AM
i think im going with sony again in this upcoming generation
I skipped ps2 entirely for the xbox and its modding/multimedia capabilities, and the games were just upgrades of ps1 anyway, but the ps3 really looks
like a graphic monster. :O
And as for nintendo, they have always been the masters of deception, when it comes to marketing the new gadgets, they know how to play the public. Too
bad they keep selling the same games over and over and....
Anyone remembers N64 and its infamious DD disk drive add-on?
My god, they lied to the public so hard, they probably stopped beleiving the lies themselves....i dont even want to start about their fake release
dates, just to sway the buyers off playstations and segas. They are thedirtiest players in the game