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Posting jokes, ridiculing, making fun of others in threads...

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posted on May, 25 2005 @ 08:28 PM
Please don't insult my intelligence, Bandit. Nor that of the other members.

When a "member" posts utter crap, doesn't have any threads locked nor obtain any warns, it's obvious it's Staff. People (to include myself- hence I have first hand experience) have had warns and threads locked/rubbish bin'd for FAR FAR less.

I don't know why admin or Staff feel the need to cause Drama (it's an entity now)- it doesn't contribute anything, rather it only splits the members.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 08:37 PM
Sorry to read it. Yet is this not the reason ATS is far more selective in acceptance of its new members? Or can I suppose that members of a supposed older ATS breed are sending such post/repies?

Either way, it is not very absorbing to the any points of discussion in my view.


posted on May, 25 2005 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by DeltaNine
Please don't insult my intelligence, Bandit. Nor that of the other members.

When a "member" posts utter crap, doesn't have any threads locked nor obtain any warns, it's obvious it's Staff. People (to include myself- hence I have first hand experience) have had warns and threads locked/rubbish bin'd for FAR FAR less.

I don't know why admin or Staff feel the need to cause Drama (it's an entity now)- it doesn't contribute anything, rather it only splits the members.

I am not, nor have I ever been any member of staff. Nor do I know any of them personally. However, from everything I've seen here so far regarding the way the staff behaves, is that they seem to be pretty fair. I notice that a couple of them can be a little opinionated, sometimes even critical in their replies to other peoples posts, but as far as I know, they are still members, too, and are entitled to their opinion regarding certain topics.

And when I see some of their more critical replies, they appear (at least to me) as the same sort of reply that they would make as if they were just a member. In those type of replies, they don't use their authority as moderators to threaten the poster in anyway. They are simply expressing their opinion.

What I see in Bandit's post, is that he/she saw replies that were actually mocking and making fun of the poster, without even knowing if the post was made all in fun, or if they were really serious. Someone a ways up, wrote something to the effect that if a poster is serious about what they posted, that after a mocking/sarcastic, etc... reply, it would help a lot to politely state that this was a serious subject to them, something like that. If the posters in the cases referred to would have done that, it might have stopped anyone from being hurt. Because, dgtempe was also right, that there is nothing wrong with some threads being more lighthearted than others, as long as it is known by all what mood it is being posted in.

I don't think that Bandit started this thread in order to inflame or anything like that, I think that whether he/she took things to be more seriously devastating than they were or not, it was most likely made with the intention of holding the members together, rather than pushing them apart.

Just my 2 cents

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 10:31 PM
You have taken my post completely out of context. I am referring to Bandit's comments later in the thread, not the first post. I am not referring to this thread as Drama.

You also have no idea how restrained this post really is.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 10:51 PM
They Called Him The "Wild One"

Originally posted by DeltaNine
You also have no idea how restrained this post really is.

Actually, I thought it was way over the top.

Come on, DeltaNine, think of the children!

They look up to you as an example of moderation and self-control.

Don't let them down!

Or the kittens. Don't let the kittens down!

Pfft... mmmph... pffft...

~~Majic to mission control, D9's points are steady below 2000. Situation nominal...~~

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 11:05 PM
I do realise that the children look up to me. Which is why I'm conditioning them to take over my ATS Troubleshooter role when I die.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 11:21 PM
God Bless 'Em

Originally posted by DeltaNine
I do realise that the children look up to me. Which is why I'm conditioning them to take over my ATS Troubleshooter role when I die.

Ah HA! So THAT explains the kids disappearing from the Video Games forum on BTS with the explanation that they are being "re-educated".

I'm on to your little game!

It’s brilliant.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 11:25 PM
I think so

Soon...there will be more of me.

*Cue lightening*

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by DeltaNine
I do realise that the children look up to me. Which is why I'm conditioning them to take over my ATS Troubleshooter role when I die.

O.K. DeltaNine, I misunderstood your sense of humor. (Unfortunately, I at times am good at that).


posted on May, 26 2005 @ 11:00 AM
I'd quote some of the members, but you know who you are.

I Major Discrepancy, am not an extension of ATS Administration, nor am I cover for a "Mod." This should be apparent by my ridiculously low point total, matching number of posts to what you can find in my member profile, where there some really good reading.
Inflammatory? That's a personal perception, but I've never been "Warned," nor contacted by any Moderator or Administrator in regards to my content. I have been sent a "Staff Applause" on three occasions, not a bad ratio over 90 posts. Since joining ATS in December of 2004, I have posted infrequently, but typically in the "Board Questions & Business" forum, hardly the modus operandi of the scourge of ATS, never personally attacking any member, and never using obscenities or derogatory language. I have pointed out conduct that was deserving of twenty pushups, KP duty, and once, as I recall, the specter of latrine duty was inferred, but not proffered. To continue to doubt the veracity of one who is in the "know," is ludicrous, I'm a member just like anyone else.

Carry on, the "carrying on."

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Djarums
The fact that her daughter is a member bothers you? Get over it.

long time member

Originally posted by Valhall

Oh my - it's probably best I don't know what he said about my daughter (thank you my friendly happy button), but wonder what kind of drivel he's going to spout when he finds out my son is a member too?

As a matter of fact - I think I'll borrow one of my son's phrases at this point...

I'd rather masturbate with sandpaper than suffer the ocular pain of reading further JoeDoakian drivel.

The campaign continues...

See how this works- get in a thread MODs, SuperMODs, etc. are throwing stuff and it's O.K.?

I understanding where you're coming from bandit but, your own admin and its family (Val being the wife of the boards finance admin) violate posted rules (use others accounts, curse) with impunity and cheers from others makes it appear unbalanced.

Probably just my perspective.

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 08:20 PM
Noooooo! A Humble Eulogy

Communist Party ATS
Registered: 8/29/2003
Location: The Kremlin
Mood: Hold me.
Member is offline.
ATS Points: 1337

DeltaNine, you always surfed the vortex of chaos here, and despite my moralistic and preachy ways regarding the Terms And Conditions Of Use, I have always admired your spirit.

In my mind, I see you driving that great Ferrari in the Sky, a bottle of whiskey in one hand, a Cuban cigar in the other, and no hands on the wheel, cursing like a drunken sailor, tossing clever little witticisms like darts at shocked passersby, flipping the bird to the moderators of heaven and defying them to ban you yet again.

There is some comfort in the fact that your final points were 1337. Truly, you were elite in your own special way.

Not everyone will miss you, I am sure.

But I will.

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 10:29 PM
DeltaNine banned- boy that's something.

I couldn't grasp where he was coming from most of the time but his poignant thrust usually caused some thought.

Sorry to see this

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by JoeDoaks
See how this works- get in a thread MODs, SuperMODs, etc. are throwing stuff and it's O.K.?

So you think that its ok for you to imply that members are breaking the rules, forging accounts, engaging in conspiracies, but its not okay when one of the people you are yourself abusing retorts that you are posting utter nonesense???

but, your own admin and its family (Val being the wife of the boards finance admin) violate posted rules (use others accounts, curse) with impunity

Val only noted that you were wrong. Her son broke the rules and got spanked for it.
If you don't want to have run ins with members, don't post about members. If you don't like the political process, don't get invovled in it. Just stick to the topical forums, thats what brought you, and everyone else here anway. I can assure you, Val doesn't get special treatment just because her husband bothers to do work for the board. She gets warned and disciplined when she makes mistakes like everyone else. Heck, she resigned from being elected a council person strictly because she was concerned that there'd be an appearance of nepotism, and yet you charge her with just that??
What exactly do you think she is able to get done by all of this 'plotting' anyway? Change the background colours? Have different fonts on the board? She certainly isn't going to be able to 'silence' anyone that disagrees with her. Hell, I don't think I've agreed with her on almost anything. Lots of peopel disagree with her, they don't get kicked for it, or punished at all.
I mean, honestly, don't complain when she notes that you make no sense when you suggest somethign that, well, makes no sense. And the only person that was abusive, and I can personally understand it since you were giving his mom a hard time, received a warning and reprimands for it anyway.
No one is interfereing with your posting or silencing your views. Assuming its going to happen, making a stink about it, rallying people against other board members, that is the sort of thing, the sort of drama, that brings problems.

DeltaNine banned- boy that's something.

Thats the perfect case. He used to contribute to the board. Some stuff some peopel agreed with, other stuff other people didn. IOW, he was a good contributing member. But then he just stopped carring or being interested, and starting posting all sorts of whacky politicizing drama-running b/s, and in addtion to that started receiving warnings for his behaviour. He was given many a chance to reform, and agreed to, but constantly revereted back to warn worthy behaviour and not being a good contributor. Ultimately it caught up with him and he got banned.
This is a discussion board. About the weird and paranormal and conspiracy and terrorism. Focus on that. Contribute to that, not to board drama.
And, honestly, I'm not trying to single you out, everyone should be working to make this board great. And what makes it great? Content and intelligent discussion. Joking around makes it fun, the characters make it interesting, but ATS is great because of the content. You, and every poster, have a unique view on things, and a different understanding on the topics that the board is about. Go out and tell us what that view is, demonstrate it to everyone, bring in good content, like everyone is obviusly capable of, like Delta Nine once did.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
This is a discussion board. About the weird and paranormal and conspiracy and terrorism.


I won't comment on the other stuff you posted because it really doesn't have much relevance to this thread (other than the banning statements). This entire Forum is about conspiracies-

A conspiracy is not always bad. except that it is hidden and therein lay the problem.

I know of a guy (true story) that took (stole?) some rocket motors from one place to another without proper authorization (he had NO authorization). He 'gave' these to a contractor so that the contractor could do some specialized work.

The motors had been sitting in storage for a long time and were not going to be used.

To make a long (and to me interesting) story short he sweated about this for years. Another manager had the proof and held it over his head.

The documents vanished and the sweat stopped.

Now, this is a triple conspiracy. One within another, within another. No one was legally right. All three 'rings' were legally wrong yet the middle manager would be the only one not punished had the documents survived. To my way of thinking he was a blackmailer.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by DeltaNine
Please don't insult my intelligence, Bandit. Nor that of the other members.

When a "member" posts utter crap, doesn't have any threads locked nor obtain any warns, it's obvious it's Staff. People (to include myself- hence I have first hand experience) have had warns and threads locked/rubbish bin'd for FAR FAR less.

I don't know why admin or Staff feel the need to cause Drama (it's an entity now)- it doesn't contribute anything, rather it only splits the members.

I hope delta wasn't banned for pissing off bandit...
In general I think delta has a point, when it comes to jokes staff has more freedom than normal members, but in a way this is normal and logical I think.

To be honest I didn't really understand bandits first post, the threads which he showed didn't really contain any hardcore mocking if you ask me, merely a few jokes that some find funny and some find annoying.

Without humor, ATS is going to become a lot less interesting for me, so please let's try to not go crazy over a few jokes that cross your personal lines, because we all have a different personal line, and this way we can't make any jokes anymore.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 03:09 AM
I think that this thread was created by Bandit for the purpose of reminding ppl not to ruin other ppl threads as Bandit stated earlier if u dont like it dont post, clearly some members dont like that idea and have vented their anger publically on this thread, thus showing you what this thread is/was all about.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 03:24 AM
The Last Straw

Originally posted by Jakko
I hope delta wasn't banned for pissing off bandit...

I seriously doubt it. TheBandit795 is a very cool-headed moderator, and unless I am completely deceived, just isn't the type to ban someone without good cause.

The problem is that, for as much as I enjoyed many of D9's antics (and fear that I may have wrongly egged him on in the process), he gave the staff more than enough reasons to ban him.

So maybe Bandit did pull the trigger. If so, I can't blame him, but there's a lot more to the story than this thread. A lot more.

Frankly, I am amazed that D9 lasted as long as he did, and think the staff cut him as much slack as they possibly could.

D9 may have misinterpreted that as tacit consent, and well, here we are.

For my part, I endorse a fairly strict approach to enforcing the T&C. Once you start slipping, all hell breaks loose, as many members -- including me -- have complained repeatedly.

I'll miss D9, but I most certainly cannot blame the staff for finally pulling the plug on him. With almost two years on the board, it's a shame, but sometimes that's the way things have to be.

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 02:59 PM
JoeDoaks is banned now too... I was brought to this thread, because it's the last one he posted on, trying to figure out why... Oh well. See ya, Doaks! We sure disagreed a lot, but I liked speaking with ya.


posted on May, 31 2005 @ 04:05 PM
Hey Joe

Originally posted by Zipdot
JoeDoaks is banned now too... I was brought to this thread, because it's the last one he posted on, trying to figure out why...

Check the previous ones.

JoeDoaks got into an extremely nasty dramarama with Valhall, and it was just brutal. Family involved.

Very personal, very nasty, very unpleasant.

I don't know if that was what earned him the mallet strike, but I suspect it had a lot to do with it. Oftentimes the step too far comes in an associated U2U exchange with the staff, which I can only speculate is what happened in this case.

Want to get banned? Start cussing out the staff in U2U's. Quick, effective and painful.

Of course the mods know, but very rarely comment, as is the custom, and as is proper.

I'm sorry to see him gone as well, but crossing over lines we should not cross is our choice to make -- or reject.

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