posted on May, 27 2005 @ 04:27 PM
Exactly! The stoner kids don't care, they are stoners, they just waiting for school to end, well, some do, some don't, so they go and
smoke/snort/shoot up. So why should anyone with a brain be punished because they use it? I mean, get some kids bored in class because get this, they
actually know things! They learned 2+2=4 the first time it was taught, and don't need to learn it again in highschool. So they act up due to
boredom, or if me read a book and get yelled at for not following along with the 2+2=4, 4+4=8, and so forth.
Ok, in my case, I suck at math. I can read Stephen Hawking, I know the Civil War, science is no big deal, but math is my weakest point. So, should
the whole class who understands the area of an imaginery object be punished cause I don't care! What is an imaginery object? A Sharp Circle is a
Circle that isn't round but has sides, yeah, I don't get it either. But the answer would be a number that doesn't exist, like the Square Root of
-4.(That I understand, no number times itself equals a negative number, so the SR of -4 does not exist, why we learn this in school IDK, seems pretty
obvious to me)
But I didn't care, because there is no such thing as a circle with sides, and well, it was freaking stupid! After a long and heated debate with the
teacher, and a couple days in detention, I just stopped caring. Now, should the whole class be taught 2x2=4, 4x4=16, just because I don't care what
the area of a Sharp Circle is? No, it's me who isn't learning it, and me who will suffer later in life if they actually find a reason for me to
know it, not them.
But I guess Bush remembers what it was like to be in school and everyone learning things you didn't understnad, like the a square won't fit in a
round hole and a triangle won't fit in a square hole.