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Al Zarqawi wounded everyone pray for his recovery

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posted on May, 25 2005 @ 09:39 PM
Just a thought, but perhaps the reason they attacked the girls school yesterday was Zarqawi knew he was doomed and wanted a new supply of virgins. At the rate the insurrgents are dying, the supply has to be low by now


[edit on 5/25/2005 by shots]

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 09:48 PM
As I started a link about the shooting in Zarqawi's neck, theres allso a 25MILLION$ reward for capturing him... If you can. Its about him being a Martyr and rebelouse actions of the terrorist followers, not saying they dont allready show them, but threefold.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 10:05 PM
I'll pray for his recovery all right! I'll pray that he recovers so he can be tied down in the desert so that he can become a meal to vultures and any other scavenging animals.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by shots
Just a thought, but perhaps the reason they attacked the girls school yesterday was Zarqawi knew he was doomed and wanted a new supply of virgins. At the rate the insurrgents are dying, the supply has to be low by now

One of the best statements in the whole thread, anyone willing to load these scum some coats? After all it will help keep them warm.

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 11:19 AM

"It asked for Muslims to pray for his recovery, and said the injury was a reason to increase attacks on "the enemies of God".

everybody pray for his recovery so he can kill more infidels. it is the right thing to do to pray for the "freedom fighter".

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy

everybody pray for his recovery so he can kill more infidels. it is the right thing to do to pray for the "freedom fighter".

I''ll pray for alright, I will pray he dies a very slow and painful death and that he rot in hell, no virgins for him.

From your link

English translation "In Iraq, a text message was circulating on mobile phones celebrating the injury and congratulating whoever had inflicted it."

Yeah those Iraqis love him alright

[edit on 5/26/2005 by shots]

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 01:50 PM
May the fleas of a thosand camels infest his testicles and give him leprosy and have him die an extremely slow and very very very painful death.

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by ferretman
May the fleas of a thosand camels infest his testicles and give him leprosy and have him die an extremely slow and very very very painful death.

Well I will loose points for this but who cares?

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 03:08 AM
That is why the resistance has said on more than one occasion, if they ever found Zarqawi, they would kill him.

Thankyou shots, You made my day today.

You further proved to me, THAT IRAQIES WILL NEVER EVER BE FOOLED BY YOUR LIES ILLUMINATI !!! WE ARE GOING TO WIN, Just watch! Just watch us, your plans will fail, all of them.

That's why iraqies, including the resistance hate the idea of Zarqawi, because they know the US created it, to suit their own agenda, just like the WMD's.

Here's a view sources to corroborate what i'm saying.

The Iraqi resistance, and Iraqies in general :

By: AFP on: 11.11.2004 [03:53 ] (238 reads)

The tape was broadcast late Wednesday by Al-Jazeera television and featured a group of [resistance fighters]

In the tape, the speaker labeled both al-Zarqawi’s alleged presence in Fallujah and Saddam Hussein’s purported weapons of mass destruction as “synthetic phrases” used by those “who sold their religion and their homeland for money, which is a small percentage of what the American mercenaries are earning.”


Reportedly, Zarqawi is not much liked by the bulk of the Iraqi resistance, and why would he be? Everything he has ever done objectively aided the US propaganda machine.


Iraqi resistance doesn't belive in "al Zarqawi".

"The American invader forces claim that Zarqawi, and with him a group of Arab fighters, are in our city," the statement said. "We know that this talk about Zarqawi and the fighters is a game the American invader forces are playing to strike Islam and Muslims in the city of mosques, steadfast Falluja.
Fallujah: History in the making
Helen Williams, Youth Aid Iraq,

The Islamic Party of Iraq have pulled out of the Interim Government over the impending massacre. A representative from the party cited the terrible living conditions endured by Fallujah's residents who have no water or electricity. He told how many of the inhabitants had fled - some to houses in Bagdad and around Fallujah, but most of them suffering in tented camps around their home city - all becoming refugees in their own country - all internally displaced by a war they did not start. And many, if they survive, will return to houses of rubble, shatterd homes and shattered lives.

He went on to say (as do all Iraqis) that the 'terrorist' Zarkawi did not exist, calling him an 'American phantom' and he demanded that the onslaught on Fallujah be stopped straight away.

Innocence lost.
November 18, 2004

by robert fisk.

There was one mysterious [Resistance] video that floated to the surface this year - a group promising to seize al-Zarqawi, claiming he was anti-Iraqi, if he existed.

Speakers at a street demonstration in Falluja denied that Zarqawi was in the city. One of them, a young cleric, said that they did not need "Zarqawi’s" help.
Sheikh Janabi said that the United States was using Zarqawi as a pretext to attack Iraqis, just as it had once used weapons of mass destruction

But this week, the split took a cinematic turn when masked men calling themselves the Salvation Movement released a videotape containing threats to kill Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the Jordanian militant who is suspected in the deadliest attacks here.

Then on Friday, a second group of guerrillas released a similar message threatening Mr. Zarqawi."

So you see, the resistance has said, if Zarqawi exists, he is our enemy.

The Iraqi resistance hates the idea of "Al Zarqawi", because they know who really controlls this "al Qaeda" bull#, the CIA and the MOSSAD. And they know, who did 9/11.

We are not fooled illuminati , we will not be infiltrated nor corrupted by you. We are not fooled, it must infuriate you.

[edit on 27-5-2005 by Syrian Sister]

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 04:07 AM
Why would the US create another tool or fake terrorist? It seems like there are already enough "real" ones to scare the public, why not attribute more attacks to the existing ones, or just give credit to the nebulous terrorist network in-of-itself. It seems like the campaign to create a fake person would be more work than is even necessary.

Does it matter if he exists or not? Is violence still not being inflicted from and to both sides? If he didn't exist, the American public wouldn't be any less scared of terrorism. No one says "Well, I wouldn't be afraid of terrorism, but this Al-Zarqawi character really has me shakin' in the boots."

It just seems like the government would get more "bang for their propaganda buck" if they made up terrorist attacks and attributed them to actual people, although, I guess if people ever needed a morale boost they could just pretend to kill or capture him.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 04:45 AM
Not really, a fake one is easier to controll, you can pretend he is anywhere you like to suit your own agenda. If it really existed and had a mind of its own, then it might say something that would not suit you.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 04:56 AM
True, but when would an actual terrorist who is hell-bent on destroying America (assuming they exist) say anything which wouldn't work towards instilling fear into the hearts of the populous? Why couldn't the government put words into the mouths of existing terrorists, or simply choose not to spread information or give coverage to things said which don't further their intentions?

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 05:11 AM
Okay ... it's been three days since this thread was started.
Three days that he has been very ill due to injury.
Question - IS THE S.O.B. DEAD YET?? I certainly hope he
is and that he has gone to his just 'reward'.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 08:46 AM
I like how he was wounded 'between the shoulder and the chest.' Yes, the very spot that's always 'safe' for someone to get shot in in the movies or on TV, but not actually have serious complications ie sucking chest wound or abdominal injuries.

The fictional Zarqawi just gets more and more like an evil Bruce Willis from 'Die Hard.' Maybe next some Marines will cut off his limbs with lightsabers and napalm him, and he has to wear a Darth Vader outfit.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 11:05 AM
Damn all those Americans! We should fly in the Red Cross to treat his wounds! Instead of attacking Zarqawi we should be polishing his AK and fluffing his pillows! All those infidel shiites need to be killed! Every day that hes wounded is another that another school or marketplace wont be blown up and more infidels killed! We cant have that! What are we going to do when the infidel Americans take Damascus and Tehran? Allah will send more giant spiders! Have faith! Our glorious Al Zarqawi will be slaughtering more infidels in no time! He should blow up more schools! Get the infidels while their young! Hold on Sister!

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 02:29 PM

- "Iraq's al Qaeda said on Friday its leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was in good health and was back leading operations in Iraq after being wounded, according to a statement posted on the Internet. "

"Our Sheikh is in good health and is running the jihad (holy war) himself and has been overseeing the details of operations up to the time this statement was prepared," a group spokesman said in a posting issued on Islamist Web sites.

congratulations to all of ya ats members who pray for him that he is back in action and ready to kill more infidels like me and you.

also killing Muslims who dont share his vison too.

[edit on 27-5-2005 by deltaboy]

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 02:51 PM
Al Zarqawi? I hope he lives so we can capture him. Then, i would subject him to the "Death of a 1,000 Cherry Bombs", where I would stake him down in the desert and hurl 1 cherry bomb at him for every person his suicide bombers have killed.

Al Zarquwi? He is nothing but a filthy, godless monkey rding on the back of the other filthy, godless dog, Bin Laden.

I curse his feeble and weak mustache!

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 02:59 PM
Forget about Al Zarqawi, and Bin Laden. Just as these names were largely unknown to most of us a decade ago, we will be dealing with their endless stream of extremist replacements a decade from now.
We are in this for the long haul.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by CaptainJailew
True, but when would an actual terrorist who is hell-bent on destroying America (assuming they exist) say anything which wouldn't work towards instilling fear into the hearts of the populous? Why couldn't the government put words into the mouths of existing terrorists, or simply choose not to spread information or give coverage to things said which don't further their intentions?

Answer: They wouldn't.

Syrian Sister is just a shill for the islamofascists. There's also a rumor that "she" was originally a male terrorist that was captured by the CIA and given a sex change operation as punishment. As bizarre as this may sound, it is apparantly working, because as a woman in the muslim world, "she" is now confined to her house. Now, instead of being able to be out on the streets planting bombs, etc., she can only spew harmless BS on the internet.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 04:05 PM
Jesus says:

pray for your enemies...

i dont know why this guy would be your enemy but...

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