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Are You For Or Against A War With Iran/North Korea?

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posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
I'm for strategic bombing of both, but no full-scale invasion.

And while wer'e at it we better take out China, Russia, Pakistain and India because they have nukes too. We can never be sure of their attitude toward us in the future. Best to just take em out now before they get corrupted by something. Oh yeah we gave nukes to Isreal . They spy on us maybe.....

I know that it may take a lot of tax money and the lives of many military personel; but can we take a chance on letting anybody have nukes except us. I don't think so.
Just a little more sarcasm!

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 05:33 PM
So are you planning on taking the UK out aswell because we have nukes?

The only country that needs airstrikes is NK.
A few SAS or Delta etc could destroy the nuclear plant in Iran!

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 06:08 PM
I too vote no in both cases. Here is why:


Iran is going thru their own version of the dark ages where religion rules and tyranny is the result. Its not pretty but its also not something that can be defeated with force. They are at a time and place that they must come out of themselves. Any attack will only strengthen the Mullahs...

North Korea,

We need to ignore North Korea and tell South Korea, "You've had over half a century to learn how to defend yourself. If you can't by now then bygod you deserve to fall."

Harsh, I know. Still, just my humble opinion.


posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 06:17 PM
we dont need to go to war, North Korea will start the war first, and yeah lets see how the South Koreans can defend for themselves after over half century of training and planing. i cant wait to laugh wen those South Korean people who protest against American troops start begging for our help

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 06:36 PM
Bush in addressing reporters questions the other day mentioned the dictator of N Korea by full name. Quite the switch even for Mr Bush.


posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 06:42 PM
if North Korea decides to invade and South Korea fights back, yeah im for the war, i may not like it, but we may have to deal with it.

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by mrwupy
"You've had over half a century to learn how to defend yourself. If you can't by now then bygod you deserve to fall."

I think the US should arm the South with nukes and then when NK tests its first nuke, the south can blow Kim to kingdom come!

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 04:46 PM
At this point America should just focus on cleaning the sh*t at home and get rid of the corrupted politicians. Another very good thing to do would be to stop funding Israel.
If the US stops threatening the freedom of all countries in the world, there will be no need for nuclear weapons.
The US should start to disarm now.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy
we dont need to go to war, North Korea will start the war first, and yeah lets see how the South Koreans can defend for themselves after over half century of training and planing. i cant wait to laugh wen those South Korean people who protest against American troops start begging for our help

Why is America holding six parties talks with NK without being one of the parties? I tell you why: Bush is a looser.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by C0le
Invasion no, but total destruction of ther nuclear facilities yes...

No point in invading them, with the current Be nice tactics we gotta use these days.. its only gotten hmm, a couple thousand of our men and women killed..

Yeah what he said

Originally posted by deltaboywe dont need to go to war, North Korea will start the war first, and yeah lets see how the South Koreans can defend for themselves after over half century of training and planing. i cant wait to laugh wen those South Korean people who protest against American troops start begging for our help

Well I could argue that they could hold their own for a while but otherwise I agree

Originally posted by Identity_Unknown

Originally posted by mrwupy"You've had over half a century to learn how to defend yourself. If you can't by now then bygod you deserve to fall."

Sweet! my comment

I think the US should arm the South with nukes and then when NK tests its first nuke, the south can blow Kim to kingdom come!

I think that they can already as the US has provided the nuclear umbrella for years. Interesting idea though.

Originally posted by WisdomMasterIf the US stops threatening the freedom of all countries in the world, there will be no need for nuclear weapons.The US should start to disarm now.

Complete and utter horse#e.

Originally posted by WisdomMaster
Why is America holding six parties talks with NK without being one of the parties? I tell you why: Bush is a looser.

No, he doesn't cave to demands as his predecessor did.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 05:27 PM
The only true aggressor in the world today is the US. Most people here will not agree with this statement, but if you don't believe me please tell me who has been the ones starting all the wars lately? Iraq? Iran? North Korea? Afghanistan?

They did not make the first strikes. The US made the first strikes. In fact regarding the aggressor here take a look at the history of WAR involving the us.
This list goes up to 2000 I think so the current wars aren't even looked at here.

If we don't attack Iran and North Korea what will really happen? Nothing. Plain and simple. Sure North Korea has its own problems and Kim should be thrown out of power. But it should be done by its own citizens and them alone. Invading other countries freedoms and taking away their right to choose their own destiny has been the USA's problem for decades.

They force their western beliefs onto other countries when they have no LEGAL right to do so.

BTW if we strike north korea, That will be the beginning of a Nuclear Holocaust. Will the US drop even more atomic bombs in the east??? (WW2 Hiroshima, Nagasaki)

Ignorance is bliss? Prove me wrong.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by edsinger

Originally posted by WisdomMasterIf the US stops threatening the freedom of all countries in the world, there will be no need for nuclear weapons.The US should start to disarm now.

Complete and utter horse#e.

Get real. Certainly not more than the bias cr*p that you post daily. Sorry, but I respond to a personal attack. Was it too painful to swallow the truth?

P.s. you may post a survey and see for yourself what the rest of the world think about America.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by WisdomMaster
Get real. Certainly not more than the bias cr*p that you post daily. Sorry, but I respond to a personal attack. Was it too painful to swallow the truth?

Personal? No it want personal it was just utter gibberish. Truth?

Obviously that doesn't come very easy to you.

Originally posted by WisdomMasterP.s. you may post a survey and see for yourself what the rest of the world think about America.

Well no.1, I could give a hoot less what they think. If it were up to them I would still be speaking German......

The rest of the world has enjoyed a relative 50 years of Growth and peace at the expense of the US taxpayer, so they can either accept it or not.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by CPYKOmega

They force their western beliefs onto other countries when they have no LEGAL right to do so.

BTW if we strike north korea, That will be the beginning of a Nuclear Holocaust. Will the US drop even more atomic bombs in the east??? (WW2 Hiroshima, Nagasaki).

(1) Legal right for Iraq was well LEGAL, Afghanistan LEGAL, you are very young aren't you? Yeah the US invaded South Korea and Vietnam and shall I go on? The responsibility as being a world policeman is not always accepted nor wanted. Sometimes I really wonder what would happen if the US just stayed out of everything? Before your Tulipwalker mind gets to you, really think about that....lets just say from 1946 on.......

(2) Bull Puckey, no it will be no nuclear holocaust, a few warheads can not do that or we all would be dead from the testing in the 50's.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 07:10 PM
Iran: No. If they attack Iran, who has done very little wrong in the last 10 years it would cause major problems for the rest of the "Western World". You'd have "Islamic Terrorists" popping up all over the place.

North Korea: No. Kim although crazy can't do much right now, China are using him to keep America focused on NK instead of China but if pushed you could see Japan or South Korea nuked probably with China getting involved if America invaded and also to grab a nice bit of Korean land.

Worse thing we could do, would be to push Kim. Even though three or four nuclear warheads could not cause a "Nuclear Winter" the dust kicke up from several on say a city like Tokyo would cause major problems world over.

Best thing to do, is let them die out and newer smarter leaders take over - like what has happened with China. Eventually the people tend to get a level of power and say if the dictatorship lasts long enough and does anyone wish to see a Nuclear War? Last thing we need are a few million people killed.

Also with the American Army stretched how it is, a direct nuclear strike in South Korea on their forces could weaken them a lot or even a strike on a carrier battle group which would be possible.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 07:16 PM
Not sure how I feel about Iran yet. North Korea's dig-big-wig is another story.

What ever it takes to rid the free world and our UFO friends of this potential nuclear disaster has to be considered by the minds in free world power.


posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by WisdomMaster
At this point America should just focus on cleaning the sh*t at home and get rid of the corrupted politicians. Another very good thing to do would be to stop funding Israel.

Yeah, sure. Whatever you say.
Starting with the Congress.

Originally posted by WisdomMaster
If the US stops threatening the freedom of all countries in the world, there will be no need for nuclear weapons.

Since when the US use nuclear weapons to threaten the freedom of all countries? Are you living in a dark age of perpetual ignorance?
Did you missed World War II by any chance?

Originally posted by WisdomMaster
The US should start to disarm now.

Right! Starting with our Second Amendment, we should all disarm ourselves and every enemy of the US around the world would love to take care of Americans! Oh, have mercy on us Americans! We shall be slaves under your boots, o' Wisdom Master!

By the way, please visit Tibet and kindly ask the Chinese troops to leave Tibet peacefully and let the Dalai Lama returns to his rightful place when you get the chance, okay? Thank you.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 07:27 PM
I'm for both (military options to destroy their hidden nuclear facilities) but I'm against a mass invasion with the US troops alone at either country.

Iran must not have nuclear weapons under its current leadership in power. PERIOD. Nuclear energy for peaceful uses? My a$$.

North Korea have become more unstable, dangerous and untrustworthy with Kim Jong Il in power and blusters at the world with brinkmanship with impunity.

[edit on 6/4/2005 by the_oleneo]

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by edsinger

Originally posted by WisdomMasterIf the US stops threatening the freedom of all countries in the world, there will be no need for nuclear weapons.The US should start to disarm now.

Complete and utter horse#e.

You're defacing the thread with your insultive language. Why don't you just stop insulting people and back your claims up, instead ?

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by Moretti

Originally posted by edsinger

Originally posted by WisdomMasterIf the US stops threatening the freedom of all countries in the world, there will be no need for nuclear weapons.The US should start to disarm now.

Complete and utter horse#e.

You're defacing the thread with your insultive language. Why don't you just stop insulting people and back your claims up, instead ?

No, little Moretti... Edsinger is simply denouncing wisdommaster's fallacious comment above.

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