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Corporate Conspircys

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posted on May, 23 2005 @ 11:06 PM
Yo its CMAN,

Threwout my life ive been always intrested in companies and how they are bassicly above the law and such, know over the years ive been searching for corperate scandals and conspircys but never really found any. And the other day it hits "well u are a member of the biggest cinspircy site on the web" so thats why om writing this thread. Im wondering if u guys have any links on corperate conspircy's?

P.S Im talking BIG Conpircies not lil ones like which C.E.O cheated on his wife ans cuh, u know what i mean BIG conpircys.

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 08:57 PM
I'm not sure I can name any corporate conspiracies for you...but I believe the reason that they are above the law is because, if you look at the men that own huge corporate industries, and the people that are in very high places in the government and secret will find a direct correlation. I'll look for some 'corporate conspiracies' about it though.

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 09:47 PM
ya thanks for helipng out on this thread, i thought it would be kinda tough to find something on it. But ya if you do find anything please tell me. But ur sure as hell right about the fact that thye are directly connected to governmnet after all look what happend in iraq hahah.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 11:21 AM
Don't look at corporations -- look at the environmental industry.

The center biological diversity, wilderness society, et al gets some of its funding from the Mexican drug cartels. The Mexican cartels operate most of the meth labs and pot gardens on public lands in the western U.S. and keeping those lands in a wilderness or near wilderness condition protects their labs, and hence their profits. There is also a loose link, not fully understood, between islamic terrorist groups and the Mexican cartels.

The sierra club and the wilderness society jointly created earth first and financially backed it for the first ten years. They wanted an organization even more radical so they would look moderate in comparison. Earth first later created E.L.F. too make earth first look moderate.

Earth first receives funding from the earth island institute, which has received $6 million since 1995 from the Heinz Family Foundation (Theresa Heinz Kerry, wife of Sen. John Kerry, is the chair of the Heinz Family Foundation).

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by dave_54
Don't look at corporations -- look at the environmental industry.

There is also a loose link, not fully understood, between islamic terrorist groups and the Mexican cartels.

Do you think that this Bilogical Industry had anything to do with 911? im not sure my self, thats why im asking you. Perhaps. And i got another idea for any one looking at this thread does anyone know if any corperations have private armies? u know like mercenaries.

[edit on 25-5-2005 by CMAN]

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by CMAN
Do you think that this Bilogical Industry had anything to do with 911? im not sure my self, thats why im asking you. Perhaps. And i got another idea for any one looking at this thread does anyone know if any corperations have private armies? u know like mercenaries.
[edit on 25-5-2005 by CMAN]

Hitler had his own private army, perhaps some major companies have them as well, but don't reveal them. I do believe that major corporate empires do have their own assassins at the least to get rid of people that need not reveal their secrets.


posted on May, 30 2005 @ 02:57 PM
maybe, do u got any ideas of when ur thory would come into place. Like any corperate assainations in history. I wonder if people at enron were killed when they tried to tell the govt. of whats going on.

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 04:47 PM
Look at conglomoration of multi million dollar companies. Those companies involved with the Rothschilds or the carlyle group, are a start but the rabbit hole is deep.

Look also at government contracts for weapons, etc...

I would agree with dave in saying look at environmental companies.

Cigarette companies as well as anti-cigarette ads are huge. The loophole for advetizing cigarettes on TV, truth inc, basically does nothing to make people stop smoking. I bet that if you smoke, seeing one of their ads makes you want to smoke, right? Reynolds, winston, and all the major tobacco companies are involved in food production as well as other markets. They don't just make cigarettes, they also make snack foods and such. Are they trying to kill us with our eating habits? Obesity and diabeties are a plague to our society, They are once again profiting off of your addiction to appetite. Believe it or not you could probably easily survive a week without food. But they prey on the flaws of humanity. Look for this telltale sign, and you have found conspiracy.

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 01:21 PM

...Do you think that this Bilogical Industry had anything to do with 911? im not sure my self, thats why im asking you. Perhaps...
[edit on 25-5-2005 by CMAN]


As you know, following the collapse of the Soviet Union the global peace movement (AKA world communism movement) was orphaned. The former pro-communist peaceniks migrated to the environmental industry and burrowed in. In a few years the former anti-American pro-communists had taken over the environmental industry, dominating the philosophy and direction if not outright leadership. Their goals remained the same, regardless. Look at the extreme leftward tilt the sierra club, greenpeace, wilderness society, et al took in the early 1990's. All these groups are now solidly anti-capitalism and pro-socialism, hiding their true leftist agenda with a green smokescreen.

The environmental industry and islamic terrorists groups share the same goals, even if they do not openly cooperate with each other.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Omniscient
Hitler had his own private army, perhaps some major companies have them as well, but don't reveal them. I do believe that major corporate empires do have their own assassins at the least to get rid of people that need not reveal their secrets.


Private army? You'd need to start looking at security firms and places like Wackenhut. Wackenhut is the security firm that does security for some government installations and allegedly places like Area 51.

Names escape me right now, but there are a couple of big security firms that are doing mercenary work for the US government in Iraq. They "outsource" some of the missions to these private companies because they often are made up of ex-Army/Marines guys who have more training. Plus loopholes in the contracts allow them to basically commit war crimes without reprisal.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by CMAN
I wonder if people at enron were killed when they tried to tell the govt. of whats going on.

Maybe J. Clifford Baxter was hit, or his quilt was more than he could withstand.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by CMAN
I wonder if people at enron were killed when they tried to tell the govt. of whats going on.

Maybe J. Clifford Baxter was hit, or his quilt was more than he could withstand.

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 12:16 AM
I am sure a little research into the former Enron Corporation would yield a lot of conspiracies. I have only heard rumors, but it seems they have gotten themselves into many suspicious situations.

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by CMAN
...I wonder if people at enron were killed when they tried to tell the govt. of whats going on.

Enron was not a secret. It was very evident and all the information was available to the public well before the scheme collapsed. Thousands of savvy investors were dumping Enron stock in the previous year. The Edgar web site has all their public filings. Our investment club read their annual and quarterly reports and we voted to sell our Enron stock the previous September. Too many red flags. The two other investment clubs in this area independently reached the same conclusion. Something funny was going on with Enron accounting.

Don't know why the SEC and the big analysts failed to connect the dots. We did along with many other investment clubs and we are all amateurs.

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