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Mental Electromagnetic Field

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posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 02:06 AM
I haven't had much time to think this through... but here's some speculation for ya'.

(Sorry if I have any technical inacuracies... I'd like to be corrected on them so I can further my knowledge... so feel free to tear this appart).

Here goes:

Facts as I know them (correct me if I'm wrong)

Your brain operates by sending electrical signals between nerve cells.

Electricity produces electromagnetc fields.

Electromagnetic fields can induce electricity.

Speculations and questions:

Could the electromagnetic field be picked up and decoded effectively allowing someone to 'read your mind'?

Since your brain operates on electrical impulses... could the electromagnetic field produced by someone else's brain induce electrical impulses in YOUR brain? (telepathy?)

I'd like some feedback on this... I just kinda' thought of this while I was sitting around a few nights ago and don't quite know all the info I need to decide if I'm right or wrong.

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 06:03 AM
There have been quite a few studies done on this in the medical field.

Electrodes being applied to the scalp and then being used to stimulate different responses depending on which electrode/s are used.

They managed to produce random memories and change peoples moods and I you can find 'mind maps' showing which parts of the brain are used for what functions - memory/moods.....

So if someone was able to use the dormant 90%ish of the brain I suspect they could actively use mind control with ease.

posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by johnb
So if someone was able to use the dormant 90%ish of the brain I suspect they could actively use mind control with ease.

That dormant 90% of the brain stuff is just a hoax...

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 04:27 AM
quote Greyhaven: Could the electromagnetic field be picked up and decoded effectively allowing someone to 'read your mind'?

something like this?

( )

[Edited on 8-8-2003 by alienaddicted]

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 06:38 AM
I've been told that harp manipulates electromagnetic fields to the point where in can effect how people feel, it has been said that when emitting energy, over a wide area, harp controlled human emotion effecting people to feel very uncomfatable, everyone. We are after all a collection of electrons.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by TheBandit795

Originally posted by johnb
So if someone was able to use the dormant 90%ish of the brain I suspect they could actively use mind control with ease.

That dormant 90% of the brain stuff is just a hoax...

Could well be but that is just another opinion - how then are feats of superhuman endurance & strength achieved, how are dreams created, what is the subconscious,astral projection, remote viewing, dowsing .....
These are things the majority of people cannot do but surely we all have the inherent ability this is surely more proof that we do not use fully utilise our brain power, than some bloke saying its not true but not offering any evidence - just moaning about psychics in general.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 08:26 AM
Some technical corrections:

Originally posted by Greyhaven
Your brain operates by sending electrical signals between nerve cells.

Sorry, but the mechanism is chemical (dopamine and other neuroreceptors.)

Could the electromagnetic field be picked up and decoded effectively allowing someone to 'read your mind'?

No. They've already tried it. It was one approach that was tried as a measure of increasing security for airports and so forth and they found that it just didn't work. Several news stories on this last year.

Think about the "language" of the brain. You don't just sit down and think things through in words when you're coming up with an idea. It's a series of "flashes" of concepts (codes). Brain language isn't the same as speech language.

Since your brain operates on electrical impulses... could the electromagnetic field produced by someone else's brain induce electrical impulses in YOUR brain? (telepathy?)

Not as weak a field as it is.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by Byrd
Some technical corrections:

Originally posted by Greyhaven
Your brain operates by sending electrical signals between nerve cells.

Sorry, but the mechanism is chemical (dopamine and other neuroreceptors.)

I'm not a doctor or something, but I think the right word is electro-chemical.

Could the electromagnetic field be picked up and decoded effectively allowing someone to 'read your mind'?

No. They've already tried it. It was one approach that was tried as a measure of increasing security for airports and so forth and they found that it just didn't work. Several news stories on this last year.

Think about the "language" of the brain. You don't just sit down and think things through in words when you're coming up with an idea. It's a series of "flashes" of concepts (codes). Brain language isn't the same as speech language.

read the link I posted in the previous post, (didn't work when I posted it, just noticed, changed the link)

It works but there has to be 'at least one sensor on the human being'

Since your brain operates on electrical impulses... could the electromagnetic field produced by someone else's brain induce electrical impulses in YOUR brain? (telepathy?)

Not as weak a field as it is.

Don't know..., maybe one can make the field stronger? You sound so sure?

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 11:54 PM
hmm thats interesting, kinda coincides with a theory i just read that everyone goes to one kinda rythm, a graduate student working under Edward T. Hall recorded kids playing in a school yard n found that the movement of the children seemed to go to a beat, and they found a song (unnamed in the article and book i read it in) and the beat synched with the kids moving, and there was a little gilr running around orchestrating much of the movement, i wish i could obtain the video or the name of the song even, if anyone has any more info i'd be interested in finding out, u2u it to me, anyways maybe people's magnetic fields coming togteher would allow such a thing to happen??

[Edited on 9-8-2003 by banjoechef]

posted on Aug, 9 2003 @ 12:16 AM
has a lot of nifty things to say regarding spatial perception. One of the things he seemed to conclude in his later works was that there was not some universal rhythym....spatial perception, as he studied it, varied tremendously between cultures.

posted on Aug, 28 2003 @ 11:42 AM

ah, lol, december 2002, looked at the date in the upper right corner, (shows the date of the day) thought I found some recent news,.. bummer, hehhe

[Edited on 29-8-2003 by alienaddicted]

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