Hello, FibroKat, nice to meet you.
We each have our own backgrounds, and I'm sure mony of us have come to different conlusions about these sorts of thigns based on what we know.
You've asked for "feedback" however, so will I offer you the following questions for you to consider, that you may come to what conclusions you
>I think I have been abducted since childhood.
>I think I have borne hybrid, grey children.
>I think my father could have been abducted at least once.
In general...would you say that aliens who abduct people, impregnate then, steal the children, and then tamper with their memories of it...would
you speculate that these would be "good" aliens, or "bad" aliens? Set aside your feelings, for just a moment...and ask yourself that question. Is
this behavior you would expect from a benevolent intelligence?
The obvious example, would of course be humans. yes, we "abduct" whales and insert radiotags. Yes, we breed animals and take their children.
We also regularly kill and eat them
>strangely enough, I believe that my hybrid children feel love...
>and feel it for me.
"Strangely?" It's interesting that you chose to phrase it that way. You find it *strange* that these (your) children would love you?
>When I first started getting ill, I would wake up feeling very
>badly...I would then jokingly tell my family that "the aliens
>came and got me last night,"
...oh, so you started getting ill at about the same time these abductions started happening?
>if you wake up feeling like crap,
>then the aliens came and got you last night.
And every time they do, it has direct negative affects an you and your body?
>he remembers a lot of things during his abductions.
>He is physically disabled.
And these negative affects are so extremely bad that your husband may even be physically disabled as a result of them?
>We had a severely disabled daughter who died earlier this year
And may have resulted in severe disability, and subsequent death to your daughter?
>What would they do for love?
Excuse me? Love? How do you conclude love from any of this?
>I first saw a drawing or picture of a grey
>I cried...cringed? I think I remember experiencing fear or
>possibly shock-like symptoms
Fear? Shock? You cried? You cringed? These creatures and your experiences with them have been so pleasant, so "loving" that you immediatly cried
out of FEAR and SHOCK at being reminded of them?
>I've often wished I could be hypnotised to see if there
>is any validity to my feelings.
I am certain that hypnosis could be arranged. However, I would like to point out two things. First, why do you feel you require hypnosis to know
that your feelings are valid? Do they not stand on their own?
Second...before you seek it out, you might consider doing a little research into what others in your position have concluded after receiving it.
And...next time you're thinking about feelings of love, do a google search for "screen memory."