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Water Cures "All"?

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posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 09:09 AM

Sorry. Just had to defend my stock of frozen veggies. Frozen doesn't always mean bad.

damn skippy. I eat frozen stuff too. some frozen foods are awesome, some or even better than canned food. fresh food is hard to beat. but I have to agree on the frozen veggies. I have a couple bags of frozen veggies myself. its awesome.


posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 09:10 AM
Letting your body be dehydrated is like letting your car battery go dry, it stops working (does anybody remember when you had to periodically add distilled water to your car battery to keep it from frying?). Proper hydration is key to peak function. The flow of electrolytes is facilitated by hydration. Our bodies function on electrical impulses, hence the importance of electrolytes. Many people go around all the time in a state of partial dehydration, and it causes all kinds of problems for them. Getting my ex to believe this and start drinking enough water is probably the best thing I ever did for her, outside of helping her conceive our son. My older brother even goes so far as to drink Pedialyte over Gatorade.

I prefer plenty of water, and lots of sunflower seeds!

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 11:33 AM
also. water prevents many things that are thought to be the root problem.
one example is a headache.

sometimes a lack of water is a problem and the headache is just the symptom.

kinda like the iol light in your car. the light is not the problem the light is telling you about the problem.
you have two options when it comes to the oil light.
1. find and fix the problem
2. unplug the light.

most people in their lifetime unplug lights instead of fixing the problem which is why (I think) the expected lifespan of humans today is less the 100 years.

why take an aspirin? was it the lack of an aspirin that caused your headache? no it was something else. possibly the lack of sleep, or lack of water, or lack of prpoer nutrition. there are many problems we have, but I think that we overlook the problem and treat the symptom instead. which leads our lives to an earlier death.

just my opinion


posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by Evolution Cruncher
also. water prevents many things that are thought to be the root problem.
one example is a headache.

Yup - dehydration is probably one of the leading causes of headaches. By the time you actually feel thirsty, you're already dehydrated.

most people in their lifetime unplug lights instead of fixing the problem which is why (I think) the expected lifespan of humans today is less the 100 years.

Not sure what you're saying here
? That humans have had regular 100+plus year lifespans?

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 02:40 PM
I read this thread yester day while having a headache....So I thought..."I'm dehydrated!" So I drank two cups of water and ate some Lemon Lucas ( I don't know if that qualifiys as salt) but it worked withen 20 minutes!!!! And I have been suffuring from headachs atleast everyday everyother month!!!
I'm soo happy!!! It's so obvious and yet i never done it!!! For now on I'm going to drink more water!! Stupid Excedrin.......that works sometime but it just makes me soooo jitery everytime!!

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 02:55 PM
Yup, you read it correctly... ELECTROLYTES! Without water, your body could not produce electrolytes which are essential for the conversion of energy in the human body. Without enough water the body begins to conserve enrgy by slowing down the metabolism which makes you feel lethargic and tired. Water is also crucial for keeping your saline levels steady in your blood stream. Water helps your liver and kidneys to process the waste out of your system. Water ensures that you can properly maintain body temperature. Water is essential in the production of ACH (acetylcholine), the chemical in the brain that aids in cognitive abilities. In short, not enough water, not enough good body functions. Gotta drink your water.

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 03:02 PM
Kozmo, it's essential that you replenish those electrolytes whilst you're drinking a lot of water....Gatorade can help this, as can most similar sports-types drinks. So can adding a teaspoon or so of salt to your drinking water (but be sensible about it).

If you simply keep drinking water, you're going to seriously increase your risk of hyponatremia (very simply: your plasma electrolyte levels are too low due to dilution).

And that's never pleasant.

Sometimes it can kill. In fact, there are several well-publicised cases; this page gives basic information relating to hyponatremia.. In short, you can't just keep drinking water without also taking measures to counter the effects of sodium dilution.

(There's a couple of posts on the thread about that too, I think)

[edit on 15-8-2005 by Tinkleflower]

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 03:08 PM
Oh yeah... no doubt about it. Believe me, I know... having been a long-distance runner for over 20 years. My only point is that water is essential and cannot be eliminated. In fact, Gatoraid takes nearly as much water out of your system as it replenishes for a zero sum gain in fluids. Not a good thing if you are sweating and need to replenish fluids. Conversly, Colas, coffee and alcohol take over 3 times (On the average) the amount of water out of your system to digest and process than it replenishes. So don't go looking for that cold Coke and that cold beer if you're out working in the hot sun... make sure that you have water with it.

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 03:25 PM

Electrolyte-replacement drinks do cause the body to retain more fluid than plain water; that's really what I was getting at. IOW, you can't always compensate by plain water alone.

As you're an athlete, do you remember Cynthia Lucero? I hadn't heard anything about her really, until I was researching the death of Leah Betts a couple of years ago.

“Studies have shown that athletes can lose two or more grams of salt per litre of sweat,” said Eichner, who is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Centre. “If you consider that athletes may lose up to a litre or more of sweat each hour, you can see that over a long endurance event it is not unimaginable that an athlete could sweat out 30 or 40 grams of salt. Replacing this loss of sodium during an event is critical to performance and safety.”

A tragic case

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by QuestForSafety

Strangely enough, aside from starving, the best time I feel most healthy is when I'm on a strictly water diet,

with only supplements allowed, and I can last that way for long,

the supplements of various kinds, providing my body with more than enough proper nutrition,
yet no garbage that even 'real food' has in it, regardless of additives.

yes....been there- done that, concerning the water diet

it well could be that the feeling of vitality you noted...( the Natural High) is only meant to be experienced in short intervals .
And your returning to crass/beastal ingesting of animal & vegetable meant to be the 'humbling' experience in the larger spiritual/philosophic view
I personally do a fasting once-a-month, liquid diet only, 2 days normally.
- -i do not try any endurance.....?test?, so i'm uncertain if i could/would 'last' as you state in the 2nd part of your thought-line.

Since you seem, illuminated, attenuated,
its been said that 'prophets' have subsisted on, water of course,....
but the only 'food' they consumed was Natural Honey.
I also ponder the ancient pagan lore that the 'gods' ate Ambrosia to sustain theirselves....
thereby not wallowing in the bane of all humans, the almost profane
cannibalization of the earth-goddesses' fruits & flesh.

well, anyhow....walk gently, QuestForSafety


posted on Aug, 20 2005 @ 11:48 PM
It's kindof funny. After I first learned about this I tried to start drinking that much water, that is, half my body weight in ounces. About a week later I saw this thread, how convenient. So I've been really trying this last week, and it's DIFFICULT to drink this much water a day. I've been carrying a water bottle around everywhere. To keep myself from getting bored with it I try to take juice/milk/tea to keep my liquids interesting. It's a LOT to drink. I started to realize that I usually didn't drink much water at all in the course of a day. Also, for the last few days I've been trying to track down "UNREFINED" sea salt, and that's tough, real tough. Most sea salt will say that it's spiffy in one way or another but still it's usually been bleached and refined. They don't tell you this on the packaging but you can tell when you hold it next to regular salt and it's just as bright. Anyways, I've been taking salt in any form I can get it just to make sure I don't make my water/salt level unbalanced. When I first found this information it said that as long as you drank enough water, you could put salt on as many things as you like, just to keep your water intake up to par.

As for frozen vegetables: they actually, truthfully contain more vitamins than the produce on the shelf, and this is why so pay attention= Produce on the shelf is picked long before it is ripe in order to keep it from getting rotten during transit. It ripens during the trip to your store. Frozen foods are picked when ripe, usually. They are prepared and then frozen immediately. Having ripened more on the actual plant, absorbing far more nutrients and tasting a whole hell of a lot better at the time of being frozen. Taste doesn't really matter for what we're talking about, but the fact that the frozen food contains much more of what you claim to be looking for in your health should warm you to them. Food in the produce section has been off the vine/tree/whatever for a long time, ripening in a crate without its mother plant, feeding off itself, sucking nutrients into it's pits or whatever, and frozen foods were left on the plant to ripen, harvested, and usually packaged at the plant on location or very near to the location where they were grown.

[edit on 20-8-2005 by Incognita]

posted on Aug, 21 2005 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by Incognita
To keep myself from getting bored with it I try to take juice/milk/tea to keep my liquids interesting.

Be careful with this, according to the water cure no other liquid is a substitute for the amount of water you actually need. In fact, some other liquids are actually a problem. In addition to the basic calculation to come up with your water needs, (half your body weight in ounces) in fact any amount of caffinated or alcoholic beverage requires an additional 2 times that amount of water to counter. As I am a coffee feind myself, my actual water needs were substantially higher than the base calculation.

For instance, if you weigh 128 pounds your basic needs are one gallon of water/day (64 ounces). For every 8 ounces of coffee/tea/wine (include most sodas too), add another 16 ounces of water.

Also, for the last few days I've been trying to track down "UNREFINED" sea salt, and that's tough, real tough. ......

Anyways, I've been taking salt in any form I can get it just to make sure I don't make my water/salt level unbalanced. [edit on 20-8-2005 by Incognita]

Again, caution is advised, part of the sea salt is the replacement of a vast amount of essential minerals, especially if you are flushing your system like that. Table salt is not a substitute. I was able to track down Celtic Sea Salt at a local health food store. Yes you are right, it is hard to find, but there is no substitute. You need a quarter teaspoon for every quart of water.

posted on Aug, 21 2005 @ 11:21 AM
Water in itself may not be the cure for everything but drinking 8 glasses a day has always been recommended, especially if you are dieting. Water does hydrate the body in a way other liquids don't and is good for your skin as well. It should be a daily part of good nutrition but not a cure for everything that ails you.

posted on Aug, 21 2005 @ 01:28 PM
Excess of anyrthing is bad.

But as for water , Water is life and its abundent in many countries.

so you gotta be greatful that you could sip water and think of the poor people

posted on Aug, 21 2005 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by anniejhops
It should be a daily part of good nutrition but not a cure for everything that ails you.

No, not everything, but the water cure does address a lot of common ailments if followed properly. It really would be most interesting if more people with the basic common stuff (allergies, sinus problems, ulcers, arthritis pain, etc.) actually gave it a try and reported back in a week or two.


posted on Aug, 21 2005 @ 04:43 PM
Don't know if it has already been posted, but the original link in the first post is not worth looking at.

These are the ones that are of interesting. And yes, water, when givent he right energy can help improve the phsyical and spiritual part of your bodies.

messages from water
masaru's website

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 06:53 AM
Nothing is an omnipotent cure, but it seems fairly obvious that the use of diuretics is an atrocious mistake most of the time and that soft-drinks, coffee, tea, etc. are all excaberating the problem. On top of that, no-one needs to toss medication, water is naturally compatible with anything, so i suggest using common sense wrt this kind of advice.

BTW: There's nothing with less side effects, is there?? exceptions are of course flouridated, distilled and salt water, now that's a discalimer, ain't it?

links which might be useful - general, overwise with a horrible choice of font colors - asthma specifically

oh, and before i forget it: anyone compared the hazards of medication and simple water lately??

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by drogo
water, yuck. i can't stand to drink water. it tasts nasty and just sloshes arround my stomach makeing me feel sick.

Dude, you should do a water analysis on the "water" you're drinking.

also drinking water just makes me more thirsty,

If it was really water then it would quinch your thirst by its very nature.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 01:23 PM
Too much of anything can kill you. If you OD on Vitamin C you'll die too. But there is no doubting that water is much better for you than a lot of other stuff out there.

I had a free PDF book on the benefits and supposed 'miracles' of water, but I can't seem to find it any more

I have had probably a total of 12 sodas in roughly 4 or 5 years now. now, when i drink soda, my body aches for a while after.

I love my pop, but sometimes we run out and I don't drink any for about a week or two. Then once I drink it again, my body isn't used to it and I get really bad stomach aches and my insides get all messed up. Coke is especially bad for this. But once you start drinking soda, water tastes bland and disgusting so it's hard to stop. I am also allergic to pure fruit juice (yes weird), so that rules that out. I have found the best option is un-concentrated cranberry juice.

The only problem for me with drinking tons of water is having to go to the bathroom about every 45 minutes. My job pretty much forces me to stay dehydrated, because I have to work for 4-5 hours with only a 15 minute break. I'm alone and no one can cover for me while I go to the bathroom, so I'm dehydrated for about 20 hours a week. I'm surprised I don't have kidney stones yet.

I think I heard that unless your urine is completely clear, you're dehydrated. I think that would make most people dehydrated most of the time.

PS: Is there any actual number on how much water it takes to kill yourself? I don't want to know for that reason, I want to know to avoid it. It has to be something pretty ridiculously high. I reckon you'd have to keep drinking after you feel full of water for quite a while.

[edit on 19-3-2006 by Yarcofin]

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 01:50 PM
I've heard you can actually die from drinking too much water, but they're talking gallons.

I also find drinking more than 3 glasses a day makes me queezy.

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