posted on May, 22 2005 @ 08:31 PM
This makes me laugh. Since the press does not have to release their sources how on earth are they going to know who took the pictures to start with?
It could have been an American or Iraqi for all anyone knows.
Men are shown in their underwear everyday in the media, what makes Sad Man So special?
Tabloids/Paparazzi have printed these types of photos for decades and the plaintiffs lost the lawsuit in virtually all of them. Once you are famous
as far as the press is concerned you are far game and have to live with it.
No doubt the lawsuit was the lawyers idea to start with since they are only in it for the money, Sad mans money that is. Oh wait check that, I meant
to say money stolen from the Iraqi people.
His chances of wining are zip - zero - nadda, far worse pictures have been published and they lost.
[edit on 5/22/2005 by shots]