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My own abduction

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posted on May, 22 2005 @ 05:29 AM
Hello all, I am new here, and figure I would share this with people, I ask that if you don't believe me then please don't post, I am very sensitive to what people say to me, and I don't want any bad feelings.

Now most abductees don't come forward very often, due to the fact that many people don't believe and they get made fun of, I'm coming forward because it seems this board is very mature enough to handle it.

I haven't been abducted for very long this all started in 2003, for a two years now, only in 2003 I didn't realize what was really going on. Now most of these abductions are sort of like dreams, now I do DREAM about aliens, and I know there is a differenece between the dreams and abductions. most of my abductions I wake up with either a numb face or sometimes a bloody nose, fingerprints on my arms, around my neck where they held me down. Abductions are not fun, I don't like any of it, and I am still confused why I was picked?

So it started in 2003, my first abduction was the night before my husband got fixed, i'll say, i was going to sleep or trying, it was July 17th 2003, I remember it like it was yesterday, I actually saw a UFO, that looked like plane up until the thing stopped in mid-air and flew over my house once they saw a real airplane. I then went to sleep. I woke up and I was at a picnic of some sort, these strange men and woman basically raided the party and told evryone to go with them, we all lined up and we were brought into an abandoned hospital, i was immediately taken to a room, and was stripped of my clothes, and had to put a gown on. The room was very small, and three woman walked in, except they weren't women they were aliens, they had blackest eyes, yet they looked human. So one woman grabbed my feet and the other grabbed my hands and they both held me down, they were wicked strong, the third woman took a needle and injected it into my abdomen and withdrew my eggs, so they took my eggs, when they were done , they told me that I was no longer going to have babies anymore, they said I could leave.

I got up and walked out of the room, I looked everywhere they were these small humans and tall humans but they were all aliens. I started to run, because I became very scared, I was running down the hall and I looked back and saw these greys running after me, i ran until I saw a door, and I opened the door and huge flash of light engulfed me, and I woke up, and i was shaking and terrified, as if it really happened. Now I have talked with other abductees about this and they believe this one to be real, and so do I.

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 05:50 AM
Now i am going to talk about the terrifying one that happend last year in 2004 of March. this has really scared me, and i know it was not a dream, plus i will also tell of what happened in december of 2004, that happened while i was awake.

On March 28th 2004 I turned 27, that night soemthing happened to me thathas really changed my life! Ok I have to say I went to bed just fine that night, in fact i fell right to sleep. Now I woke up later but I wasn't in my room, i woked up to feeling drugged, like someone had drugged me, I felt sluggish, and I remember I was seeing white, two white things, and the more focused I saw two white figures looking at me, and these two figures turned into aliens, and they were just staring at me, I was naked on a flat uncomfortable table, i had a blanket drapped on me, I saw a huge doctor's lamp, the one they use during childbirth, and they got really close to me, I didn't understand what I was doing there, one of them reached down and pulled a fetus still in it's sack out of me, and they showed me the baby, (okay I'll stop, I have to say that during this time i was 3 weeks late with my period, how I even got pregnant is beyond me because my husband was fixed and no stuf was getting through) So they took the baby, and I was hearing screaming, but it wasn't from me, it was from another girl, she had blonde hair looked very young, and they were holding her down and they put the baby in her. After that I basically blacked out, or passed out, and woke up in my room, I went to the bathroom and blood just started coming out.

After that incident I styarted looking up aliens, and the whole abduction thing, and i realized I wasn't alone with this, many women had their babies taken from them for hybrid purposes, i was shocked, terrified and upset. I was made fun of, and ridiculed by people who didn't know me, they said for me to stop watching the x-files, and i have to admit I am not an x-file girl, i can't stand that show, in fact before this I wasn't interested in aliens at all!

So I realized after going through the motions it was real for me, 2 weeks later i had flashbacks from the incident, i saw myself being floated out of my room, and being beamed to a ship, I also saw in my flashbacks, an alien standing in my doorway, and seeing the earth below me as I was in a ship! i know this to be real! It didn't stop that night, oh no, I continued to either dream or be taken by them.

Now this all came to a head on december 2004, in fact christmas Eve. i remember i was being woken up weeks before this happened around 2am every night, and I would scan my room, because I felt something was in my room. On christmas eve i gotten woken up at 2am, and looked around my room, i didn't see anything at first, and yes i was wide awake. i looked to my window and thought it was morning, it was so bright out I thought it was 7 am. I saw this grey standing there, looking at me he was tall, and had human features, with ne ears, he wasn't really a grey, he was different looking. I saw him with my own eyes. I don't know what he did to me but I saw him, and he looked at me disappeared and I fell right to sleep, I woke up that morning, the real morning naked, with my underwear off, and the covers were thrown off of me, i don't know what happened, but my face, my left side was completely numb, i couldn't feel that side of my face, before i got up I saw lights outside the window, and a flash, as if they took off. To me that is as real as it has gotten to say they exist, and i saw one first hand!!!

I have more stories about them and what their ships look like but I am runnign out of time here! plus I posted way too much!! Thank you for letting me share my story, or i should say stories!!


posted on May, 22 2005 @ 06:00 AM
Interesting stories! I must say they correlates nicely with other known abductions. I would like to know more about the interior of the craft if you don't mind.

I would suggest undergoing hypnotherapy to try and bring out the experience in more detail, there is obviously parts that you don't remember because of the beings interaction. You should probably look for any wierd scars or raised surfaces, these can be impants meant to monitor you.

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 06:41 AM
Very interesting recollections you tell there. I only wish there was something we could do to stop these aliens from taking you but they seem like they're too advanced for us.

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 07:31 AM
I understand how convincing these kinds of experiences can be and believe me, I'm not trying to ridicule you but it does seem like these were just very realistic dreams.

Your first one was the night before your husband had a vasectomy - your dream was basically the female equivalent. There's a pretty clear connection there and it's perfectly normal for your daily anxieties to be expressed in dreams. But you did continue to have periods, so obviously it was only a dream.

The next time, your period is late and the aliens re-appear with the same reproductive theme. Again I think your anxiety triggered it, and your body was very likely aware your period had started, so your subconcious tailored the dream to fit.

The last experience you related was connected to a big event again, Christmas can be stressful, especially if you feel you're being judged by family and in-laws. This time the alien was just 'watching' you, so that seems to fit the situation also. You had some insomnia leading up to Christmas, you had a very restless night on Christmas eve, and you may have ended up in an awkward position that caused the numbness - or it could even have been slight sleep paralysis.

Quite honestly, they sound like perfectly normal dreams that just took on an alien theme from the time of the vasectomy (doctors, needles, surgical lights, etc). You don't have to be an X files fan or sci-fi nut to make that connection. At 26, you're very young to be making the decision to not have (any more?) children and that could be causing you more stress than you realize.

If it's worrying you, the next time you have an experience with aliens just try taking control of the events - turn them all into pink ponies..

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 08:23 AM

I’m sure you are sincere and wish to be helpful-----but the “fact” is aliens are real, they visit lots of people on earth.

Perhaps your skepticism is caused by stress brought on by not getting visited by these supernatural ETs.

Lots of people who say they don’t believe are only expressing their deeply hidden emotions of ET envy-----I know you won’t admit to that-----because it can bring ridicule upon you.

Many people some not intentionally, have this latent arrogance-----that they many not realize they have-----but they believe themselves to “know” what other people have seen and experienced-----how is that possible?

I and others who have proof of ET don’t need analysis from those who have no knowledge of that very real phenomenon.

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 09:03 AM
Hi Sleeper.

You have proof as distinct from evidence ??

Care to share ??

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by JayKew

Hi Sleeper.

You have proof as distinct from evidence ??

Care to share ??


Proof and evidence is the same thing, I think. I have proof, I have touched, seen, tasted, been on board ET ships----I didn't say you and others have proof-----that's not for me to give.

I can show you my stuff, my car, my house etc.

I can't show you my neighbors stuff----nor can I show you ETs stuff without permission----I don't own it, it’s not mine to show. All I and others that have experienced ET can do is tell our stories-----nothing else.

Proof or evidence of ET can only come from ET, not from those they entertained with their presents.

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 09:49 AM
Sorry Sleeper but evidence is not proof.

Two distinct things.

I dont object to you saying you have "evidence"... that can be anything but proof is undeniable.

So are you saying you have proof or you have evidence.

If you have proof, then you are almost certainly unique here but if its only evidence, then it can go with the shedloads we hold.

Evidence sadly all to often fails to provide proof.

Take care

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 10:21 AM
Hi MysticalZoe/Jessica,

Read my profile. I have extensive experience in dealing with this.

I applaud your courage in posting your abduction experiences.

Ignore the prejudiced; some people have to learn the hard way.

The Zetan-aliens are indeed formidable but they are not invincible -- no one is.

On our site we have some very practical measures that one can take to avoid a Zetan kidnapping.

Abduction Prevention

Feel free to contact me via e-mail and/or U2U on this and related issues.

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 10:40 AM

Also see: Zetan Long-Term Breeding Program.

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 12:13 PM
Abduction is definitly preventable, it's funny that you have been abducted in that period since that's when ET phenomena dropped in intensity, they might have been Alien Hybrids instead...

Just know I believe you, Paul Richard believes you too and i'm sure so does Sleeper.

However mythatsabigprobe makes a good point, but most of these cases are indeed explained, and fingerprints definitly proof SOMETHING happened.

Also, your numbness, just to be sure, i'd make sure it's not Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and ask your doctor about it, the sooner you start treatment, the better for MS patients.

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 02:19 PM
Hi GZ,

Fingerprints are a form of evidence to be sure. Other forms include implants, illness stemming from radioactive exposure (which ultimately caused the death of Barney Hill) and unexplainable surgical scars. This is in addition to the even more obvious experience of having a fetus taken from one's body.

I'm not convinced that there was or is any significant drop in abduction activity during any period. But I am open to the idea that Hybrids are serving the Zetan empire more than before because of their greater numbers, as more and more of them come of age.


You may also want to get an MRI done to determine if you have any implants, especially in the area of your skull.

[edit on 22-5-2005 by Paul_Richard]

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 06:07 AM
Thanks for the support and non-support, i have been told they are just dreams only once, but that's coming from a non-abductee also. So all I can say is , you can't even comprehend what half of us are going through, and they do come to you as if a dream, that's how most people are abducted, it was not a dream, i know the differenece, I dream all of the time, and I do remember my dreams. I do not wake up in dreams, aware that I am someplace else, and I do not pass out in dreams, and in normal dreams I dream about nice things, not aliens. So they were not dreams. If you wish to believe that fine! believe all you want, but let me ask you this have you ever had a flashback from a dream???? i haven't I had flashbacks from this, bits and pieces that was earsed from memory, since they seem to do that as well.

Now about the person who asked me what the ship looked like, i only saw bits and pieces, the two aliens that were with me, one looked human, and the other was a grey woman with blonde hair. They took me in their ship, the ship had many rooms, in one room, they had water in it, and what came out of the water were reptiles, they were orange reptiles, and i was told from the female alien to stay away from those. (i didn't even know at the time what the reptiles were until this tour, they showed me who they were.) Then I saw another room where most people are taken and abducted, the room where the table is with the lights, and i saw a few greys!

Then they took me to another room, where there was achair, with windows looking out at the sky, I was told to sit down and relax. I did this, now this type of chair was sort of like a dental chair. (I've had another abductee, tell me through the phone, that she was also taken and they had her sit in a dental type chair as well.) i was trsapped to the chair, but it didn't bother me because the female alien was talking to me telepathically, I don't even know what she said! the other female, had these tools coming out from the walls, and they took one tube and stuck it up my nose, and another tube down my throat, they told me to try and not to swallow, or breath up my nose I had to breath out of my mouth, they said they were doing tests on me, but wouldn't tell me what for? I then passed out again and woke up the next morning. So that was my tour of the ship, well half of it.

now there was another time in febuary of this year, i woke in a very unfamiliar place, it looked very industrial looking, i was in a huge tube, the walls were so high I couldn't even climb out if I wanted to. i looked up to see a fan and a huge vent, and I was looking at two eyes watching me, and these things that looked like aliens, (I still don't even know what type of breed they are?) they had grey features, but they were orange, they looked like they were glowing, they had sharp teeth, almost like the reptillians I saw but they were nasty, all I know is tht 4 pf them dropped down and leaped at me, and AGAIN I blacked out, I woke up the next morning with an earache, and this huge, scratch, like 3 in a row on my side between my back and abdomen, that was also the day my family and I came down with a nasty cold. Now, before this happened that night, it seemed the air sort of shifted, there was an eerie presence in the air, and i also saw before going to bed a light outside, and the light centered in spot of my yard, now there are no streetlights because my backyard has woods in them, we have a neighbor but they don't have beam lights, the lights were out there from 8pm until i went to bed! i saw and didn't think anything of it until the next morning!

Anyhow, i know these all to be true, i don't sit around and make anything up, i don't have the time to do so! I am married and have three children, so i have a pretty much normal life! There is more and I have taken more and more, but I feel reluctant to post anymore, from what i read and been told first hand, most abductees don't come forward until they know they can trust the person, not to ridicule them. Then they tell all!


posted on May, 23 2005 @ 06:56 AM
that is quite the story mysticalzoe. i very strongly want to believe you, and others stories. the mass of reports seemingly should be proof enough. but its not. unfortunatley, we humans only cement our beliefs based on our own experiences. did you believe alien abduction with absolute certainty before July 17 2003? no, you didnt even watch Xfiles.

i would emplore you, if in all honesty, you want to know what is happening to you, that you be open to every possibility. eliminating possibilites may render your investigation obsolete. the human mind is an unmapped territory. a final frontier. and our scientific discoveries only raise more questions. a truly open mind should consider all possiblities, even the most improbable.

you are certain you've been abducted. fair enough. the statistics incline me to believe you, and other people claiming to have been abducted. but proof is proof. its doubtful, but i am open to the possibility that you are all liars. (sorry if that sounds harsh)

although abduction is my worst nightmare, i must suffer from ET envy, because i refuse to become completely convinced of your story or anybody elses until i have my own personal proof. (selfish of me?) until that day, it is belief. I BELIEVE YOU.... lets hope you're not a liar on the internet, they're pretty common these days. and i hope you find your peace.

[edit on 23-5-2005 by lost]

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by mysticalzoe
Thanks for the support and non-support

Yes you got both but I wonder if you're thanking the right people for support.

You can collect thousands of abduction accounts that will re-inforce your belief that you're being abducted regularly for devious medical procedures. There's also hundreds of people you can talk to (many here) that will enthusiastically confirm that it's a fact, you're being abducted by aliens and they stole your eggs.

Of course you'll need an MRI now to find that alien implant in your brain and unfortunately, you'll end up dying from radiation exposure like Barney Hill.

Is that the support you want?

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 09:49 AM
Your abductions are some of strangest i have ever heard of and i have noticed less and less people are reporting abductions.

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 10:18 AM
This is definitly one of the oddest experiences I have heard so far, but they usually are strange, it's not always the stereotypical beamed up in a saucer and have medical exams there.

An MRI definitly is adviced, I would tell the MRI people that you are concerned you have MS, you can also see a neurologist.


posted on May, 23 2005 @ 10:41 AM
i only have one question: you say that immediately before the first abduction, you woke up at a picnic... could you please explain this a bit more?

how did you come to be there, and why?

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe

Originally posted by mysticalzoe
Thanks for the support and non-support

Yes you got both but I wonder if you're thanking the right people for support.

You can collect thousands of abduction accounts that will re-inforce your belief that you're being abducted regularly for devious medical procedures. There's also hundreds of people you can talk to (many here) that will enthusiastically confirm that it's a fact, you're being abducted by aliens and they stole your eggs.

Of course you'll need an MRI now to find that alien implant in your brain and unfortunately, you'll end up dying from radiation exposure like Barney Hill.

Is that the support you want?

There is nothing wrong with getting an MRI scan done as well as a general medical exam. Both are prudent acts to take. Knowing the characteristics of a Zetan abduction helps one ascertain if one did indeed occur. Jessica's testimony points to a number of those characteristics. Following up with proper medical treatment will serve to confirm or deny the validity of the kidnappings. If they do not, then the applicable forms of treatment can then be pursued.

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