posted on May, 23 2005 @ 06:07 AM
Thanks for the support and non-support, i have been told they are just dreams only once, but that's coming from a non-abductee also. So all I can say
is , you can't even comprehend what half of us are going through, and they do come to you as if a dream, that's how most people are abducted, it
was not a dream, i know the differenece, I dream all of the time, and I do remember my dreams. I do not wake up in dreams, aware that I am someplace
else, and I do not pass out in dreams, and in normal dreams I dream about nice things, not aliens. So they were not dreams. If you wish to believe
that fine! believe all you want, but let me ask you this have you ever had a flashback from a dream???? i haven't I had flashbacks from this, bits
and pieces that was earsed from memory, since they seem to do that as well.
Now about the person who asked me what the ship looked like, i only saw bits and pieces, the two aliens that were with me, one looked human, and the
other was a grey woman with blonde hair. They took me in their ship, the ship had many rooms, in one room, they had water in it, and what came out of
the water were reptiles, they were orange reptiles, and i was told from the female alien to stay away from those. (i didn't even know at the time
what the reptiles were until this tour, they showed me who they were.) Then I saw another room where most people are taken and abducted, the room
where the table is with the lights, and i saw a few greys!
Then they took me to another room, where there was achair, with windows looking out at the sky, I was told to sit down and relax. I did this, now this
type of chair was sort of like a dental chair. (I've had another abductee, tell me through the phone, that she was also taken and they had her sit
in a dental type chair as well.) i was trsapped to the chair, but it didn't bother me because the female alien was talking to me telepathically, I
don't even know what she said! the other female, had these tools coming out from the walls, and they took one tube and stuck it up my nose, and
another tube down my throat, they told me to try and not to swallow, or breath up my nose I had to breath out of my mouth, they said they were doing
tests on me, but wouldn't tell me what for? I then passed out again and woke up the next morning. So that was my tour of the ship, well half of
now there was another time in febuary of this year, i woke in a very unfamiliar place, it looked very industrial looking, i was in a huge tube, the
walls were so high I couldn't even climb out if I wanted to. i looked up to see a fan and a huge vent, and I was looking at two eyes watching me, and
these things that looked like aliens, (I still don't even know what type of breed they are?) they had grey features, but they were orange, they
looked like they were glowing, they had sharp teeth, almost like the reptillians I saw but they were nasty, all I know is tht 4 pf them dropped down
and leaped at me, and AGAIN I blacked out, I woke up the next morning with an earache, and this huge, scratch, like 3 in a row on my side between my
back and abdomen, that was also the day my family and I came down with a nasty cold. Now, before this happened that night, it seemed the air sort of
shifted, there was an eerie presence in the air, and i also saw before going to bed a light outside, and the light centered in spot of my yard, now
there are no streetlights because my backyard has woods in them, we have a neighbor but they don't have beam lights, the lights were out there from
8pm until i went to bed! i saw and didn't think anything of it until the next morning!
Anyhow, i know these all to be true, i don't sit around and make anything up, i don't have the time to do so! I am married and have three children,
so i have a pretty much normal life! There is more and I have taken more and more, but I feel reluctant to post anymore, from what i read and been
told first hand, most abductees don't come forward until they know they can trust the person, not to ridicule them. Then they tell all!