posted on May, 21 2005 @ 11:40 PM
Nonono, it's 666.
I know a lot of people think one Bible's like another, but that's not necessarily so. There's evidence that the Authorized King James is the only
accurate English translation available today. I'm aware that some modern versions are questioning the 666 and saying it might be 616.
I think this 616 stuff is disinformation. It would make it easier for people to accept the Mark of the Beast.
In another thread I indicated that the Catholic church is behind the NWO. The pope's title is VICARIVS FILII DEI--and those letters add up to 666.
Also, that's Latin for Vicar of the Son of God. Vicar means substitute. Anti (as in antichrist) means in place of or against. So the title not
only adds up to 666, but it literally means Antichrist.
Trust me, it's 666. I read only the King James. I stay away from the modern perversions.